UCS student is perfect in M-STEP Math for third time

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published October 24, 2023

 Bemis Junior High School eighth grader Isabella Bronzovich celebrates her perfect Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress math score with her former math teacher, Michael Galli.

Bemis Junior High School eighth grader Isabella Bronzovich celebrates her perfect Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress math score with her former math teacher, Michael Galli.

Photo provided by Jennifer Swanchara 


STERLING HEIGHTS/SHELBY TOWNSHIP/UTICA — Bemis Junior High School eighth grader Isabella Bronzovich has recorded a perfect Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress math score for the third consecutive time.

The M-STEP is an assessment to gauge how well students are learning math, English, science and social studies relative to state standards.

“It’s crazy, I don’t know how I do it, honestly,” Bronzovich said in a Utica Community Schools press release.

Michael Galli, a Bemis Junior High School math and computer science teacher, said the test is difficult. He is one of Bronzovich’s former math teachers.

“I’m just pumped to be a part of it and I hope to have been a part of it to help out, but I know it all comes from her. She works hard and doesn’t give up. I’d like to say I was a huge part, but I don’t think I was — it’s just her and her determination. There’s different parts to the M-STEP test — for the math there are basic math problems and then performance tasks which are a full list of things they have to get done and each builds on the next,” he said via email.

Bronzovich has achieved a perfect M-STEP math score each time she has taken the test — in the third, sixth and seventh grades. 


“The girl is a rockstar, she’s awesome. She works hard and doesn’t give up” Galli said in the press release.

Bronzovich is now enrolled in accelerated geometry, which is a 10th grade course. According to the press release, she has liked math since she was 3 years old.

Bronzovich, as to why she likes math, said that math makes sense and it can be figured out with logic.

Galli sees more success ahead for Bronzovich.

“She’s a good kid with a great head on her shoulders that will go far,” Galli stated in the press release.

Bronzovich’s advice to students is to try your best, take your time and pay attention during class.