Novi City Council renews janitorial contract

By: Charity Meier | Novi Note | Published February 23, 2023

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NOVI — The Novi City Council unanimously voted to renew its contract with RNA Facilities Management of Ann Arbor during its Jan. 23 meeting.   

“It’s well worth it and it’s a company we’ve had for lots of years,” interim City Manager Victor Cardenas told the council.

The approximately $182,700 contract will cover janitorial services at many city facilities. The cost for each building is:

• City Hall, $28,600.08.

• Community Center, $47,260.08.

• Public safety building $53,547.60.

• Department of Public Works, $25,344.84.

• Firing range, $15,728.04.


• Township Hall, $2,100.

• Lakeshore Park $10,163.

The city has contracted with RNA since 2019. With its original contract expiring, the city put out a request for proposals last fall that resulted in three proposals for janitorial services.

The proposals were evaluated by a team of city leaders. During the evaluation, they reviewed supplemental questionnaires, performed walk-throughs of the facilities, spoke to references, and met with company representatives for all three bids.

City leaders decided to continue with RNA to conduct the city’s janitorial services. RNA also provides janitorial services for Washtenaw County, the Southfield Police Department and Detroit Public Schools.

“Our team believes RNA can carry out the contract due to their familiarity and book of business with other municipalities,” the team’s written recommendation to council states.