A new pedestrian bridge over the Lawson Drain on the north side of 25 Mile Road, between Mound Road and Van Dyke Ave., was designed to provide a crucial link for neighborhoods north of 25 Mile Road to Malow Junior High, Morgan Elementary and Eisenhower High School.

A new pedestrian bridge over the Lawson Drain on the north side of 25 Mile Road, between Mound Road and Van Dyke Ave., was designed to provide a crucial link for neighborhoods north of 25 Mile Road to Malow Junior High, Morgan Elementary and Eisenhower High School.

Image provided by Brad Bates

New pedestrian bridge on 25 Mile Road in Shelby Township set to begin construction

By: Brendan Losinski | Shelby-Utica News | Published January 23, 2024

SHELBY TOWNSHIP — In a move aimed at enhancing pedestrian connectivity and ensuring safety for residents, initial work on constructing a new pedestrian bridge over the Lawson Drain on the north side of 25 Mile Road, between Mound Road and Van Dyke Ave, will begin this month.

The proposed bridge will fill the existing sidewalk gap, providing a link for neighborhoods north of 25 Mile Road to Malow Junior High, Morgan Elementary and Eisenhower High School. The bridge, designed as a pre-manufactured steel truss bridge supported by concrete footings, is a significant step towards improving pedestrian safety.

"Based on meetings with residents and the Sidewalk Committee and feedback from our community visioning process, we know a top priority for our community is to improve pedestrian safety near our parks and schools," Township Trustee Lisa Casali, a member of the township’s Sidewalk Committee said in a press release. "This bridge will be a fantastic asset in those efforts.”

The fabrication of the bridge requires a lead time of seven months, and the scheduled commencement of the project is the week of Jan. 22. Crews aim to complete earthwork, excavation and concrete footings by March 2024, weather permitting.

Subsequent phases include the sidewalk installation and grading in the spring or early summer of 2024, with bridge delivery and installation set for June 2024. After bridge installation, the final touches, including sidewalk completion, grading and restoration, are expected to be finalized by the end of the summer of 2024.

Construction will necessitate lane closures on 25 Mile Road, which will be managed and posted by the Macomb County Department of Roads. For updates on road closures, visit macombgov.org/departments/department-roads.

The initiative received a financial boost from the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments with an award of $268,169 in its Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation Alternatives Program funds. These funds facilitate more gains for the township's broader plan to enhance pedestrian connectivity as it fills one of the last gaps on 25 Mile Road between Mound Road and Van Dyke Ave.

As the proposed construction date approaches, residents are encouraged to stay informed about road closures and project updates through the Macomb County Department of Roads website, the township's social media channels and www.shelbytwp.org.

Proponents hope the new pedestrian bridge becomes a vital asset for the community, and will promote safer and more accessible pedestrian pathways in Shelby Township.