News & Notes - 6/29/23 Rochester Post

Rochester Post | Published June 28, 2023


Stoney Creek student receives Carl Parsell Scholarship
ROCHESTER HILLS — Stoney Creek High School honors graduate Nolan Campbell was awarded one of two $2,500 Carl Parsell Scholarships during the 33rd annual Carl Parsell Memorial Golf Outing June 8 at Links of Novi.

The fund was established in 1991 to continue the legacy of Parsell, a “law enforcement union movement pioneer.”

Scholarships are awarded to Michigan family members of Michigan Association of Police, Michigan Association of Public Employees and Michigan Association of Fire Fighters union members.

“Like Carl Parsell, I want to help defend the rights of others,” Campbell wrote in his 2023 Carl Parsell Scholarship application. “I plan to attend Grand Valley State University and study Computer Science with a focus in Cyber Security.”

The Shelby Township resident’s future career was inspired by having parents in law enforcement.

Campbell was also awarded a $3,500 Grand Valley State University Award for Excellence based on his GPA and SAT score of 2200, and a $5,500 Michigan Achievement Scholarship.

Marisa Fisher, of Sterling Heights, was also awarded a 2023 Carl Parsell Scholarship. Funding for the scholarships is derived from an annual golf outing, with a total of $143,000 in scholarships awarded.


Salute Our Warriors event seeking sponsors to honor military veterans and support The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund
ROCHESTER HILLS — Sam and Ziad Kassab, in collaboration with Sen. Mat Dunaskiss, announce the sixth edition of the “Annual Salute Our Warriors” benefit to honor military veterans and active service members, and raise funds for The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund 6-10 p.m. July 13 at 3910 Coachwood Lane.

Each year, the event selects veterans to be honored. The funds raised aid Michigan’s injured soldiers with living expenses and support families of the fallen.

“This is a really meaningful way to stand side-by-side with our veterans, honor them, thank them, and give back to soldiers and families who have served and sacrificed tremendously to protect our freedoms,” co-host Ziad Kassab said in a press release. The goal is to raise $150,000.

All proceeds from the event benefit The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit.


Sponsorship opportunities are available; call Eric Castiglia at (586) 940-1982. For more information, visit or call (586) 453-3195.


Invasive shrub workdays planned for Bear Creek Nature Park
OAKLAND TOWNSHIP — Volunteers will be removing invasive shrubs such as glossy buckthorn and autumn olive to help native species thrive around the perimeter of the northern marsh at Bear Creek Nature Park 9 a.m.-noon July 11 and 18, and Aug. 1 and 8.

Participants should wear solid boots, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, and bring water and a snack. Tools and training will be provided. Participants should meet in the Snell parking lot at 740 W. Snell Road in Rochester.


Independence Day Music Festival planned
OAKLAND TOWNSHIP — An Independence Day Music Festival will be held 1-6 p.m. July 2 at the Veterans Tribute of Oakland Township, 5236 N. Adams Road.

The event will include live music starting at 1 p.m., with an opening ceremony and patriotic singing 2-2:30 p.m., and food and drink vendors, including an ice cream truck. The event is free, but donations are accepted. For more information, visit


Meadow Brook Theatre Guild hosts meet and greet
ROCHESTER HILLS — Join the Meadow Brook Theatre Guild for a meet-and-greet at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 14, for appetizers and beverages at the Rochester Public Library, 500 Old Town in Rochester. A get-together followed by a short meeting will give people information to decide if they would like to join the guild in promoting live stage performances for Meadow Brook Theatre.

Call or email Kathy Warriner at (248) 841-1076 or with questions or to RSVP.