Mini-grant provides lawn care services for Clawson residents in need

By: Taylor Christensen | Royal Oak Review | Published July 31, 2024

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CLAWSON — The city of Clawson has received grant funding in the amount of $30,000 from Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency to provide lawn cutting and snowplowing services to seniors and people with disabilities.

To be eligible for this program, the individual must be 62 or older or have a permanent disability and live in a low-income household. The income amount is different based on how many people are in the household.

Lisa Ball, assistant director of recreation and senior services at the Hunter Community and Senior Center, said that this particular grant is a mini-grant that is part of a pilot program.

The Oakland County Senior Chore Pilot Program will utilize $3 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to offer these mini-grants to local communities until July 2026.

“They have these mini-grant opportunities within all townships as well as within Oakland County, because they want them to try this, to use these funds specifically to help older adults or those with permanent disabilities,” Ball said.

Ball said that choosing to utilize the grant funds for lawn care services is due to the fact that outdoor chores can become dangerous for seniors and people with permanent disabilities.

“We want to try to serve as many individuals that qualify for the program as possible,” Ball said. “We’re limiting it to, right now, lawn cutting and snow removal, and we’re hoping, you know, depending on how many people apply, to also include fall cleanup.”

Ball said that she is hoping the $30,000 will help at least 15 households in Clawson.

Lawn services will be provided by Lawnclippers Landscaping Inc., who have done previous work with different cities that were awarded grant funds.

Scott Jennex, the director of recreation and senior services, said that the lawn company was chosen because of its previous experience working on programs like this.

“They came highly recommended as somebody who is familiar with this type of program for seniors,” he said.

Ball said that Lawnclippers Landscaping Inc. was a suggested organization in a “tool kit” packet provided by OLHSA to help Clawson implement the services.

“There were a handful of contractors that we reached out to who have experience with this program, especially since we’re new to doing a program like this in the city of Clawson,” Ball said.

Jennex said that the program is a great way to provide seniors with services that can keep them in their homes longer, and make them happier.

“It gives them the flexibility to stay in their house, and to have these services performed that they can no longer do on their own and struggle to afford,” he said. “A lot of them are on fixed incomes, or a lower income, and they no longer have the physical ability to perform a lot of the maintenance tasks around the house.”

Some residents in Clawson may have been there for their whole lives, according to Ball, and staying put in their home is something that is a priority to these individuals.

“Their priority may be to remain living in their home within their community, because who knows how long they’ve been here. And you may have residents that have been here a lifetime, right? And they need that support,” she said.

The program has been available since July 1, and services will continue through Nov. 30, 2025, or until the grant funds are exhausted. If the city of Clawson wishes to continue this after the grant is gone, the city will need to find a different way to fund the program.

To apply for this program, contact the Clawson Senior Center at (248) 589-0334 or contact OLHSA directly from its website,
