Shelby Township officers help injured deer

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published October 3, 2023

 Shelby Township police officers were dispatched to help a deer that was stuck and injured in a fence. Three officers were able to free the deer and take it to a veterinarian.

Shelby Township police officers were dispatched to help a deer that was stuck and injured in a fence. Three officers were able to free the deer and take it to a veterinarian.

Photo provided by Mark Benedettini

Photo provided by Mark Benedettini


SHELBY TOWNSHIP — Some Shelby Township police officers took time out of their day to help an injured deer that had been called in to them on Sept. 18.

“Our A platoon officers were dispatched to a deer caught and injured in a fence,” Sgt. Mark Benedettini said via email. “Officers Herman, Pomante and Zachary responded and were able to escort the deer to a nearby emergency animal vet. Due to their quick actions, the deer is expected to make a full recovery and to be turned back into the wild,” he said.

He said that when officers arrived, the deer was stuck, and when they were able to get it free, they carried it and placed it in the back seat of a patrol car to transport it to the vet.


“The deer was stuck in between two fence posts, and the officer was able to free the deer from the fence. It was injured, so they transported it to Detroit Animal Welfare Group in Romeo. I believe the deer is doing OK,” he said.

Detroit Animal Welfare Group in Romeo couldn’t be reached before press time.

The deer will be returned to the wild after it has recovered.