Harrison Township names Firefighter of the Year

By: Dean Vaglia | Mount Clemens-Clinton-Harrison Journal | Published March 22, 2023

 Battalion Chief Jason Groth is the Harrison Township Fire Department’s 2023 Firefighter of the Year.

Battalion Chief Jason Groth is the Harrison Township Fire Department’s 2023 Firefighter of the Year.

Photo provided by Harrison Township Fire Department

HARRISON TOWNSHIP — The Harrison Township Fire Department named Battalion Chief Jason Groth as the township’s Firefighter of the Year at the Monday, March 13, Board of Trustees meeting.

“Jason has had an incredible career,” Harrison Township Fire Chief David Bostater said. “He’s 26 years in, and when most people are winding their career down as he is, they don’t necessarily have the drive that someone like Jason does. Jason has had this incredible list of things to do, and he’s in hyperdrive. And in the 2022 year and into the 2023 year, he’s really stood out.”

Groth joined the department in May 1996 and was previously named Firefighter of the Year in 2004 and 2011.

“If there’s one thing I’m really realizing at this stage of my career ... I am really just truly a reflection of the people around me,” Groth said to fellow firefighters in attendance. “You can’t be there for 26 years and still be happy at a place unless the guys and the people around you are positive, doing a good thing (and) doing the right thing by the township, by each other (and) by the residents. I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t happening, so I can honestly say I am truly a reflection of everybody around me at that station who drive me to come in every morning, so I greatly appreciate you guys.”

The board handled other items related to the Fire Department as well, purchasing three $20,631 thermal imaging cameras for use on squad vehicles and fixing brake issues on one of the department’s fire trucks.


Waterfront fencing change
On March 13, the board introduced a change to waterfront fencing requirements for single-family residences. The ordinance has been expanded to include walls, hedgerows and “protective barriers,” all of which cannot exceed 2 feet in height when located within 30 feet of the sea wall. These barriers must be decorative and non-obscuring.

A long discussion ensued when Clerk Adam Wit took issue with vinyl-coated and galvanized chain link fences being listed as “decorative,” ultimately leading to an amendment to have those removed from decorative compliance.


41B District Court bond payment
The board also approved paying the township’s share of the 41B District Court construction bond debt at about $82,000.

Township Supervisor Ken Verkest expressed displeasure with the dwindling surplus paybacks from the court but said he believes the court’s funding source will change from the communities it serves to the state in the coming years.