From left, Shelby Township police officer Dennis Washburn, firefighter Brenden Riggs, police officer Noah Nye and 911 dispatcher Kiara Brown were honored during a special recognition ceremony in which the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4659 honored Shelby Township first responders at the March 4 Shelby Township Board of Trustees meeting.

From left, Shelby Township police officer Dennis Washburn, firefighter Brenden Riggs, police officer Noah Nye and 911 dispatcher Kiara Brown were honored during a special recognition ceremony in which the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4659 honored Shelby Township first responders at the March 4 Shelby Township Board of Trustees meeting.

Photo by Erin Sanchez

VFW post recognizes outstanding police officers, firefighter and dispatcher

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published March 19, 2025


SHELBY TOWNSHIP — A special recognition ceremony honoring Shelby Township’s first responders was held at the March 4 Shelby Township Board of Trustees meeting at Shelby Township Hall.

This year, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4659, led by Post Commander Art Huge, recognized the dedication, service and sacrifice of local police officers, firefighters and 911 dispatchers. There were four first responders recognized at the meeting. Each received a public servant award and VFW first responder medal.

This year’s honorees included officers Dennis Washburn and Noah Nye, of the Shelby Township Police Department; Brendan Riggs, of the Shelby Township Fire Department; and Kiara Brown, of the Shelby Township 911 dispatch center.

Riggs is working with Neighbors United to host a Walk for the Red 5K at River Bends Park May 31. The proceeds will help firefighters who have cancer. For more information, see

Riggs said he is honored to receive the recognition from the VFW, but the walk is not about him; it is about the firefighters and their families who are battling cancer.


“I took on the walk to raise awareness and show support for those who sacrifice so much for their communities. Firefighting is a brotherhood, and we take care of our own. I am grateful to be in a position where I can help, and I hope this brings more attention to the challenges our firefighters face, as well as brings attention to Neighbors United, who helps firefighters from all around,” he said.

Washburn said he is honored to have been recognized and awarded the first responder medal.

“I’d like to say that I feel honored and privileged to be chosen by the VFW for this award. It’s a great feeling to be recognized for this award,” he said.