On April 26, Hillside Foundation members Mark Beltz, second from right, and Matt Morisette, right, donated gym equipment and board games to Eastpointe Middle School during a pep rally. Pictured with them are seventh grader Carter Johnson, left, who served as the pep rally’s emcee, and Principal Deniescha Malone, second from left.

On April 26, Hillside Foundation members Mark Beltz, second from right, and Matt Morisette, right, donated gym equipment and board games to Eastpointe Middle School during a pep rally. Pictured with them are seventh grader Carter Johnson, left, who served as the pep rally’s emcee, and Principal Deniescha Malone, second from left.

Photo provided

Hillside Foundation donates equipment, never forgets its roots

By: Maria Allard | Roseville-Eastpointe Eastsider | Published May 5, 2023

EASTPOINTE — On April 26, the students and staff at Eastpointe Middle School gathered in the gymnasium for a pep rally.

With seventh grader Carter Johnson serving as event emcee, the cheerleaders pumped up the crowd to get others to show their school spirit.

Another highlight was a visit from members of the Hillside Foundation, which donated a number of portable basketball hoops and basketballs, jump ropes, an outdoor volleyball set, board games and more.

The Hillside Foundation is a group of East Detroit High School alumni who raise money to provide scholarships to Eastpointe High School graduates. When they found out Eastpointe Middle School was in need of sports equipment and board games, they used funds from the foundation to meet the need. The EMS students have already been using the equipment and games.

“They were very, very eager and excited to play,” Principal Deniescha Malone said.

The games — which included Uno, Candy Land, Monopoly and Jenga — are sometimes used as incentives for students. They can play the games after they finish state assessments or as a reward for good behavior.

“They’re so important because they help the students focus, work together and work as a team,” Malone said.

East Detroit High School alumni Robert Dolan, Matt Morisette, Mark Beltz, Mike Richard, Vinnie Amalfitano, John Ulinski, Justin Gumola and Matt Fulgenzi are the members of the Hillside Foundation. Beltz and Morisette came to EMS last month to donate the supplies.

“It was cool to see all the kids. To see the look on their faces was very rewarding. They were really excited to get the items. The energy in the place was great,” Beltz said. “We started the group about five years ago. We all went to East Detroit High School and seven of us went to Kelly Middle School.”

Kelly is now Eastpointe Middle School. East Detroit High School is now Eastpointe High School.

The Hillside members eventually moved to other communities, including Macomb Township, St. Clair Shores, Richmond and Harrison Township, but they never forgot their East Detroit roots.

The Hillside Foundation holds a golf outing fundraiser every summer at Cracklewood Golf Course in Macomb Township to raise money for different causes.

“We’re always looking for ways to put the funds to use,” said Richard, who resides in Sarasota, Florida. “One hundred percent of the money gets paid out.”

As of the end of this school year, the Hillside Foundation will have donated $35,000 in scholarships for graduating Eastpointe seniors. The Foundation also has raised money to benefit the Friends of Foster Kids organization and the Gianna House in Eastpointe.

Members of the Hilldale Foundation have been friends for 25 years. They all met while attending middle school and have been buddies ever since.

“We all grew up together,” Richard said. “For the most part, we all came from different elementary schools and met in middle school. We continued that friendship through East Detroit High School.”

While growing up in East Detroit, the kids used to meet up on Monday and Wednesday nights to play sports. They bounded over football passes and shooting hoops. With all the fun times they had growing up in the city, the Hillside members just want to give back.

While the golf outing usually sells out, the Hillside members are always in need of corporate sponsors and gift cards for prizes. Volunteers also are needed. If interested in participating, visit the Hillside Foundation’s Facebook page for more information.