Utica High School Band Boosters to hold used instrument sale

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published September 6, 2022

 The Utica High School Band Boosters will hold its 37th annual used instrument sale 1-4 p.m. Sept. 25.

The Utica High School Band Boosters will hold its 37th annual used instrument sale 1-4 p.m. Sept. 25.

Photo provided by Jessica Buzenski 

SHELBY TOWNSHIP — Do you have a son or daughter who needs an instrument to play for school or know someone who wants to learn how to play an instrument? Perhaps someone is looking to upgrade to a better model or to sell an instrument that is not being played anymore.

The Utica High School Band Boosters will hold its 37th annual used instrument sale from 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 25. The sale is a fundraiser to support the boosters, and sellers will have the opportunity to earn cash, as well. 

The sale will happen at Utica High School, located at 47255 Shelby Road in Shelby Township. Appraisals for instruments will be held from 8 to 11 a.m., and an appraiser will be available at Utica High School in the morning to help set an asking price for a seller’s instrument. If the instrument sells, the owner will get 80% of the sale price, and the UHS Band Boosters will receive 20%. A $10 fee may apply in the case that someone has an instrument appraised but chooses not to participate in the sale. 

Joe Syler, who is heading the sale, said that the used instrument sale has a long tradition of getting quality used instruments into the hands of aspiring musicians. 

“Whether you are a beginner looking to get a good start or a high schooler looking to upgrade to a professional model horn, we have all types and price ranges. Experienced UHS students and band directors will be on hand to point buyers in the right direction to ensure satisfaction and quality,” Syler said.

Brett Bays, the director of the Utica High School band, said it is a good way for students to get instruments at a reasonable price.

“The UHS Band has been hosting the used instrument sale for over 30 years, and this is a great way for beginning students to purchase a quality instrument they can use in their school band class or for an experienced player to upgrade to a better instrument. The sale provides several types of instruments used in school band programs like woodwind, brass and percussion instruments along with guitars and keyboard instruments. We look forward to hosting this event for the community each year,” he said.

For more information on the sale, call Syler at (586) 383-2737 or email uticabands.org@gmail.com.