Over the last year, the Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan has supplied more than 800 children in metro Detroit with beds, including Nehemiah, of Pontiac, who’s thrilled with his.
Photo provided by the Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan
METRO DETROIT — Spring — the season of renewal — is a popular time for people to remodel or redecorate their homes.
But what many may not realize is the old dresser or couch they no longer want could make life substantially better for a local family in need.
The nonprofit Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan, which provides household basics like beds, dining tables and chairs to vulnerable metro Detroiters who are rebuilding their lives, is facing a serious shortage of furnishings at a time when demand for these items is spiking.
“Donations are down,” said Furniture Bank Board President Wanda Van Haitsma, of Redford. “We have about 180 families waiting for beds and other furniture, and that’s a big number.”
Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan Executive Director Robert Boyle, of Grosse Pointe Woods, said that’s three times the number of families waiting for furniture at this time in 2021. At the same time, furniture donations have dropped; Boyle said that in 2022, they went on 4,600 pickups, but in 2023, there were only 3,800 pickups.
“At a time of high inflation, it would seem people would rather sit on their current couch than buy a new one,” Boyle said.
That same high inflation disproportionately hurts people on the lower end of the income spectrum. More than 80% of the people the Furniture Bank serves have incomes of $20,000 or less, and most are families with children.
“Now it’s even more difficult to cover basics like a bed for a child or a dining table to share a meal at,” Boyle said.
The Furniture Bank will collect essential items in good condition from homes across metro Detroit at no charge, if these items can be placed in a garage or on a porch, or they’ll charge a flat fee of $75 to collect any number of essentials from inside the home. Essential items include mattresses, box springs, dressers, end tables, nightstands, coffee tables, sofas/loveseats (excluding reclining sofas and sofa beds), dining/kitchen tables (excluding glass or heavy marble), dining/kitchen chairs (in sets of at least two) and living room chairs. The Furniture Bank will also collect as essentials up to five bags or boxes of smaller housewares, such as towels, pots, pans, silverware, lamps, bedding and other basics; they cannot accept clothing.
Because there’s such a serious need for mattresses and box springs in good condition, the Furniture Bank is currently offering to pick up these items for free, whether they’re inside or outside the house.
For essential items that are structurally damaged, stained, torn or badly worn, they will haul these items away for $100 per item, whether they’re inside or outside of the home.
For fees ranging from $100 to $125 per item, the Furniture Bank will also pick up nonessential items from inside or outside of homes, including desks, bookshelves, armoires, china cabinets, buffets, sofa beds, reclining sofas, entertainment centers and treadmills. Proceeds from fees support the work of the Furniture Bank and enable them to hire professional movers to safely remove furniture.
“It’s such a great nonprofit,” Van Haitsma said. “We’re providing furniture and beds for people who are trying to get back on their feet.”
In some cases, the people helped by the Furniture Bank are individuals who are moving from a homeless shelter into their own apartment or home. In other cases, they’re people starting over after escaping from an abusive relationship.
Boyle said their clients are excited to leave shelters for their own dwelling — until they realize they were more comfortable in the shelter because, at least there, they had a bed.
“It’s stressful,” Boyle said of sleeping on the floor. “It’s not comfortable. It’s not good for your mental or physical health.”
Boyle said they’re trying to provide people with a stable, dignified life. Studies show there are higher rates of attention deficit disorder and obesity in children who don’t get adequate sleep.
“It’s really important that families get what they need when they need it and they don’t go through any more distress,” Boyle said.
To donate or for more information, visit www.furniture-bank.org or call (248) 332-1300.