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Fall into autumn with these festive, spooky activities

Metro | Published September 23, 2022


METRO DETROIT — Fall in Michigan means plenty of festive — and sometimes spooky — activities. Here's a list we compiled. Check back often as we continue to add more


Oct. 31
‘Misery’: 8 p.m., Ringwald Theatre at Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center, 290 W. Nine Mile Road in Ferndale,

Flashlight Tours: 7 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., Meadow Brook Hall, 350 Estate Drive in Rochester, advanced tickets required,

Corn maze and hayrides: 5-9 p.m. Fridays, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturdays and 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Sundays, Maybury Farm, 50165 Eight Mile Road in Northville, (248) 374-0200

Halloween Party: Adaptive event featuring music, games, pizza and refreshments, 5-7 p.m., Troy Community Center, 3179 Livernois,

Trunk or treat: 4-7 p.m., Stefanini Cares (North American headquarters), 27100 W. 11 Mile Road in Southfield

Boogah and Hoogah children’s show: Perfomance by goofy goblin, 1 p.m., North Grand Court at Somerset Collection, 2800 W. Big Beaver Road in Troy,

Nov. 1
Rumblin' Tumblin' Pumpkin Rolldown: Bring your carved pumpkin, 6 p.m., Spindler Park Sledding Hill, 19400 Stephens in Eastpointe

Nov. 4
‘Hocus Pocus’: Free movie at 6 p.m., outdoor at Municipal Park, 27400 Southfield Road in Lathrup Village,, (248) 557-2600, ext. 246


Hay Ride Central: Heritage Park, 24915 Farmington Road in Farmington Hills, register by calling (248) 473-1870

Nov. 5
Little Witches Ball: Candy, music, and games, noon-2 p.m., Jeanne M Stine Community Park, 241 Town Center Drive in Troy, Eventbrite page

Nov. 7
Local ghost stories: Presentation by author and paranormal investigator Nicole Beauchamp, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Hazel Park District Library, 123 E. Nine Mile Road, (248) 546-4095

Grand Raven Festival: Includes RavenCrow contest, pumpkin carving exhibition, movie night, Victorian walk and more during October, downtown Farmington,

Halloween activities: Win prizes all month with monster match and spooky find and seek, Berkley Public Library, 3155 Coolidge Highway, (248) 658-3440,

‘The Addams Family’: 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays, Nov. 4-6 and 11-13, Birmingham Village Players, 34660 Woodward Ave.,

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