More than $1.3 Billion awarded to schools from Michigan Lottery sales in 2023

By: Brendan Losinski | Metro | Published December 22, 2023

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METRO DETROIT/LANSING — The Michigan Lottery contributed more than $1.3 billion to the School Aid Fund in 2023, marking the fifth consecutive year the agency’s contribution has topped $1 billion.

This was the second largest yearly total provided to the fund from lottery sales in Michigan history.  

“The Michigan Lottery’s fifth-straight contribution of more than $1 billion to our state’s School Aid Fund will improve education outcomes and support students,” Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said in a press release. “In addition to investing in our schools, each lottery ticket purchase also supports local businesses, building on our economic momentum. With about 97 cents of each dollar spent on the lottery returned to Michiganders in the form of contributions to the School Aid Fund, prizes, and commissions to local vendors and retailers, the lottery makes a real difference for communities across Michigan. Congratulations to the lottery team on another successful year.”

Since 1972, the lottery has contributed more than $28 billion to the School Aid Fund, which supports public education programs throughout Michigan. For the third consecutive year, lottery players in Michigan collected more than $3 billion in prizes. Since the lottery began in 1972, players have collected more than $50 billion in prizes.  


“The lottery’s contribution of $1.3 billion to the School Aid Fund provides a critical source of financial support for public schools throughout Michigan,” Acting Lottery Commissioner, Jessica Weare said in a press release. “Continuing the incredible streak of billion-dollar contributions to the School Aid Fund is a testament to the hard work and ingenuity of the entire lottery team, the dedication of our retailers and vendors, and the support of lottery players.”

Lottery products are sold at more than 10,000 locations across Michigan, including both independently owned businesses and large chains. In 2023, nearly 600 retailers sold $1 million or more in lottery games.

For each dollar spent on a Michigan Lottery ticket in fiscal year 2023, approximately 61 cents went to players as prizes, 27 cents went to the School Aid Fund to support public education, 9 cents went to commissions for retailers and vendors, and 3 cents funded the lottery’s operations and administrative costs.