A Downtown Rochester Cookie Stroll participant shows off some of his sweet treats collected during last year’s event.
Photo provided by the Rochester DDA
ROCHESTER — One of the tastiest ways to celebrate the holiday season might be tempting your taste buds during the second annual Downtown Rochester Cookie Stroll.
This year’s Downtown Rochester Cookie Stroll — planned for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3 — invites participants to explore downtown Rochester’s restaurants and shops as they collect 14 cookies at 14 different cookie stations throughout town.
Jenna O’Dell, the events coordinator for the Rochester DDA, credits the idea to Linda Gallaher, who owns South Street Skateshop.
“Linda Gallaher, who is part of our promotions committee, brought it up in our goals and objectives meeting, and we quickly pieced our first stroll together for December last year — which happened to be on National Cookie Day,” O’Dell said. “People were very excited about it. We had people asking back in July when they could get their cookie tin pre-sales, so we had to bring it back again.”
Pre-sales for the official 2022 Cookie Stroll tin will begin at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11, and there are 150 available for purchase. Cookie tins — which cost $35 each, with a limit of two per order — will only be available for purchase online at www.downtownrochestermi.com/store.
“Last year, we sold out within eight minutes, but we have 50 additional tins this year, so, hopefully, if you missed out last year, you’re on top of it and ready to grab on this year,” O’Dell said.
Cookie tins must be picked up at the DDA’s Downtown Collaboration Studio, 431 Main St., by Dec. 1.
“When you pick up your tin from the Downtown Collaboration Studio, you will be given a cookie punch card. On the day of the Cookie Stroll, you take your cookie tin and punch card around to collect up to 14 cookies. It’s just a nice way to get families around town and see what Rochester has to offer,” O’Dell explained.
Renee Cortright, the executive director of the Older Persons’ Commission, said the OPC is a big supporter of intergenerational activities, which is why the OPC is sponsoring the Cookie Stroll again this year.
“Grandparents, moms, dads and friends get to enjoy some quality time with the children during the holidays while visiting local businesses and organizations, including a stop at the OPC for a delicious homemade cookie from our own culinary team,” Cortright said in a statement.
All cookies are created by downtown Rochester’s bakeries and restaurants, including BakeHouse 46, Dessert Oasis, The Give Thanks Bakery, The Home Bakery, The Meeting House, the OPC’s culinary team and Side Dish.
For more information about participating businesses and cookie makers, visit www.downtownrochestermi.com/cookie-stroll.