Lincoln High School senior Jevon Ball works on the “You Can Be Anything” mural inside the Lincoln High School cafeteria March 15.
Photo by Patricia O'Blenes

Lincoln High School senior Seniya Jackson uses a ladder to reach the high spots when painting the “Reach For The Stars” mural in the school cafeteria March 15. Team member Amber Keen, a senior, helps her by holding the paint tray.
Photo by Patricia O'Blenes
WARREN — On March 15, a group of “Friends on a Mission” spent a Saturday performing a community service project designed to benefit Lincoln High School.
Friends on a Mission consists of about 40 women who live or work in Macomb County and conduct various community service projects through their volunteer work.
They recruited about 17 students for a day of service at Lincoln. Together, they painted murals in the cafeteria, worked in the Abe’s Corner resale shop at the school, updated the upstairs relaxation room and more.
Friends on a Mission also was involved in service projects at Lincoln last year. Lincoln is part of the Van Dyke Public Schools district, and Lincoln social worker Glynis Dale is a Friends on a Mission leader.
“This is a continuation of the partnership we have with Lincoln High School and Macomb County,” Friends on a Mission President Cynthia Miree-Coppin said. “We are a group of women who came together to do volunteer service and have an impact on Macomb County. We’ve known each other 20-plus years and love to serve.”
Tuanda Ward-Holmes is the program chair, and Lori Singleton is the Friends on a Mission vice president. The group’s goal is to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
“We want to make an impact and help the next generation,” Singleton said.
There are a number of subcommittees within the group. Lois McEntyre, for instance, is the chair of the Artistic Vibration Committee, which is designed to build awareness of the arts. It’s also an opportunity for students to display their artistic talents.
For the day of service, several students voted on the type of artwork they wanted to do inside the cafeteria. They painted three murals with the following messages: “You Can Be Anything,” “Reach For The Stars,” and “Be The Change You Wish To See In The World.”
Jacquie Adams is the chair of the Global Impacts and Initiatives Committee. Her crew received recycling bins from Oakland University for Lincoln to use. The committee also brought a selection of plants they left on the desks of several employees.
“We brought them as a clean air initiative,” Adams said. “The plants help clean the air. Clean air is good for our minds.”
Sophomores and National Honor Society students Janelle Wagner and Christan Tucker planned to write notes to educators explaining the reason for the plants. They also distributed the paper recycling bins and will be in charge of regularly watering the donated plants. Wagner and Tucker feel the day of service made a difference at school.
“I think it’s going to help a lot,” Tucker said.
In another part of the school, volunteers sorted gently-used clothing, accessories and other items for the Abe’s Corner resale shop. The store — located near the cafeteria — is open during lunch for students. Donations have come from the public, and all the items are free.
Friends on a Mission’s Health and Happiness Chair April Shows coordinated efforts to update the school’s relaxation room. The volunteers and students painted and also hung inspirational artwork on the walls.
“We got some new chair covers and some mindfulness toys for the room,” Shows said. “Students can come in and feel more serene.”
Members of the Macomb Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. helped with the relaxation room. One job was hanging festive lights. National Honor Society sophomores Aiyhana Johnson and twins Nijah and Nilah Jones also worked in the relaxation room. Their participation earned them NHS community service hours. They also wanted to “help out with the school,” Johnson said.
“Sometimes school can get a little stressful,” Nijah Jones said.
“Students can come here and do their work,” Nilah Jones said of the Relaxation Room.
All three students felt “good” that Friends on a Mission came to their school. Nilah Jones described the members as “energetic.”
Call Staff Writer Maria Allard at (586) 498-1045.