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Change to Board of Review term limits to be on November ballot

By: Nick Powers | Roseville-Eastpointe Eastsider | Published April 18, 2024

ROSEVILLE — The Roseville City Council added an item to the November ballot at its April 9 meeting that will ask voters if they want to make a change to the rules governing the city’s Board of Review.

The proposed amendment to the city’s charter would eliminate term limits for the board. This change addresses the challenge the city faces finding qualified candidates, according to the ballot language.

“This will allow greater efficiency to occur and ensure those who are appointed are competent and experienced in addressing the taxation matters as they may come forward before the Board of Review,” the ballot amendment states.

Three members, appointed by the mayor and confirmed by City Council, make up the board. Currently, the board members can only serve two terms or partial terms consecutively. Regular terms are for three years.

“The purpose of this board is to listen to citizens’ petitions about the assessment of their property and make decisions regarding that assessment,” the city’s website states.

The board has three regular members. Janice Carter is in her second term, David Bommarito is in his first term and Joanne Baker is in her first term. Teresa Huck is an alternate member of the board, and her term limits are the same as the other three board members. Huck is currently in her first term.