Mariah Walton, seen here during a special meeting of the Eastpointe City Council May 3, was sworn-in as Eastpointe’s new city manager June 21.

Mariah Walton, seen here during a special meeting of the Eastpointe City Council May 3, was sworn-in as Eastpointe’s new city manager June 21.

Photo by Brian Wells

Walton sworn-in as Eastpointe city manager

Homan named assistant city manager

By: Brian Wells | Roseville-Eastpointe Eastsider | Published June 29, 2022

EASTPOINTE — Eastpointe City Council members circled around as Deputy City Manager Mariah Walton was sworn-in as the city’s new manager during the council’s June 21 meeting.

Walton stood with her right hand raised as she was sworn in by District Court Judge Kathleen Galen.

“I’ve been able to watch Mariah from when (she) was on civil service, and then as deputy city manager and now city manager,” Galen said at the meeting. “Mariah, I’m very proud of you. I think you’ll lead our city in a good direction.”

After Eastpointe City Manager Elke Doom left the position in November, Walton, who was assistant city manager at the time, began acting as deputy city manager. Walton was selected as one of two candidates for the position to be interviewed during a special meeting May 3.

At the end of the special meeting, a motion to offer Walton the position was passed 4-1, with Council member Cardi DeMonaco Jr. being the one to vote against it, preferring the other candidate. Initially, council voted to offer Walton a contract that mirrored the contact the city had with Doom; however, instead of a two-year contract, Walton’s would be three years. She would also be paid the same as Doom, which was $122,000 per year.

According to City Council agendas, Walton’s contract was finalized at the May 17 meeting.

“We are in good hands,” Eastpointe Mayor Monique Owens said, addressing Walton while closing the May 3 meeting. “We want to re-welcome you to our family, and I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do for the city of Eastpointe.”

In addition, Kim Homan was sworn-in as the city’s new assistant city manager. Homan previously served as the city’s economic development manager.

Walton and Homan did not respond to a request for comment at press time.