Bieda appointed to 37th District Court bench

By: Gena Johnson | Warren Weekly | Published January 20, 2023

 Steve Bieda

Steve Bieda

WARREN — One of Warren’s own has been appointed to the bench of the 37th District Court. Steve Bieda was appointed on Jan. 10 by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Bieda, who grew up in Warren, attended Warren Consolidated Schools and considers Warren his home, said he sees this appointment as an extension to his calling to public service and a homecoming.

“I have always been interested in public service.  I think it is a high calling,” said Bieda. “I think there is a lot of opportunity to do a lot of good work for the people of Warren, Center Line and state.”

Bieda has worked with the judges and many of the staff members at the 37th District Court.

“I have had the honor of working with all the judges in district court at least at the community level at a minimum,” said Bieda.  “I know so many of the court employees, staff and professionals there.  It’s going to feel like a bit of a homecoming for me.”

Bieda spent 14 years as a state legislator representing Warren, Center Line and other neighboring communities.  Elected in 2002 to the Michigan House of Representatives, he served six years from 2003 to 2009, then went on to be elected to the Michigan Senate and served eight years from 2011 to 2019.  While working in Lansing, he commuted from Warren, which he considered his primary residence.

Having represented the citizens of Warren and Center Line in Lansing, Bieda will bring that experience to the bench.

“He knows Warren through and through,” said Chief Judge of the 37th District Court John M. Chmura.  “He’s going to be a good judge and I’m looking forward to working with him.”

Chmura added that Bieda’s experience representing citizens in the Legislature will give him insight into how they want cases adjudicated.

“I think he has a good understanding of that. And he is going to administer justice the way I think people want him to in Warren,” Chmura said.

Bieda said while in the Michigan Senate, he was the minority vice chair of the Judiciary Committee, which is where the laws for criminal and civil actions originate.  He has worked on developing many of these laws and statutes.

“It’s going to be fun to be able to see things I had worked on as a legislator and now work on, or work with or relate with as a judge,” said Bieda. “That’s going to be another interesting challenge.”

With his new appointment to the 37th District Court, Bieda will have worked in all three branches of government — executive, legislative and judicial, which according to Bieda is uncommon.

“(I am) just in awe of all his accomplishments,” said Warren City Council President Patrick Green. “Looking forward to having him work with us in Warren in the 37th District Court. And couldn’t be more proud.”

Green said he has known Bieda for 20 years and served with him in the Michigan Legislature.

Since 2019, Bieda has been an administrative court judge for the Michigan Tax Tribunal where he has heard cases in both of the tribunal’s divisions — “The Entire Tribunal,” and “Residential Property and Small Claims.” As the chairperson, he was responsible for the oversight of eight attorneys and 25 staff members of various professions.

According to Bieda, this experience has given him the judicial temperament needed to be a district court judge.

“You have to be sensitive to the fact that people are in front of the court, and it is one of the more uncomfortable experiences they have ever had in their life. You are looking to find out what the truth is and looking to prescribe justice.  But you also should be sensitive to the fact that people are there for whatever reasons they’re there,  whether it is a contract dispute or criminal matter. Anybody who comes before the court should be treated with respect,” said Bieda.

When asked what he would like to bring to the bench during his tenure at the 37th District Court, Bieda said, “To be that fair and impartial voice on controversies that are facing district court.”

In a news release about the appointment, Whitmer said, “I am excited to appoint Mr. Bieda to the 37th District Court. He brings years of experience as an attorney, elected official, and public servant to the bench. He will uphold the rule of law and put the people he serves first.”

The judicial seat Bieda will fill has been vacant since mid-April 2022.  This resulted from Whitmer’s appointment of Judge Matthew Sabaugh, formerly of the 37th District Court, to the Macomb County Circuit Court bench after Judge Carl Marlinga vacated the seat to run for Congress in 2022.

Bieda’s appointment will begin in February.