Voters in Sterling Heights to decide governor, legislators, judges

Sterling Heights Sentry | Published October 12, 2022

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STERLING HEIGHTS — In the Sentry’s coverage area, voters will decide on Nov. 8 Michigan’s next governor; national and state legislators; county commissioners; and more. Candidates were asked, in 75 words or fewer, to state their top goal(s) if elected. If a candidate went over the word limit, (…) replaces the rest of the answer. The answers are printed verbatim except where material is omitted due to personal attacks or items we know to be false or that are blatant misrepresentations.


Six candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for the position is $159,300 plus benefits.

Gretchen Whitmer
Age: 51
Occupation: I have served as Michigan’s 49th governor since 2019.
Municipality of residence: Lansing, Michigan
For how long: I have lived in Ingham County since 1989, after moving there from Kent County. 
Online campaign information:
Education: Michigan State University (BA, 1993), Detroit College of Law at Michigan State University (JD, 1998)
Previously and currently held elected offices: I have served as Michigan’s 49th Governor since 2019. I previously served as Ingham County Prosecutor in 2016, in the State Senate from 2006-2015, and in the State House of Representatives from 2001-2006.
Top goals: I am focused on the fundamentals: cutting costs for families, improving education, creating good-paying jobs, building resilient infrastructure, and supporting small businesses. 
I will continue fighting to cut taxes for seniors and working families, grow our economy, and protect the fundamental rights of Michigan women.
Despite all the challenges of the past few years, we have brought people together to get things done, and I will build on that momentum to continue moving Michigan forward. 

Tudor M. Dixon
Age: 45
Occupation: Former steel sales executive and small business owner, mother of 4
Municipality of residence: Norton Shores, Muskegon County
For how long: 20+ years
Online campaign information:
Education: Psychology degree from University of Kentucky
Previously and currently held elected offices: None.
Top goals: I am running for governor to improve education after Gretchen Whitmer’s lockdowns set our students back. I am running to restore law and order and declare that we will not accept spiking crime and that we support our police. I am running to improve our economy and ease the burden of regulations. I have vowed to cut 40% of regulations in my first four years so businesses can grow and Michiganders can attain good-paying jobs.

Mary Buzuma
Age: 65
Occupation: Retired U.S. Navy after 26 years in Naval Intelligence
Municipality of residence: Grand Haven
For how long: 12 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA, Political Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As the first Libertarian governor of Michigan I will work to roll back the state and restore the inalienable right to choose for all Michiganders. The right to choose how to educate their children, how to spend their hard earned money, how to best take care of their medical needs and most important how to live their lives.

U.S. Taxpayers
Donna Brandenburg
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Kevin Hogan 
Age: 61
Occupation: Retired Published Research Biochemist (with an Avocation of  Substitute Teacher)
Municipality of residence: Dearborn Heights
For how long: No answer given
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Michigan: Biochemistry, Western Governors University: Masters in Education (teach Chemistry)
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given
Top goals: Provide for Women’s Equality; LGBTQI(+) Equality, End The Gretchen Whitmer COVID19 (and its Variants) Pandemic, Fix Michigan’s broken Education System (only 10 states are worse in education than Michigan), Improve Everyone’s Standard of Living by Improving the Economy through Job Creation (including fixing the damn roads, bridges, and damns) and Ending the The Gretchen Whitmer Dictatorship (E-Cigarrettes off the market, COVID19 Lock Downs, Mask Mandates,...) and providing for Animal Rights.

Natural Law
Daryl M. Simpson
Did not return questionnaire by press time.


Secretary of State
Five candidates are running for one four-year term. The secretary of state receives a salary of $112,410. 

Jocelyn Benson
Age: 44 (at this writing)
Occupation: Michigan Secretary of State, election lawyer
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: 18 years
Online campaign information:
Education: A graduate of Wellesley College, Harvard Law School, Oxford University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Michigan Secretary of State; Wellesley, Massachusetts Town Council 
Top goals: If reelected, my goal will be to continue the work we’ve done since 2018, namely continuing to improve services at the Secretary of State’s Office and protect our democracy so every voice is heard and every vote is counted for Republicans, Democrats and Independents, alike.  We have modernized our office so branch office visits are 20 minutes or less, and in November 2020 I presided over the safest, most secure general election in Michigan history. 

Kristina Elaine Karamo
Age:  37
Occupation: Professor at Wayne County Community College
Municipality of residence: Oak Park
For how long: 4 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA from Oakland University in Communications, Master Degree in Christian Apologetics, Biola University in CA.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate
Top goals: Ensure a politically neutral Department of State. Elections shall be operated per the rule-of-law. Car dealership and repair facility inspections along with fees and fines shall not be used to fund a bloated budget when less than 8% of what is currently generated by the SoS is needed to run the SoS. Ensure SOS branch office and vehicle related operations are customer focused, by ensuring local concerns are integral when improving administrative operations.

Gregory Scott Stempfle
Age: 45
Occupation: Medical Technologist, Henry Ford Hospital
Municipality of Residence: Ferndale
For How Long: Since 2010
Online campaign information:
Education: BS Clinical Laboratory Sciences – Wayne State, 2008; MS Molecular Medicine and Genetics - Wayne State, 2012
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I would like to streamline and automate services, when possible, without leaving those without access to technology behind. I will advocate for changes to the vehicle registration process so that car and truck owners can permanently register their vehicle rather than every year or two years. I will also advocate for changes to our election system to increase the participation of independent and third-party candidates such as ranked choice voting for state elections.

U.S. Taxpayers 
Christine C. Schwartz
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Larry James Hutchinson, Jr.
Age: 49
Occupation: Artist and author
Municipality of residence: Lansing
For how long: 10 years.
Online campaign information: Facebook
Education: Associates of Arts in psychology, Mott Community College, and studied Anthropology and Political Science at University of Michigan - Flint
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goals all fly under the umbrella of campaign finance reform. We need publicly funded elections and for election day to become a state holiday. I’d love to see 100 percent voter participation, but that is not likely. Publicly funded elections can. I sign the waiver and requested that any candidate that has taken money to please return it. Election day becoming a state holiday is a no brainer. Thx and Vote Green.


Attorney General
Four candidates are running for one four-year term. The attorney general receives a salary of $112,410. 

Dana Nessel
Age: 53
Occupation: Michigan Attorney General
Municipality of residence: Plymouth
For how long: I was elected in 2018.
Online campaign information:
Education: Graduated from the University of Michigan and Wayne State University law school.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Attorney General is my first elected office.
Top goals: I would like to continue the work of my first term, fighting for the rights of all Michiganders. I will continue prosecuting sexual assault and domestic violence. I will defend reproductive freedom and uphold the will of the voters. I will pursue consumer protection and go after price-gouging, including when special interests like Big Pharma charge exorbitant prices for life-saving medications. As the People’s Lawyer, I will defend the most vulnerable among us.

Matthew DePerno
Age: 52
Occupation: Attorney 
Municipality of residence: Kalamazoo
For how long: 24 years 
Online campaign information:
Education: Undergrad from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Juris Doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law in 1994, and master’s degree in Taxation Law (LL.M.) from New York University School of Law in 1995.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goal is to restore Michigan to the great state it once was. I will fight to lower the skyrocketing crime, clean up government corruption and fight for parents rights in schools. Michigan was once a leader in business and education and a place we were proud to call home. I will fight to make this a reality again. I kindly ask for your support. 

Joseph W. McHugh Jr.
Age: 44
Occupation: Financial Advisor & Fitness Coach
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: Mid-2021
Online campaign information:
Education: BA Michigan State University, International Relations & Political Economy; MBA Babson College Entrepreneurship & Sustainability 
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: We will restore our liberty and justice by partnering with attorneys and the public to accomplish the following: transparent voting systems run on open source election software, voiding vague laws, terms of service and privacy policy agreements to comply with the 1926 Void for Vagueness doctrine and due process, and enforce a No Harm, No Crime standard to restore free action, release non-violent prisoners, expunge records immediately, and provide backpay for unjustly lost time.

U.S. Taxpayers
Gerald T. Van Sickle
Did not return questionnaire by press time.



U.S. House of Representatives District 10
Four candidates are running for one two-year term. U.S. representatives receive a salary of $174,000.

Carl Marlinga
Age: 75
Occupation: Retired judge
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: 42 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Graduate University of Michigan Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney, Macomb Probate Judge, Macomb Circuit Judge
Top goals: I will introduce legislation to provide research and development money and other incentives to bring new manufacturing jobs to Michigan. We can and should build the energy saving devices the world is waiting for – things like heat pumps, fast EV charging stations, wind turbines, tidal turbines, and solar panels. We can build a booming economy AND save the planet. I will also strongly support restoring a woman’s right to choose.

John James
Age: 41
Occupation: President, James Group
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills, MI
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information:
Education: United States Military Academy, BS; University of Michigan, MBA; Pennsylvania State University, MS Supply Chain Management
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Tackling rising prices, promoting clean water and quality education, repatriating manufacturing. I will help stop reckless policies in Washington that cause more expensive gas, food and essentials. We must stop relying on foreign goods and bring our critical supply chains back to the U.S. I will prioritize investment in our futures by keeping our water clean and protecting a parent’s right to educate their children where they will be safest and most successful.

Mike Saliba
Age: 37
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: Most of my life
Online campaign information:
Education: Some college
Previously and currently held elected offices: None yet
Top goals: My key promise is to vote no on any bill that does not decrease the power of government or increase the freedom of the people. I have pledged to co-sign HR 25, The FAIRtax Bill, which is already in committee in the house. I will demand our leaders seek PEACE in Ukraine. I believe in more personal freedom than a Democrat and more fiscal responsibility than a Republican. I am a Libertarian.

Working Class
Andrea L. Kirby
Age: 45
Occupation: Union Worker
Municipality of residence: Eastpointe
For how long: 10
Online campaign information:
Education: College graduate
Previously and currently held elected offices: n/a
Top goals: My top priority would be to ensure that all of the wealth that is generated by the working class are used for the needs of the working class and not diverted to corporate tax subsidies and banks. Funding to be used for education, public health, infrastructure and more. Jobs for all those that want to work. Wages that grow with inflation. Promoting the unity and strength of the working class would be my top priority.



State Senate District 3
Two candidates are running for 
one four-year term. State senators earn a salary of $71,685.

Stephanie Chang
Age: 38
Occupation: State Senator
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: ~17 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in Psychology and Minor in APIA Studies, Master of Social Work, Master of Public Policy, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative (2015-18), State Senator (2019-present)
Top goals: I will continue to work for an economy that works for everyone, quality education for all our kids, preventing flooding in our neighborhoods and ensuring clean air and water, fixing our roads and bridges, housing justice, a strong and fair justice system, gun violence prevention, and protecting reproductive freedom.

Working Class Party
Linda Rayburn
Did not return questionnaire by press time.


State Senate District 9
Two candidates are competing for one four-year term in November. The salary for a state senator is $71,685.

Padma Kuppa
Age: 57
Occupation: MI HD 41 Representative 
Municipality of residence: Troy
For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Mechanical Engineer (BS) and Master programs in Computer Science and Engineering Design
Previously and currently held elected offices: Office Location Date(s) Election Result: MI HD-41, Lansing MI, 2018 to present (two terms)  won both times; 
Top goals: I am focused on investing in public education, and strengthening our economy by supporting small businesses and enacting policies to address worker shortages. We must protect our environment and our water: from clean, safe drinking water for all, to our Great Lakes, and ensure access to reproductive healthcare. We must educate all children, providing them opportunity and keep them safe from gun violence, and retrain workers for the changing dynamics of the 21st century. 
Michael Webber
Age: 44
Occupation: Insurance Agent
Municipality of residence: Rochester Hills 
For how long: 33 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in International Relations from Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Former State Representative 2015-2020, Former Rochester Hills City Councilman 2007-2014
Top goals: I share my neighbors’ frustrations. I am running to tackle the tough issues that lower the cost of living and help hard working people get ahead. We need to get our communities, schools, and jobs back on track. Parents know what’s best for their kids and they want to be empowered to ensure their children are getting a quality education. We must support our first responders, knowing that public safety improves our quality of life.



Michigan Senate 
District 10
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. State senators receive a salary of $71,685. 

Paul Wojno
Age: 66
Occupation: Senator 
Municipality of residence: Warren
For how long: 35 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: 1997-2003 State Representative, 2007-2018 Warren City Clerk, 2019 to present State Senator
Top goals: Safety, equity, and quality education for all schools. Protect seniors and veterans from guardianship and conservatorship predators. Defend Reproductive Rights. Pass my legislation - SB 1046 that repeals the Senior Retirement Tax and SB 005 that reduces the number of days that fireworks can be discharged. Expand Michigan’s Earned Income Tax Credit. Continued investments in clean water and sewer infrastructure. Ensure checks and balances in our election system through a transparent and secure process.

Paul M Smith
Age: 77
Occupation: retired project manager 
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: since 1977
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: Bachelors of Industrial Engineering from GMI and Masters of Science from CMU.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Sterling Heights City Council.
Top goals: Reduce government spending, taxation and intrusion into individual rights. End sales tax on ALL food. Prohibit entrenced dictratorship at the local level. Clear slums along Van Dyke in Detroit.



State House of 
District 57
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. State representatives earn a salary of $71,685.

Aisha Farooqi
Age: 38
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: 21 years
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Detroit Mercy-School of Law (JD). University of Michigan-Dearborn (BA).
Previously and currently held elected offices: None.
Top goals: As an attorney and Sterling Heights Zoning Board of Appeals member, I know the importance of listening to the needs of the community. As your representative, I will be your voice in Lansing. My goals include:
• Creating good paying jobs and repealing the retirement tax
• Fully funding public education
• Investing in road and water infrastructure
• Safeguarding our freedom to make private healthcare decisions without government interference
• Supporting our local police and fire departments 

Thomas E. Kuhn 
Age: 71 
Occupation: Attorney 
Municipality of residence: Troy 
For how long: 21 years 
Online campaign information: VoteTomKuhn 
Education: BA, MA, Ph.D degrees (Political Science); JD (Law degree) 
Previously and currently held elected offices: 12 years, City Commissioner; 12 years, Community College Trustee; 4 years, County Commissioner 
Top goals: My top goals include K-12 educational reform, as well as support for increased funding for local police and infrastructure. School closures have left many of our children below grade level in basic reading and math skills. We need to make sure that no kids are left behind. Also, we need to significantly improve funding for our local police-- particularly retention, training and forensic work-- and improve funding for infrastructure—roads, sewers and water.



State House of Representatives District 58
Two candidates are running for 
one two-year term. State 
representatives earn a salary of $71,685 plus expenses.

Nate Shannon
Age: 47
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: 13 years
Online campaign information:
Education: B.A. Political Science (Oakland University), M.A Secondary Education (Wayne
State University)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Incumbent, Former Sterling Heights City Councilman
Top goals: I’m running for reelection to continue what we’ve started. To strengthen our public schools, support first responders, address our infrastructure needs, and provide tax relief. As the most bipartisan member of the legislature, I don’t care if the lawmakers I work with are Democrats or Republicans - I care that they join me to get the job done. I hope to earn your vote to ensure we continue to have strong, experienced leadership in Lansing.

Michelle Smith
Age: 38
Occupation: Real Estate Appraiser
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: 2+ (Previously Warren for 7+)
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Walsh College
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: 1) Fight inflation, gas prices, supply chain concerns, grocery prices, worker shortages with conservatives policies & practices. 2) Respect personal freedoms. 3) Advocate for parent rights, school choice, student opportunity scholarships, school security officers, updates to graduation standards and additional offerings like trades and cyber security to provide a well-trained workforce that businesses want. 4) Support our police. 5) Fix our roads/water/sewer/electrical grid systems by making them a budget priority.



State House of 
District 61
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. State representatives receive a salary of $71,685.

Denise Mentzer
Age: 66
Occupation: Senior Buyer for the County of Macomb
Municipality of residence: Mount Clemens
For how long: Most of my life
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration, Summa cum Laude
Previously and currently held elected offices: I have been a Mount Clemens City Commissioner for nearly 10 years.
Top goals:
I want to simplify the process for affordable and accessible healthcare, lower prescription drug costs and protect a woman’s right to make her own reproductive healthcare decisions. I will make sure students and workers have access to trade school or college programs. I will fight to put money back in people’s wallets by eliminating the gas tax, the pension tax and increasing the earned income credit. And keep good paying jobs in Michigan, not China.

Mike Aiello 
Age: 67
Occupation: Doctor of Chiropractic
Municipality of residence: Clinton Twp, Mi
For how long: 20 years plus
Online campaign information: VOTEMIKEAIELLO.COM
Education: Doctor of Chiropractic
Previously and currently held elected offices: 3rd Term Precinct Delegate
Top goals: 
Roll back prices at the Gas Pump
Stop Grocery price inflation
Better paying Jobs better employee benefits
Grow Economy-Make Michigan the #1 manufacturing state
Lower household utility cost Gas/electricity (For All Families)
Rebuild our power grids: No More Power Outages & to support electric cars
Medical freedom of choice
Protect our students
Protecting our Seniors
Eliminate retirement taxes



Macomb County 
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The Macomb County executive receives a 
salary of $175,061. 

Mark A. Hackel
Age: 60
Occupation: County Executive
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 19 yrs. Macomb Twp.; Lifelong resident of Macomb County
Online campaign information:
Education: Sterling Heights High School; Wayne State University; Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb County Executive
Top goals: It is my priority to provide trusted leadership for Macomb County. For the past twelve years as Macomb County Executive, I have developed an ambitious strategy to raise the County’s profile and enhance our quality of life. We are committed to developing innovative and impactful ways to modernize our infrastructure, strengthen our economy and cultivate a welcoming and safe community for all.

Nicholyn Brandenburg
Age: 76
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Macomb County, Macomb Township, Michigan
For how long: 41 years
Online campaign information: Not Available
Education: Utica High School, Diploma, Medical Technologist Elkhart University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Commissioner, Macomb County, MI
Top goals: Having an 18-year background as county commissioner allowed me to work with many government officials and we were able to get things done without litigations or lawsuits. As your County Executive, I would implement zero based budgeting, lower taxes, fight crime, and corruption at every level with an emphasis on neighborhood watch programs, create programs to attract new business development, support and create programs for senior and veterans, and support clean water initiatives.
I will …

Macomb County Board of Commissioners District 5
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. Macomb County commissioners earn a salary of $35,704. The board chair, elected by the commissioners, earns a salary of $91,809.

Robert Mijac
Age: 51
Occupation: Small Business Owner, Mass Mailing LLC (located in Sterling Heights) and member of Communication Workers of America
Municipality of residence: STERLING HEIGHTS
For how long: 46 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Master’s in Business (MBA) in Finance, Wayne State University. BA in Economics, Michigan State University. Sterling Heights High School and Grissom Jr High.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Commissioner (1995 to 2010)(2012 to 2020) from Sterling Heights.
Top goals: Maintain a balanced budget while being a responsible steward of tax dollars. Prioritize road and sewer infrastructure projects. Protect senior citizens such as Martha T Berry county hospital and veterans services. 
I am pro choice and support the “Reproductive Freedom for All” ballot proposal. I support equal rights for all. We must protect fair elections and voter integrity. 

Don VanSyckel
Age: 71
Occupation: Macomb County Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: 37 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BSEE (Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Commissioner
Top goals: Wise use of federal ARPA monies to maintain and repair roads, underground infrastructure (no more sink holes), and other county properties. Adjust budgets instead of raising taxes. Promote jobs in Macomb County in part by making Macomb County a desirable place to live and play.  Promote an equal opportunity environment for all residents. Discuss with constituents what their concerns are.



Macomb County Board of Commissioners District 6
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. Macomb County commissioners earn a salary of $35,704. The board chair, elected by the commissioners, earns 
a salary of $91,809.

Carole Chi 
Age: 70 
Occupation: retired public school teacher 
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights 
For how long: 41 years 
Online campaign information: oleChi4MCC 
Education: Masters Degree in the Art of Teaching, Marygrove 2007; Bachelor of Fine Arts, Wayne State University, 1976; Teacher Certifications, also WSU 1978 & 1991 
Previously and currently held elected offices: none 
Top goals: We must keep the Smart Bus system for Macomb County to help Seniors, Students and disabled and low income residents. I believe in Mass Transit for all four SE Michigan counties: Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and Washtenaw. Macomb County must continue to fully fund the MSU County Extension Service for all the valuable educational services and programs they bring to the people of this county. We should maintain, improve, increase Seniors and Veterans programs. 

Joseph V. Romano
Age: 80
Occupation: Real Estate Broker
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: 50 years
Online campaign information: None
Education: Macomb Community College
Previously and currently held elected offices: Sterling Heights City Council for 20 years, 5 ½ years as District 6 County Commissioner
Top goals: 1. Public safety is number one. 
    2. Additional funding for county roads that need repair or replacement now 
    3. Funding for mental health to help alleviate the opioid crisis. 
    4. Collaboration with our Lansing officials in order to reduce gas prices.



Judge of the 
16th Circuit Court
Five candidates are running unopposed for five six-year terms. Michigan circuit court judges receive a salary of $168,752.  

Richard L. Caretti
Rachel Rancilio
Matthew P. Sabaugh
Michael E. Servitto
Kathy Viviano


Judge of the 16th Circuit Court (Partial Term) 
Two candidates are running for one partial term ending Jan. 1, 2025. Michigan circuit court judges receive an annual salary of $168,752.  

Teri Lynn Dennings
Age: 47
Occupation: Family and Juvenile Circuit Court Judge
Municipality of residence: Macomb County (Specifics omitted for privacy/safety)
For how long: 21 years
Online campaign information:
Education: St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Eastern Michigan University, Wayne State Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current: Judge of Macomb County Circuit Court, Family and Juvenile Division
Top goals: (1) Respect everyone, (2) Provide a non-intimidating environment, (3) Get kids on the right track, and; (4) Improve efficiency through innovation, which includes continuing Zoom access when it is desired by the litigants and appropriate for the matter.  Litigants and attorneys appreciate the efficiencies and cost savings that Zoom provides. Litigants take less time off work and expend less resources on things like attorney fees, gas, parking, and child care to make routine court appearances.

Steven R. Fox 
Age: 45 
Occupation: Assistant Macomb County Prosecutor 
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township 
For how long: 16 Years in Macomb Township 
Online campaign information: 
Education: 2002 – Juris Doctor – Wayne State University Law School – Magna Cum Laude; 1999 – Bachelor of Arts – Michigan State University – With Honors 
Previously and currently held elected offices: None 
Top goals: As Circuit Court Judge, I will bring significant courtroom experience to the bench in Macomb County. I have dedicated my life to public safety and public service, and I will continue to do so as Circuit Court Judge. I will treat everyone with fairness and dignity, and will ensure that my decisions are based on the law as written, without any outside or political influence. Check the Box for Fox!



Justice of Supreme Court
Five candidates are running for two eight-year terms. Justices earn a salary of $165,000.

Richard Bernstein
Age: 48
Occupation: Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 23 years in Birmingham and lifelong resident of Michigan
Online campaign information:
Education: Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Michigan and earned juris doctor from Northwestern University School of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: Former member of the Wayne State University Board of Governors and current Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court
Top goals: The greatest need in Michigan’s justice system is increasing access to justice so all people have an opportunity to participate and navigate the justice system without getting left behind. The Michigan Supreme Court’s Justice For All Task Force is committed to working towards 100% access to justice in the civil system and I applaud the effort to make Michigan courts more accessible to all people statewide.


Kyra Harris Bolden
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Paul Hudson
Age: 40
Occupation: Lawyer
Municipality of residence: Kalamazoo
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Cornell University, B.A. in Government and Philosophy, 2003; Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., cum laude, 2006
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As a Supreme Court Justice, my top goal is to be the fiercely independent, nonpartisan, and fair-minded judicial umpire that Michigan voters deserve. A good judge, much like a good umpire, doesn’t make up the rules or change them mid-game. A good judge just calls balls and strikes, faithfully applying the rules as written - fairly, consistently, and without favoring one side or the other.

Kerry Lee Morgan
Age: 67
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Redford Township
For how long: 40years
Online campaign information:
Education: Michigan State University, B.A.; Regent University, M.A.; Detroit College of Law, J.D.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: The Supreme Court needs Justices who will apply the law as written, not as it should be written in the mind of the Judge. The restoration of this purpose is my top goal.

Brian Zahra
Age: 62
Occupation: Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court
Municipality of residence: Northville Township
For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information:
Education: JD, University of Detroit School of Law (1987); BGS, Wayne State University (1984)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, January 14, 2011 to present. Elected in 2012, re-elected in 2014. Judge of the Michigan Court of Appeals, December, 1998 to January 13, 2011. Elected in 2000, re-elected in 2006. Judge of the Wayne County Circuit Court, December 1994 to December 1998. Elected in 1996.
Top goals: Continue to be a voice for judicial restraint, an advocate for the separation of constitutional powers, and a defender of our state and federal constitutions. Administratively, I will continue my work as Co-Chair of the Access to Justice Commission. There is no right to a lawyer in civil cases. Nonetheless, these cases involve issues critically important to Michigan families. The legal profession must step up to provide guidance to those unable to obtain legal assistance.



Judge of Court of Appeals — 2nd District (Partial Term)
Two candidates are running for one partial term ending Jan. 1, 2027. Michigan court of appeals judges receive a salary of $173,092.

Sima Patel
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Michael Warren
Age: 55
Occupation: Judge, Oakland Circuit Court
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 27 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Wayne State University, BA Honors History (1989); University of Michigan Law School, JD (1992)
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Board of Education (1999-2002); Judge, Oakland County Circuit Court (2002-present)
Top goals: For decades Judge Michael Warren has been tenaciously fighting for justice, the rule of law, fairness, and the Constitution. He has tried over 360 jury trials and was named Judge of the Decade. Endorsed by Sheriff Mike Bouchard (R), Sheriff Anthony Wickersham (D), and the Police Officers Association of Michigan; he co-founded Patriot Week with his then 10 year old daughter ( His leadership and experience will strengthen Michigan’s Court of Appeals.



Macomb Community 
College Board of Trustees
Five candidates are running 
for two six-year terms.

Joseph A. Backus
Age: 58
Occupation: Math/Science teacher at Eastpointe Community Schools
Municipality of residence: Roseville, previously St. Clair Shores
For how long:10 yrs. in Roseville, 40 yrs. in St. Clair Shores
Online campaign information: NA
Education: Master’s in Educational Leadership
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct and State Delegate from St. Clair Shores and Roseville for about 30 years.
Top goals: I am most interested in three things: 1) making higher education affordable. 2) expanding education with technology as the last several years have shown us, 3) preserving the face to face interaction between educators and students. 

Robert Boccomino
Age: 58 years old
Occupation: Senior Housing Clerk for the City of Warren
Municipality of residence: Warren, MI
For how long: 23 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Warren City Councilman, 2007-2019.
Top goals: My primary issue is keeping Macomb Community College affordable while offering top quality instructional programs for everyone. My focus is on promoting student success, strengthening programs and partnerships with businesses, and enhancing academic experiences. By working with all local and state legislators, businesses, community leaders, and parents, my role as a Trustee is to ensure Macomb Community College continues to provide a high quality educational experience at a reasonable cost for everyone.

Kristi Dean
Did not return questionnaire by press time. 

Katherine Lorenzo 
Age: 74
Occupation: retired Macomb Community College Professor 
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township 
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information: NA
Education: A.A Macomb Community College, B.A. (Psychology/English) Wayne State, M.A. (Psychology) Wayne State, Post Grad  
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb Community College Board of Trustees Chairperson. 
Top goals: 1.To continue working to position the College as a leader in higher education, workforce development, and enrichment.
2. To ensure support of our veterans and diverse populations, our free Dental Clinic, the mitigation of cybersecurity threats, and retention of a vibrant workforce. 
3. To respond quickly to the ever-changing needs of the county. 
4. To serve students and all residents with the support of my fellow Trustees. 

Louise Strong
Age: 59
Occupation: Homemaker
Municipality of residence: Clinton Twp.
For how long: resident for 30 years
Online campaign information: I do not have any online campaingn site. 
Education: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct delegate for Republican party in my district
Top goals: Promoting veterans and first responders free or low cost education. I have been a volunteer at Macomb Veteran Support Center since 2011. I’ve developed a special appreciation for those who sacrificed for us. I’d also like to see a program for the spouses and children of those veterans and first responders to get a discounted tuition rate.  Setting up a future employment program for students attending MCC, maybe give tax incentives to the perspective employers.



Warren Consolidated Schools Board of 
Seven candidates are running for three six-year terms.

Kelly Austin Esper 
Did not return questionnaire by press time. 
Lesley A. Gawel
Age: 41 
Occupation: Controller 
Municipality of residence: Warren
For how long: 40 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: If I am elected, I will do my part to ensure that our district is providing a basic education that focuses on reading, increasing reading proficiency, writing, mathematics, all history, science, and technology, not hidden political agendas.  I will monitor millage funds to ensure accountability, and encourage strong student, teacher, parent relations, as well as transparency. The best interest of students, parents, and faculty will always be my main objective.  

Margo D. Heitchue 
Age: 42
Occupation: Public School Teacher 
Municipality of residence: Warren
For how long: 16 
Online campaign information: forWCS
Education: Pursuing a M.A.T. College of Education Wayne State University, James Madison College, Michigan State Univeristy, B.A. Social Relations 
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given. 
Top goals: First and foremost, I believe that strong schools have a supportive, positive and inclusive relationship with their community members. I will aim to promote an inclusive environment where our stakeholders have an opportunity to be heard and are able to work together to improve the education of all students. I will also make it a priority to address safety concerns not only in extreme situations but how we protect students on a daily basis.

Kyle Johnson
Age: 37 
Occupation: Mortgage Loan Originator
Municipality of residence: Warren
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information: 
Education: Masters in Education, Masters in Theatre, Bachelors in Theatre
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Continue the amazing groth that Warren Consolidated has made in ensuring the district is a safe place for each and every student, teacher, parent, and all other stakeholders in the community. 

Megan Papasian-Broadwell
Age: 46
Occupation: Director of Student Services, Hazel Park Schools
Municipality of residence: Warren
For how long: 16 years
Online campaign information: Facebook: CTE Dr. Megan Papasian-Broadwell
Education: Eastern Michigan University: Bachelors of Science - Secondary Education/Social Studies/Geography 
University of Michigan-Dearborn: Masters Degree- Special Education *Emotional Impairments
University of Michigan-Dearborn: Doctorate of Education - Educational Leadership
Previously and currently held elected offices: Warren Consolidated Schools Board of Education- 2011-present,  Vice-President (current), Secretary, Treasurer
Top goals: As an educator, parent, and community member, my top priority is to work with both diligence and intention to ensure that WCS is a place where ALL students succeed! For twenty three years I have been dedicated and passionate in serving and supporting our schools. I believe as we move education forward our focus must be steadfast in building students for tomorrow through:
Academic Rigor
Safety and Security
Social/Emotional Wellness
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Susan G. Trombley 
Age: 58  
Occupation: Physical Therapist Assistant (Retired) 
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights, MI 48310 
For how long: 29 years 
Online campaign information: 
Education: Associate of Applied Science Physical Therapist Assistant, Macomb Community College 
Previously and currently held elected offices: Warren Consolidated Schools Board of Education 10 years; 8 as President. Macomb County School Board Association Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Legislative Chair  
Top goals: continued focus on student achievement and accountability; preserve and improve the education my children received while attending WCS for all students; continue to facilitate school safety measures; continued fiscal responsibility as evident through clean district financial audits during my 10 years on the board; continued focus on including all stakeholders in the decision-making process. 

Sarah Walko 
Age: 33 
Occupation: Delivery Driver, Mother, and Student 
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights 
For how long: 29 years
Online campaign information: No answer given. 
Education: Graduate of Warren Consolidated School District. Received an Associate’s Degree in Digital Media Design. Currently taking courses to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. 
Previously and currently held elected offices: None 
Top goals: Re-evaluate the technology infrastructure and make improvements where possible. Ensure that a variety of technological tools are being used as  primary learning aids. Utilize technology to the fullest extent in order to create a safe learning environment. 
Find ways to improve efficiencies among financial processes through streamlining and consolidating.  
Create a sense of transparency and build a bridge of communication to help those working within the district and those within the community. 



Utica Community Schools Board of Education
Three candidates are running for two six-year terms.

Machelle Fitzpatrick 
Age: 52
Occupation: Office Manager
Municipality of residence: Shelby Township
For how long: 26 Years
Online campaign information:
Education: Attended Detroit College of Business
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate District 10
Top goals: As your next UCS School Board Member I will be responsive and receptive to parents, staff, students and the community at large, encouraging an open dialog and transparency. I believe the parental involvement in the education of their children is first and foremost and believe that education, not indoctrination, needs to return to our schools. All students, no matter the district, are the future of this country and public education must be made great again.

Danielle Nesovski 
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Adrienne Rubel 
Age: 43
Occupation: Human Resources, Education Investigations Manager
Municipality of residence: Macomb
For how long: 40 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s Degree, Human Resources Development - Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: UCS Board of Education, Trustee
Top goals: My goal if elected is to continue to provide strong leadership to Utica Community Schools (UCS) as we move the district into the future. I feel it is incredibly important that we build upon the past and to drive the district’s newly established mission and vision to ensure that every student has access to the best education in a safe learning environment.


Statewide proposals

Proposal 22-1

A proposal to amend the state constitution to require annual public financial disclosure reports by legislators and other state officers and change state legislator term limit to 12 total years in legislature.

This proposed constitutional amendment would:

• Require members of legislature, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, and attorney general file annual public financial disclosure reports after 2023, including assets, liabilities, income sources, future employment agreements, gifts,  travel reimbursements, and positions held in organizations except religious, social, and political organizations.

• Require legislature implement but not limit or restrict reporting requirements.

• Replace current term limits for state representatives and state senators with a 12-year total limit in any combination between house and senate, except a person elected to senate in 2022 may be elected the number of times allowed when that person became a candidate.

Should this proposal be adopted?


Proposal 22-2

A proposal to amend the state constitution to add provisions regarding elections.

This proposed constitutional amendment would:

• Recognize fundamental right to vote without harassing conduct;

• Require military or overseas ballots be counted if postmarked by election day;

• Provide voter right to verify identity with photo ID or signed statement;

• Provide voter right to single application to vote absentee in all elections;

• Require state-funded absentee-ballot drop boxes, and postage for absentee applications and ballots;

• Provide that only election officials may conduct post-election audits;

• Require nine days of early in-person voting;

• Allow donations to fund elections, which must be disclosed;

• Require canvass boards certify election results based only on the official records of votes cast.   

Should this proposal be adopted?


Proposal 22-3

A proposal to amend the state constitution to establish new individual right to reproductive freedom, including right to make all decisions about pregnancy and abortion; allow state to regulate abortion in some cases; and forbid prosecution of individuals exercising established right. This proposed constitutional amendment would:

• Establish new individual right to reproductive freedom, including right to make and carry out all decisions about pregnancy, such as prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion, miscarriage management, and infertility;

• Allow state to regulate abortion after fetal viability, but not prohibit if medically needed to protect a patient’s life or physical or mental health;

• Forbid state discrimination in enforcement of this right; prohibit prosecution of an individual, or a person helping a pregnant individual, for exercising rights established by this amendment;

• Invalidate state laws conflicting with this amendment.

Should this proposal be adopted?


Macomb County Veterans’ Millage

If approved, this proposal will renew for four (4) years, 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026, the current 0.069 mills levied by Macomb County that expires in 2022.  This will continue funding the financial aid and services for Macomb County veterans and support the administration of the Macomb County Department of Veteran Affairs and Macomb County Veteran Affairs Commission.

Shall the 0.069 mills, (6.9 cents per $1,000 of taxable value), be renewed for four (4) years, 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026 inclusive, to be levied by Macomb County on taxable real and personal property for the purpose of providing financial aid and services for Macomb County Veterans and to support the administration of the Macomb County Department of Veterans Affairs and Macomb County Veterans Affairs Commission?  It is estimated that a levy of 0.069 mills will raise approximately $2,403,108 in the first calendar year of the levy.  For example, on a property having a residential market value of $100,000 (estimated taxable value of $50,000), 0.069 mills would be $3.45 of levied tax annually.


Macomb County Public Transportation Millage

This proposal represents a reduction in previous years’ millage rate.  If approved, this proposal will assess .95 mills for the years 2022 through 2026, for the purpose of providing continued support for the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) and its public transportation services for the elderly, the disabled, and the general public within Macomb County. For the purpose of providing funds in support of public transportation serving the elderly, disabled, and general public, shall the limitation on the amount of taxes assessed on taxable property located within Macomb County, be established at .95 mills for a period of five (5) years, 2022 through 2026?  It is estimated that this millage rate would raise approximately $31,188,115.32 in the first year.


Macomb Intermediate School District

Counties of Macomb, St. Clair and Oakland
State of Michigan
Special Education Facilities
Improvement Bond Proposal

Shall the Macomb Intermediate School District, Counties of Macomb, St. Clair and Oakland, State of Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Ninety-Seven Million, Four Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($97,465,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds, in one or more series, for the purpose of paying for the cost of the following capital projects:

• Serving special education students, including infants and toddlers, throughout Macomb County, with disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, cognitive impairments and emotional disabilities by:

• Acquiring sites and erecting special education buildings, acquiring buildings for special education, erecting additions to existing school buildings and other facilities and preparing developing and improving sites at school buildings and other facilities for special education; and

• Remodeling, equipping, re-equipping, furnishing, re-furnishing school buildings and other facilities for special education; and purchasing school buses for special education students?

• The maximum number of years any series of bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of refunding, is not more than Twenty-four and one quarter (24.25) years; the estimated millage that will be levied to pay the proposed bonds in the first year is 0.17 mills (which is equal to $0.17 per $1,000 of taxable value); and the estimated simple average annual millage that will be required to retire each series of bonds is 0.15 mills annually ($0.15 per $1,000 of taxable value). The tax levy to pay the proposed bonds in the first year for a homeowner with a home value equal to the Macomb County average value of $230,767 is estimated not to exceed $19.62 for the year.

The proposed projects to be financed under this bond proposal will benefit special education students from public school academies and the following school districts located within the School District:

Anchor Bay School District, Armada Area Schools, Center Line Public Schools, Chippewa Valley Schools, Clintondale Community Schools, Eastpointe Public Schools, Fitzgerald Public Schools, Fraser Public Schools, Macomb Intermediate School District, Mount Clemens Community Schools,  New Haven Community Schools, Richmond Community Schools, Romeo Community Schools, Roseville Community Schools, South Lake Schools, Utica Community Schools, Lake Shore Public Schools, Lakeview Public Schools, L’Anse Creuse Public Schools,  Van Dyke Public Schools, Warren Consolidated Schools, Warren Woods Public Schools.

(Pursuant to State law, the proceeds may not be used for teacher, administrator or employee salaries, repair or maintenance costs or other operating expenses.)