Realtor Shaun Shaya: Your expert in senior downsizing solutions

In-Focus | Published May 17, 2024

 Shaun Shaya

Shaun Shaya

BIRMINGHAM — As the years go by, many homeowners find themselves facing the daunting task of downsizing. Moving from a longtime family home to a smaller, more manageable space, independent living facility, or assisted living can be emotionally and logistically overwhelming.

Enter Shaun Shaya, associate broker at KW Domain in downtown Birmingham and lifelong resident of the area, who has dedicated much of his real estate career to making this transition as smooth as possible — especially for seniors. He also holds the Seniors Real Estate Specialist designation, providing him with additional training and resources to better serve his elderly clients.

With over seven years of experience in real estate, Shaya specializes in residential single-family homes and condos.

“I help both buyers and sellers,” he added. “Being both a listing agent and a buyer’s agent is valuable to my clients because I have the experience and insight into what each party is looking for.”

In today’s competitive market, this dual experience helps Shaya navigate negotiations and resolve the issues that invariably come up during a real estate transaction.

“I connect really well with seniors and have noticed a growing need for specialized services catering to their needs,” he said. “They tend to face common challenges when downsizing. Whether they’re choosing to move or circumstances force their hand, they often say, ‘I’ve lived in my home for 30-plus years—where do I even begin?’ At this point, it’s not just about getting their home sold. It’s about sorting through the decades of memories and accumulated belongings, some that hold real sentimental value and are hard to let go of, as well as helping them come up with a logical plan to work through this process in order to move on to the next chapter of their lives.”

Shaya said the key to working with seniors is to understand where they are in their process and develop a tailored plan from there. Oftentimes, their adult children are involved.

“It’s crucial to understand their goals and timing and provide the level of service they need based on that understanding,” he explained. “When selling a downsizer’s home, we do everything we would normally do to market a home and get maximum value for our clients, including repairs, cleaning, staging, professional photos, a thorough marketing plan and more. But first, we need to handle all of their accumulated belongings.”

He goes beyond traditional real estate services and offers a full suite of assistance designed to address and coordinate every aspect of downsizing. From helping clients declutter and stage their homes for sale, planning for an estate sale, coordinating with movers and even lining them up with services that help set up their new living spaces, Shaya ensures that no detail is overlooked. “I have a network of referral partners who specialize in each of the required areas,” he explained.

“Most people don’t realize the value an agent experienced in this area can add, thereby minimizing the stress on the homeowner and their loved ones. I feel like I wear a couple of different hats in these circumstances: working as an agent and as a consultant to help them through the process.”

When a home is overfilled with many possessions, that is not ideal for marketing. His referral partners can help address this issue. For example, the homeowner may be planning an estate sale after closing. By starting early in the process, they can assist the homeowner and their family with pre-packing items not needed daily. They also consolidate items to keep them out of view for staging and photos, ensuring they are available for the estate sale. Items that have no sentimental or commercial value will be removed or donated. Shaya emphasized that every situation is unique and, therefore, he plans accordingly.

For seniors considering downsizing, Shaya offered this advice: “It’s never too soon to start planning or talk with a Realtor, even if your move is a year away. Having a solid game plan tailored to your needs will make the process less stressful and more successful.”

KW Domain is located at 210 S. Old Woodward Ave., Suite 200. For more information, call Shaya at (248) 408-6656 or visit