As part of the 2018 bond issue, the Roseville High School Media Productions studio is undergoing renovations this summer.

As part of the 2018 bond issue, the Roseville High School Media Productions studio is undergoing renovations this summer.

Photo provided by Joe Genest

Roseville bond projects continue during the summer months

By: Maria Allard | Roseville-Eastpointe Eastsider | Published August 9, 2023

ROSEVILLE — Five years ago in 2018, Roseville Community Schools voters passed a $58.9 million bond issue to fund building updates throughout the district.

Many projects have been completed since that time, and this summer, more projects are underway.

For starters, renovations have been ongoing in the News and Broadcasting Media Productions Studio at Roseville High School. According to school officials, the upgrade will create a bigger space for student video productions. That includes a green screen and an improved editing suite area with upgraded computers.

District officials predict the studio will be ready for students when the new school year begins in September. In the news and broadcasting media productions classes, students learn different aspects of media productions. Through the coursework, they work on their scripting and speaking skills, create broadcast storylines, film, edit and produce.

Work has continued on the Ascension Health Clinic at Roseville Middle School. Technology upgrades districtwide also have been made possible with the bond dollars.

“With initial purchases of student laptops and iPads in 2019 complete, the district is starting work on the first refresh,” a district press release stated.

That means, when school begins next month, district officials are scheduled to collaborate with teachers and staff to evaluate potential new student laptops and iPads.

“Once the evaluation is completed, a recommendation for approval will be made to the school board after the first of the year so that the student devices can be distributed before the start of the 2024-2025 school year,” Director of Technology Mike Antoine said in a prepared statement.

Other projects are being worked on this summer. At RHS, copper pipes — resistant to corrosion and less likely to leak — are replacing galvanized pipes. During the summer work, each school is being equipped with drinking water bottle fillers, which were retrofitted to the existing water fountains.

In addition, heating units are being replaced in the RHS kitchen, RHS auto tech wing, science labs at RMS and the Ascension Clinic. There is also a replacement of the railing system in the upstairs hallway near the east entrance at RHS.