Mila Sikes is the Children’s Miracle Network ambassador for Beaumont Children’s and has helped raise more than $500,000 for the network.
Photo provided by Jennifer Swanchara
STERLING HEIGHTS/SHELBY TOWNSHIP/UTICA — At the Dec. 19 Utica Community Schools Board of Education meeting, the UCS Board of Education honored Plumbrook Elementary School student Mila Sikes, who, as the Beaumont Children’s ambassador for the Children’s Miracle Network, has helped raise more than $500,000 for the organization.
Jacki Zawierucha, Plumbrook Elementary School principal, said Plumbrook is excited to have Mila recognized as a hero in the community.
“Our community has had a very positive reaction to her amazing work. Mila is a joy to have at Plumbrook. She always has a smile on her face and enjoys every challenge you put in front of her,” she said via email.
Mila’s mom, Amy Sikes, said her family’s partnership with the Children’s Miracle Network has been a very positive experience.
“It has been rewarding to build relationships with Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) family and help local kids in need,” she said in an email interview. Beaumont Children’s is a member of the network.
She said it feels great to know that their family has helped raise more than $500,000 for the organization that helped them years ago when Mila was a baby.
In 2015, Mila was a premature baby born at 23 weeks. She weighed only 1 pound, 10 ounces when she was born. She has overcome many obstacles in her lifetime and battled through cerebral palsy.
“We are grateful! We will continue to help support CMN for all that they have done for Mila,” Amy Sikes said.
She said what makes her most proud of Mila throughout this experience is to watch Mila understand why it is important to give back and to see her enthusiasm grow when she is helping others.
“She is definitely our hero,” Amy Sikes said.
Mila said it makes her feel great to know that she has helped raise over $500,000.
“I feel super awesome and grateful,” she said via email.
She identified her favorite part of her experience as the CMN ambassador.
“Helping kids and being with my CMN family,” she said.
She said that she felt great being recognized for her work at the Board of Education meeting.
“It made me feel proud,” she said.