Sandy Knaack, of Rochester Hills, is the Shelby Township Senior Center’s featured artist for January and February. Knack started a business in 2022 called NatureScapes that involves her using her artistic talent to frame preserved leaves, flowers and feathers.
Photo provided by Fu-Yuan Ciricola
SHELBY TOWNSHIP — Sandy Knaack of Rochester Hills started an unusual business in 2022 called NatureScapes.
She started picking up leaves and flowers on her daily walks, and then it expanded to collecting leaves and flowers wherever she traveled at home or abroad.
She then worked out a way to preserve them, based on the species and the moisture content of the material. She continues to expand her inventory that she uses for her custom framing of leaves and flowers, which now includes feathers.
Knaack currently has a display of her art set up at the Shelby Activity Center that will continue through the end of February.
After doing a dozen or so arts and crafts shows, she was very encouraged from the positive responses that she had received from the many people who stopped at her booth. Often, they would just stare at each of her pieces and relate how wonderful they made them feel.
Knaack, who has an interior design background, said that making an intricate pattern of leaves, flowers and feathers uses many of the same design principles that she used when completing room and drapery design plans for clients.
She disassembles, cleans and does whatever touch-ups are needed for repurposed frames. The dried materials she selects are based on the choice of frame, mat and background paper used in the composition. Some of her pieces feature mosaic tiling that complements the design. No two pieces of hers are ever alike.
Her nature dioramas in shadow box frames take one out of the present and into a calming wilderness complete with mountains, trees and soaring eagles.
Knaack has plans to expand her product line and to attend more art shows in Michigan.
“I can’t say enough about Shelby Township Senior Center. It has a kind staff and is vibrant with activities for seniors of every age. I came for the pickleball and ended up displaying my artwork on the exhibit wall for all to see and enjoy. I’m proof that each senior that visits there may have special gifts to share with others. Mine was to highlight nature’s gift to everyone of any age,” she said.
She said she is totally pleased with the outcome.
“It’s been a very pleasant experience,” said Knaack.
Barb Frank said she knows Knaack from her church, Paint Creek UMC.
“I have also been to Sandy’s home and her studio where I saw many of her creations displayed, and in fact, purchased one myself. I can vouch for Sandy that it is her own work, and that she has done many successful arts and craft shows,” Frank said.
Dianne Fiedler said she has known Knaack since fourth grade when she moved to Troy with her family.
“Sandy has been a good friend and we have kept in touch for the last 65 years, and I can vouch for her. Sandy has always been a creative person in both her professional career and her home. Although I have moved to Florida, we still talk weekly,” she said.
Last September, she visited Knaack in her Rochester Hills home and saw Knaack’s art studio.
“I was impressed with her studio and all the framed art she has created. We went for a walk around her home and she was constantly picking up things to incorporate in her leaf and feather art,” she said.