Shelby Township Fine Art Society announces winners of juried show

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published November 20, 2023

 “A Walk in the Park,” by Barb Galster.

“A Walk in the Park,” by Barb Galster.

Photo provided by Diane Mueller

 “Sunflowers in Bloom,” by Marianne Ochalek.

“Sunflowers in Bloom,” by Marianne Ochalek.

Photo provided by Diane Mueller

 “The Sea Meets the Sky,” by Diane Mueller.

“The Sea Meets the Sky,” by Diane Mueller.

Photo provided by Diane Mueller


SHELBY TOWNSHIP — The Shelby Township Fine Art Society has a show being held at The Shelby Township Library until Nov. 22.

Earlier this month, the society announced the winners of the juried show.

Barb Galster won first place for her watercolor, “A Walk in the Park.”

Galster said she was influenced to do her piece because of the weather outside.

“The painting, ‘A Walk in the Park,’ began as I remember an actual fall afternoon with my husband and grandchildren. Different species of leaves were swirling around us like a dance. I collected an assortment and began using their shapes and colors to plan a whimsical re-creation of our day together. My watercolor leaves became trees, which became a sanctuary for birds, which became wonderful to walk,” she said.


Marianne Ochalek won second place with her piece, “Sunflowers in Bloom.”

“I love the dynamic and dramatic play that sunflowers bring to a painting. This piece is a combination of pen and watercolor. Depth in the background of leaves and tangled growth was developed through the addition of multiple layers of watercolor and pen,” she said.

Diane Mueller won third place for “The Sea Meets the Sky.”

She said she painted “The Sea Meets the Sky” in watercolor from a photo she took while on Grand Turk Island for the day.

“One of our cruise ship stops. The sky seemed to flow right into the water. It was a beautiful day and I wanted to capture the peacefulness and beauty of it,” she said.

Honorable mentions went to “Sunlight,” by Al Sonnenberg; “Sunny Sunflowers,” by Sylvia Myers; and “Free Style Swim,” by Cathy McCarthy.

Sonnelberg said that while walking before noon along the beach just east of Port Austin, he saw an outcropping of sandstone and a cottage at water’s edge.

“The bright sunlight made it so appealing, and since I had my sketch pad along for just such an occasion, I sat down and drew it. Sometime later at home I painted it. I really like this watercolor picture of the sunflower. It made me feel good painting it and I am so happy the judge liked it. I would like to also say how much I enjoy the STFAS and all that they do,” Myers said.