Royal Oak, Clawson voters to select challengers, decide library millage Aug. 2

Royal Oak Review | Published July 13, 2022

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In the Aug. 2 primary election, voters in Royal Oak and Clawson will cement which Democratic and Republican candidates in local, state and federal races will go head to head in the November election, as well as approve or deny a millage for the Royal Oak Public Library.

Candidates were asked, in 75 words or fewer, to state their top goal(s) if elected. If a candidate went over the word limit, (…) replaces the rest of the answer. The answers are printed verbatim.


Governor of Michigan
One candidate is running for the Democratic nomination and six candidates, including a write-in candidate, are running for the Republican nomination to compete for one four-year term in November. The salary for the position is $159,300 plus benefits.

Gretchen Whitmer
Running unopposed.

Tudor M. Dixon
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Ryan D. Kelley
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Ralph Rebandt
Age: 64
Occupation: Retired Pastor
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 35 years
Online campaign information:
Education: B.R.E., M.A.R., M.Div.
Previously and currently held elected offices: No
Top goals: We are in a social and moral crisis. My goal is to bring back our Jude’s-Christian values, and together with truth, transparency, and accountability: ensure constitutional protections; make Michigan an open record state; secure election integrity; provide school choice; reduce taxes and budget; eliminate corporate welfare and reduce government agencies by involving faith based organization’s; and establish a Citizens Round Table.

Kevin Rinke
Age: 61
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Hills
For how long: Michigan born and raised. I built my home in Oakland County, was raised in
Wayne County and worked in Macomb County.
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s in Advertising with a minor in Statistics from Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: As governor, I aim to make Michigan the best state in America. To do so, we must emulate what other successful states have done. I have called for the elimination of the state income tax by January 1, 2024. I want to create an economic climate that incentivizes businesses and workers to come to Michigan. I want to fix our education system, add vocational training to the common curriculum and get Michigan back on track.

Garrett Soldano
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

James Craig (Write-in)
Age: 65
Occupation: Served as Chief of Police in Portland, ME; Cincinnati, OH; and Detroit, MI. After eight years as Chief of Police in his hometown of Detroit and 44 years as a dedicated public servant, Craig retired in June 2021. After twenty-eight years with Los Angeles Police Department, the Chief rose through the ranks to Captain Three. 2 1/2 years as a Detroit Police Officer before being laid off.
Municipality of residence: Detroit, Michigan
For how long: Professional experience 44 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Craig graduated from Cass Technical High School in 1977, Obtained an undergraduate degree from West Coast University BS in Business and a master’s degree from the University of Phoenix in Public Administration, James Craig, started coursework in a Doctorate program UOP; however, he had to stop the program when appointed Police Chief in the city of Detroit.
Previously and currently held elected offices: NONE.
Top goals: James Craig is running for Governor of Michigan with a commitment to fix leadership in state government and institute an effective administration that fosters a collaborative environment to drive the vibrancy of the state’s economy, education, public safety, and communities. I will work to WIN as a write-in candidate.

U.S. House of Representatives District 11
Two candidates are running in the Democratic primary and two candidates are running in the Republican primary to compete for one two-year term in November. U.S. representatives earn a salary of $174,000.

Andy Levin
Age: 61
Occupation: U.S. Representative in Congress
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 16 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in Religion from Williams College, MA in Asian Languages and Culture from U of M, JD from Harvard Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Elected to U.S. Congress in 2018
Top goals: My goals are simple. Our children have a right to grow up on a safe, livable planet. No American should have to choose between seeking health care and feeding themselves. Schools shouldn’t be warzones. Justice matters. Democracy matters. That’s why I came to Congress--for our kids and our communities--and because I steadfastly believe that the American people deserve better. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Haley Stevens
Age: 39
Occupation: Member of Congress, Michigan’s 11th District
Municipality of residence: Waterford
For how long: 1 year
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Philosophy, American University. Masters of Arts in Social policy and Philosophy from American University.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Member of Congress, Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. Elected 2018 and re-elected 2020.
Top goals: If I am re-elected my top goal will be to continue delivering for the people of Oakland County. From fighting for a women’s right to choose to ensuring women and girls have access to quality STEM education I will never back down for my constituents. Additionally, some of my most important votes while in Congress have been to address this national epidemic of gun violence which has hit us even here in Oakland County recently.

Mark Ambrose
Age: 52
Occupation: Regional Investment Manager and Chartered Financial Analyst
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 13 years most recently - also raised in Bloomfield Twp. (addtl. 18 years)
Online campaign information:
Education: Brother Rice High School, Bloomfield Twp. : 1984-1988; U.S. Military Academy, West Point, B.Sc. in Systems Engineering: 1988-1992; Columbia University, Masters of International Affairs, Russian Studies: 1995-1998; Columbia Business School, Masters of Business Administration, 1996-1998
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: My top goals are to fix our broken economy and reverse runaway inflation, to protect our borders and reform our immigration policy, and to keep America safe at home and abroad.

Matthew DenOtter
Age: 48
Occupation: Sales, Johnson & Johnson
Municipality of residence: Highland
For how long: 7 years in Highland; 2 years in Farmington before that
Online campaign information:
Education: I’m a graduate of Calvin University with a Degree in Criminal Justice.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None; outsider.
Top goals: I’m a proud conservative Republican. My core beliefs are that we must put our Nation first, that the federal government should not be infringing on our day-to-day lives, that freedom and liberty are essential, and that we must stand for law and order. I want to get rid of Haley Stevens and Andy Levin who do not represent the values of our communities – we need to bring commonsense back to Oakland County.

State Senate District 3
Two candidates are running for the Democratic nomination and no candidates are running for the Republican nomination to compete for one four-year term in November. State senators earn a salary of $71,685.

Stephanie Chang
Age: 38
Occupation: State Senator
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long:17 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in Psychology and Minor in APIA Studies, Master of Social Work, Master of Public Policy, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative (2015-18), State Senator (2019-present)
Top goals: I will continue to work for an economy that works for everyone, quality education for all our kids, preventing flooding in our neighborhoods and ensuring clean air and water, fixing our roads and bridges, housing justice, a strong and fair justice system, gun violence prevention, and protecting reproductive freedom.

Toinu Reeves
Age: 46
Occupation: Founder and Managing Director of two Nonprofits: and; University of Michigan - Graduate Student Instructor - Graduate Employees’ Union Member
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: 46 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Dartmouth College - AB Economics and Philosophy; Wayne State University - Graduate Mathematics Program; University of Michigan - MA Economics; University of Michigan - PhD Candidate Economics
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: • Secure Money for Economic Development, Jobs, and Job Training
• Reduce Gun Violence
• Support Veterans and First Responders
• Expand Healthcare Coverage Including Mental Health
• Ensure Equitable Funding for Education
• Develop Prosperous and Diverse Communities
• Return the $600 Million in Excess Property Taxes to Detroit Residents by the City of Detroit following the 2007 crisis
• Ensure each local municipalities receives its fair share of State taxes
• Establish Environmental Justice

State Senate District 8
Two candidates are running for the Democratic nomination and one candidate is running for the Republican nomination to compete for one four-year term in November. State senators earn a salary of $71,685 plus expenses.

Marshall Bullock II
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Mallory McMorrow
Age: 35
Occupation: State Senator, 13th District
Municipality of residence: Royal Oak
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Notre Dame University, BA in Industrial Design
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently State Senator for the 13th District
Top goals: 1. Protecting our rights and freedoms. I’ve been a fierce defender of our rights against outright lies, hate, and fearmongering. If re-elected I will continue that fight every single day.
2. Creating equitable opportunity for everyone. Metro Detroit and Michigan will only succeed if everyone has access to opportunity. I’ve consistently stood up against budgets and bills that cut funding to our schools, and have pushed for greater investment in our communities.

Brandon Ronald Simpson
Running unopposed.

State House of Representatives District 5
Five candidates are running for the Democratic nomination and two candidates are running for the Republican nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. State representatives earn a salary of $71,685.

Reggie Reg Davis
Age: 51
Occupation: Retired Radio Broadcaster/Former Wayne County Commissioner Detroit
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: 51 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Wayne State University (’89 – ’91) Oral Roberts University (’91 –’92) Major: Broadcast Journalism 
Previously and currently held elected offices: Detroit Charter Commissioner – (2009 – 2012), Detroit Deputy District Manager 2014 – 2018), Wayne County Commissioner (208 -2019)
Top goals: I lost my 19-year-old younger brother to gun violence, I am the President of CeaseFire Youth Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving young lives. I am also the author of the “Bullet Bill”, which gained national attention and garnered a unanimous vote of support by Detroit City Council. I am totally prepared to take on the necessary leadership with the anti-gun violence movement in Michigan and I ask for your vote on August 2.

Steele P. Hughes
Age: 32
Occupation: Constituent Services Director for State House District 10
Municipality of residence: Wayne County
For how long: 9 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Northwood University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate 
Top goals: My top priorities will be education, specifically focusing on the literacy issues that is quietly attacking our State. Updating our communities underground Infrastructure, Reforming our Juvenile Justice System, improving our crumbling Foster Care system and repealing the Sr. Pention tax are my top goals/priorities once elected. 

Ksenia Milstein
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Natalie Price
Age: 40
Occupation: Berkley City Councilmember
Municipality of residence: Berkley
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information:
Education: MA, English Studies. University of Exeter (UK) 2006. BA, English and Classics. Vassar College 2004.
Previously and currently held elected offices: I was elected to Berkley City Council in 2019, and I continue to serve in this role.
Top goals: As a progressive democrat, former teacher, city councilmember, and mom, my priorities include:
• Creating inclusive communities and securing them with better gun laws
• Leveling the playing field with equitable education funding models 
• Supporting essential services and infrastructure by boosting municipal funding 
• Fighting for our most basic rights including safe and legal abortion care 
We are all connected, and when we work together to lift up every resident, our whole region benefits. 

Michelle Wooddell
Age: 47
Occupation: Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University ; Founder and Principal, The Nonprofit Spot, LLC
Municipality of residence: Southfield
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA, The University of Michigan; MPA, New York University; PhD, Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: I have never held public office.
Top goals: My goal is to ensure that everyone in our district has the opportunity to pursue their best life. For some, that may mean quality schools that prepare their children for the future. For others, that may mean help building their small business or support to stay in their home as they age. For everyone, I think It means that Michigan’s mental health system is stronger, gun safety measures are adopted and our rights are protected.

Keith Albertie
Did not return questionnaire by press time.


Paul Taros
Age: 65
Occupation: Certified Public Accountant
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 25 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BBA University of Michigan, MBA Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: The education of our children is the State’s most important job. We need to get back to teaching our children how to think, not what to think. Our children need a safe learning environment. A refocusing of our efforts to teaching STEM curriculum is needed. Vocational and skilled trades should be added to the high school curriculum. If Michigan is going to compete on the world stage, we need the best educated students.

State House of Representatives District 6
Four candidates are running for the Democratic nomination and one candidate is running for the Republican nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. State representatives earn a salary of $71,685 plus expenses.

Danielle C. Hall
Age: 39
Occupation: State of Michigan, MDHHS-Family Independence Specialist, Success Coach
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: life long
Online campaign information:
Education: Wayne State University-BS Marketing/Advertising
Bishop Gallagher High School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate, Detroit Michigan
Top goals: I plan to focus on the full representation of District 6 constituents by building a strong relationship with each municipal’s leadership, municipal school boards, and senior homes board of directors. I hope to start a school-based program where student can engage with their legislator and learn the process of introducing laws. I hope to sit on the Appropriations Committee, Education Committee and Family, Children and Seniors Committee which will support my platform and bill introductions.

Myya Jones
Could not be reached by press time.

Mark Murphy
Did not return questionnaire by press time.

Regina Weiss
Age: 35
Occupation: State Representative House District 27
Municipality of residence: Oak Park
For how long: 9 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in History and Secondary Education from Valparaiso University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oak Park City Council, State Representative House District 27
Top goals:
Investing in our schools
• Full and equitable funding for public schools
• State dollars to improve school facilities
• Hire more teachers, counselors, and support staff
Investing in our communities
• Fix local roads and promptly clear snow
• Ensure affordable housing and water
• Improve recreation and senior services
Investing in working families
• Create good-paying jobs
• Invest in job training and placement
• Expand collective bargaining rights and worker protections

Charles T. Villerot
Running unopposed.

State House of Representatives District 7
Three candidates are running for the Democratic nomination and no candidates are running for the Republican nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. State representatives earn a salary of $71,685 plus expenses.

Melanie Macey
Age: 42
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Royal Oak
For how long: 18 years
Online campaign information:
Education: JD, University of Michigan Law School; MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan; BA in Political Science, Haverford College
Previously and currently held elected offices: Royal Oak City Commissioner 2017-Present
Top goals: Lay groundwork for every child to have a successful future.
Equitably fund schools to pay for resources students need
Increase teacher pay to retain hardworking teachers and recruit the next wave
Invest in our workforce by raising minimum wage, encouraging unionization, providing paid family leave, and increasing the EITC.
Protect civil and constitutional rights under attack: abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality
Enact sensible gun regulations
Criminal justice system reform
Create a clean energy economy

Grant Rivet
Age: 26
Occupation: Judicial Court Clerk at the Oakland County Circuit Court
Municipality of residence: Royal Oak, Michigan
For how long: less than a year
Online campaign information:
Education: Michigan State University, Bachelor’s degree in Political Science 2018.
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given.
Top goals: Creating a strong, diverse, and unified district that will advocate for the needs of all residents. My top priorities include investing in education, protecting a woman’s right to her reproductive freedoms, common sense gun reform, and creating a more inclusive society for underrepresented communities. I plan to work across the aisle to create meaningful, effective policy for all of District 7’s constituents. I’m energized and motivated to bring the next generation of leadership to Lansing.

Helena Scott
Age: 61 yrs old
Occupation: Michigan State Representative House District 7
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: 61 years
Online campaign information:
Education: High School: Mumford
College: Marygrove College
Major: Psychology & Political Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given.
Top goals: When re-elected to HD7 I will continue to be the Democratic voice that my district needs, and the servant leader residents in Wayne and Oakland deserve. My top priorities are to help bridge the Wayne and Oakland County divide and focusing on protecting Pro-Choice and Women’s Health, LGBTQ Equity & Inclusion, Racial & Civil Rights, Education, Affordable Health Care, Improve Economic Development, Strengthen the Economy, Commonsense Gun Control/Reform, The Environment, Improve State and Local Infrastructure.

State House of Representatives District 56
Two candidates are running for the Democratic nomination and one candidate is running for the Republican nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. State representatives earn a salary of $71,685 plus expenses.

Sharon MacDonell
Age: 60
Occupation: Advertising Manager and Video Producer
Municipality of residence: Troy
For how long: 17 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA, History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate
Top goals: For over a decade, I have been active in my community, helping save the Troy Public Library and demanding ethical behavior from our officials. As the State Rep for House District 56, I will continue solving our community’s problems. I will work diligently to ensure that our public schools are adequately funded, improve healthcare access, overturn the Retirement Tax, and help families and small businesses as they face the challenges of ongoing economic pressures.

Cyndi Peltonen
Age: 68
Occupation: Former Music Teacher, Piano and Voice Teacher, and Church Music Director
Municipality of residence: Clawson
For how long: 45 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor of Music, Wayne State University; Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership and Public Administration
Previously and currently held elected offices: I have been elected to the Clawson Board of Education five times and served for over twenty years as President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Trustee. This past January I was appointed to fill a vacancy on the board.
Top goals: I believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. My goal is to speak out against HATE and bring back civility in public discourse.
I will stand with ALL members of our community - women, the LGBTQ community, Black and Brown people, educators, students, families, retirees, immigrants, and anyone who is being denied basic civil and human rights.
I will be a bold, relentless advocate for safety, compassion, equity, inclusion, and justice for all!

Mark Gunn
Running unopposed.

Oakland County Board of Commissioners District 1
One Democratic candidate and one Republican candidate are running for their party’s nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. Commissioners earn an approximately $36,000 salary.

Dave Woodward
Running unopposed.

Chris Meister
Running unopposed.

Oakland County Board of Commissioners District 2
One Democratic candidate and one Republican candidate are running for their party’s nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. Commissioners earn an approximately $36,000 salary.

Penny Luebs
Running unopposed.

Ken Roberts
Running unopposed.

Oakland County Board of Commissioners District 19
One Democratic candidate and one Republican candidate are running for their party’s nomination to compete for one two-year term in November. Commissioners earn an approximately $36,000 salary.

Charlie Cavell
Running unopposed.

Joseph C. Pucci
Running unopposed.

Judge of the 52nd District Court 4th Division
Three candidates are running for one six-year term. A district court judge earns $45,724 from the county and $108,065 from the state annually.

Mike Bosnic
Age: 53
Occupation: Municipal attorney / District Court prosecutor / District Court Magistrate
Municipality of residence: Clawson
For how long: Clawson, since 1998 – Troy resident 1994-1998
Online campaign information:
Education: Notre Dame Law School, J.D. – Michigan State University, B.A.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Clawson School Board 2003-2012 , Oakland County Commissioner 2010-2014 (Troy/Clawson), appointed Oakland County District Court Magistrate in 2015.
Top goals: A commitment to protect the public. When personal disagreements and political views are allowed to impact the dispensation of justice our community is made less safe. Display an appropriate temperament. Victims, police officers, Court staff and litigants must be treated with respect and dignity. It shakes public faith in the Court when they read newspaper articles concerning a Judge’s poor temperament. Expand specialized Court services to Veterans and those with mental health needs.

Tonya Goetz
Age: 50
Occupation: Prosecuting Attorney
Municipality of residence: Troy, MI
For how long: 15 Years
Online campaign information:
Education: 1994-1997-Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, Juris Doctorate (May 1997) 1990-1994, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York Bachelor of Arts in History and French (May 1994)
Previously and currently held elected offices: I have not previously held any elected office.
Top goals: Create a positive and respectful work environment in the courthouse.
Maintain professional relationships with prosecutors, attorneys, and officers who appear before me; Be mindful of the Judicial Cannons and act within the limited judicial authority granted by the Michigan Constitution. As your judge, I will follow the law while protecting everyone’s rights. I will treat all parties professionally, while ensuring that everyone is not just seen, but can use their voice and be heard.

Kirsten Nielsen Hartig
Age: 55
Occupation: Judge of the 52-4 District Court
Municipality of residence: Troy
For how long: 23 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Michigan State University, James Madison College, Urban Policy Planning-graduated in 1988, The American University, Washington College of Law, Washington D.C., graduated 1991
Previously and currently held elected offices: I was elected judge of the 52-4 District Court in 2010 and have served in that capacity from 2011 to present.
Top goals: To continue the Sobriety Treatment Court as I have for the last ten years. To preside over the new Mental Health Court and build partnerships with mental health providers to help this vulnerable population. I will continue to organize Town Hall forums for the citizens of Troy and Clawson on emerging dangers, such as new dangerous drugs, the heroin epidemic and youth death by suicide prevention. I will try to do justice everyday.

Royal Oak Public Library Millage Proposal
Shall the City of Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan, be authorized to levy a millage annually in an amount not to exceed 1.0 mill ($1.00 on each $1,000 of taxable value), of which .8837 mill is a renewal of the previously authorized millage that expires in 2022 and .1163 mill is new additional millage, against all taxable property within the City for a period of ten (19) years, 2023 to 2032 inclusive, for the purpose of operating, maintaining and equipping the Royal Oak Public Library and for all other library purposes authorized by law? The estimate of the revenue the City will collect in the first year of levy (2023) if the millage is approved is approximately $3,266,000. By law, revenue from the millage will be disbursed to the Royal Oak Public Library and a portion of the revenue from the millage may be subject to capture by the City of Royal Oak Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.