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Comedy ‘Native Gardens’ comes to Meadow Brook Theatre

By: Mary Beth Almond | Rochester Post | Published March 21, 2024


ROCHESTER — Meadow Brook Theatre will present the comedy ‘Native Gardens’ March 21-April 14 on the campus of Oakland University.

High-powered lawyer Pablo and his doctoral candidate, very pregnant wife Tania, have just moved into their dream house. It needs some work, but they’re excited to be next-door neighbors to community stalwarts Frank and Virginia. A disagreement over a longstanding fence line spirals into a hilarious war of taste, class, privilege and entitlement, according to promoters. “Will anyone come out smelling like a rose? Or will it all turn to ... fertilizer?”

“This show humorously challenges assumptions,” Travis Walter, MBT’s artistic director, said in a statement. “You move into a new house; you want to get along with your neighbors. Everything starts off fine, but then an assumption leads to a clarification, which leads to the truth. Sometimes that truth becomes a much bigger deal than it should.”

Michael De Souza and Stefania Gonzalez play Pablo and Tania, while Tobin Hissong and Mary Robin Roth are Frank and Virginia.


Tickets range from $37 to $46 and are available by calling the Meadow Brook Theatre box office at (248) 377-3300 or visiting Student discounts are available at the box office. “Native Gardens” is suggested for audience members in high school and up. For more information, visit or call (248) 377-3300.