New vendor to provide Village trash compactor services at reduced cost

By: K. Michelle Moran | Grosse Pointe Times | Published October 29, 2024

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GROSSE POINTE CITY — Grosse Pointe City is switching to a new vendor to save money on trash compactor services in The Village.

City Manager Joseph Valentine said the city began comparing prices from other vendors when Waste Management, the current provider, started adding charges for services.

“We have been with Waste Management for some time,” Valentine told the Grosse Pointe City Council during a meeting Oct. 21. “We found we could get a better rate with one of the other providers.”

Valentine recommended a proposal from Detroit Disposal, which said it would charge the city $450 per month per unit for compactor rental and $395 for compactor hauling. By contrast, Waste Management was charging the city $483.14 per month per unit for compactor rental and $410.50 for compactor hauling. The city has four trash compactors in The Village, Valentine said.

“Do you have any track record or sense of service level (for this company)?” City Councilwoman Maureen Juip asked.

“(It will) probably (be) better, to be honest with you,” Valentine responded. “Detroit Disposal is a company that the owners are from Grosse Pointe. We’re confident if there are any issues, we’ll get a (prompt) response.”

In addition, Valentine said Detroit Disposal charges “minimal fees.”

“I like it,” City Councilman Seth Krupp said.

The council voted unanimously in favor of an agreement with Detroit Disposal to provide compactor rental and hauling services to the city. The contract is for five years, with the rate to stay the same for the first two years and to increase annually by 3% in years three, four and five.

Valentine said these services are paid for from the city’s solid waste fund.
