Roseville Community Schools Board of Education President Theresa Genest, right, congratulates Eastland Middle School student Catelyn Lake for her dedication to the student council.
Photo provided by Joe Genest
ROSEVILLE — Roseville Community Schools Superintendent Mark Blaszkowski had a message for the middle school students recognized at the April 17 Board of Education meeting.
The students — from Roseville Middle School and Eastland Middle School — were honored for being student leaders in band, student council, National Junior Honor Society, choir, robotics and advanced band. Blaszkowski encouraged them to continue with their extracurricular activities.
“These are things that can help you stay involved in school, and you are going to be more successful. I guarantee it,” Blaszkowski said. “Of course, parents, you are their first teachers. So congratulations for setting a great foundation and carrying on those expectations of your children to be good students. Continue to stay involved even though they don’t want you to. You have to stay involved, and if you do, you’ll see good things.”
During the meeting, the teachers who are the school club sponsors introduced the students one at a time and presented them with certificates. The students then quickly introduced their families.
The Roseville Middle School band sponsor is Megan Szypula; student council sponsors are Mark Baldes and Ann Paul; and NJHS sponsors are Ann Paul and Emily Grimes.
Szypula also is the Roseville Middle School and Eastland Middle School combined choir sponsor, and Christine Beckner is the robotics sponsor. Gary Hill is the Eastland Middle School advanced band sponsor; Taylor Riley is the NJHS sponsor at Eastland Middle School; and Becky Gardner is the Eastland Middle School student council sponsor.
There are different qualifications that students need to have to be involved in band, choir and the other clubs. The Roseville Middle School student council is one example.
“This year, we wanted to put together a really special group of student leaders, so we had a pretty extensive application process,” Baldes said. “Kids had to write a lengthy response of why they felt they could be a difference-maker in the school, a true student leader. And I think we put together quite a collection of talent with our student body.”
Many board members said a few words in honor of the student leaders.
“I just wanted to say congrats to all the students and the parents that were recognized tonight,” Trustee Gina Aiuto said. “Great job and keep it up.”