Senior Center’s featured artist knew what he wanted from a young age

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published January 22, 2025

 The Shelby Township Senior Center artist of the month for January and February is Tony Warren.

The Shelby Township Senior Center artist of the month for January and February is Tony Warren.

Photo provided by Fu-Yuan Ciricola


SHELBY TOWNSHIP — The Shelby Township Senior Center’s featured artist for January and February is Tony Warren.

Warren’s work is on view at the Shelby Township Activities Center, 14975 21 Mile Road, which serves as the senior center from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Born in Detroit in 1955, after studying under a full scholarship at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Warren has gone on to teach, lecture and demonstrate hundreds of times each year in public and private studios. In addition to hosting his own national cable TV program, “Expressions,” Warren has won well over 100 awards and recognitions. He is a member of the Michigan Watercolor Society and has been published internationally in books, newspapers and magazines. He is represented in collections across the United States and Canada.

He said he is one of the lucky ones.

“I knew what I wanted to do at a very early age. The fire of desire began to burn at age 5. As far as I can remember, I always liked to work with my hands, creating things to entertain myself. In a short time, I realized others enjoyed my work, and sharing my skills (teaching) became a large part of my life. My work is always maturing and evolving. I’m always looking for new media to try a different twist; something out of the ordinary,” he said.

He described his creative process.

“Whether 2D or 3D, the power of the moment is what drives my creative process. The brushwork is confident, sure and deliberate. Nothing is wasted or extraneous. In more involved work, it’s hard to pace myself. The creative voice comes out more sporadically than in a steady stream. Everything fascinates me. I love to read and visit museums, view film, and make observations of life. Information is the fodder that becomes the meat of self-expression. Our life experiences become the defining moments in the quest to reach the inner core of the viewer. The artist’s definitive moment becomes the fuel, in the vehicle of self-expression, on the road to the viewer psyche. If I have touched a heart or moved a soul, I have accomplished what I set out to do. I am merely a conduit. For God both creates the subject and stirs the soul to its interpretation,” he said.


Lucienne Kiefer said she doesn’t care how long one has been on a creative journey, Warren has information and instruction that is helpful and new.

“His presentations are sharp and understandable for every level of student. He is a wonderful communicator and speaks to you, not at you. His critiques are genuine, yet still sensitive. If you need a boost of encouragement, you need to learn to paint fearlessly,” she said.

Cheryle Wesley said Warren shares a tremendous depth of knowledge with other artists.

“He met everyone’s individual needs and also challenged all of us to leave our comfort zone to learn so much more. Never felt embarrassed or inept with my painting abilities and I was given the confidence to continue my journey with watercolor. It was so much fun and I hope he returns to the area in the future. I would love the opportunity to continue to learn more from his wealth of knowledge and his demonstrations,” she said.

Donna Benoit said Warren is passionate about teaching.

“He uses exercises, demonstrations, and written material to get his points across.,” she said.

For more information, visit his website at