Troy library to host petting zoo, food truck event

Troy library to host petting zoo, food truck event

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Troy library to host petting zoo, food truck event

By: Sarah Wright | Troy Times | Published May 28, 2024

TROY — Families of children ages 0-13 are invited to join the Troy Public Library for a summer kickoff 6-8 p.m. June 14.

Registration is not required. Weather permitting, the outdoor event will take place between the library  and City Hall.

The event will include the Delectabowl food truck, a bounce house, the Carousel Acres petting zoo, outdoor games, reptiles provided by Reptarium, and more. Children who complete at least six activities will earn a chance to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards.

In 2023, an estimated 2,800 to 3,000 people attended the event, according to the library.

The summer library program has options for listeners from birth to kindergarten and readers in grades one-six.

Children who participate in the program June 14-Aug. 10 can log their reading and complete activities for small prizes and to earn a chance to win a grand prize. Register at beginning June 1 — logged reading will not count toward the challenge until June 14.

The program helps kids explore their interests through reading and activities, such as a STEM badge for science, technology, engineering and math projects; and earning an “Unplugged Badge” by doing things away from screens and a “Wonder Outside Badge” by getting more physical play outside.

Listeners’ activities focus on “Talk, Sing, Read, Write, Play” to support the foundation of early literacy.

A teen kickoff will feature a three-hour lockin at the library with pizza, trivia, crafts, games and more. Teens in grades six-12 who participate over the summer will have the chance to win raffle baskets.

Adults who participate will earn chances to win themed prize baskets.

The program is sponsored by the Friends of the Troy Public Library.

The library is located at 510 W. Big Beaver Road. Visit or call (248) 524-3538 for more information.