Teen arrested for bringing gun to high school football game

By: Mary Beth Almond | Rochester Post | Published September 7, 2022

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ROCHESTER HILLS/AUBURN HILLS/BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — A 17-year-old boy was arrested after reportedly bringing a gun into a football game at Avondale High School Sept. 1.

Officers from the Auburn Hills Police Department were working the Avondale vs. Holly High School varsity football game at around 7:30 p.m. when one officer observed three teens approach the main entrance gate to the stadium, then quickly turn around and go behind a small building next to the parking lot.

When an officer went to see what the teens were doing, a loaded 9 mm pistol was found in a small bag under some bricks.

Authorities quickly tracked down the three boys, who had gone into the stadium, and detained them for questioning during the game.

When police reviewed surveillance footage, they determined that the person who had possession of the bag with the gun — identified by police as a 17-year-old boy from Pontiac — was not one of the three boys detained.

The teen — who police said is not a student at Avondale High School or Holly High School — was later interviewed with a parent present at his home and was taken into custody Sept. 2.

Police said the 9 mm pistol had previously been reported stolen from another state.

“We are thankful for the diligence of our police officers and staff at Avondale High School in coordinating a proper response to this incident,” Auburn Hills Police Chief Ryan Gagnon said in a statement. “There is zero tolerance for anyone who chooses to bring a firearm to our schools illegally. All available resources will be utilized to bring those responsible to justice and to ensure our schools remain a safe environment for everyone. We also thank the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office for their assistance in this case and assisting us in taking the juvenile into custody.”

A school dance that had been scheduled for after the game was canceled due to the incident.

Anyone who may have witnessed this incident is asked to contact the Auburn Hills Police Department at (248) 370-9460.