Local residents can volunteer to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters this Halloween at the Fraser Public Library’s trunk or treat celebration.
Photo provided by Fatima Syed
FRASER — Throw on a costume, drop the books and grab some candy. The Fraser Public Library is inviting the public to join them for their third annual trunk-or-treat celebration on Saturday, Oct. 29.
The event started in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, since children were discouraged from going door to door to trick or treat. The library continued it after seeing how popular the event was among local families.
“This is going to be our third year,” explained the library’s marketing and development coordinator, Fatima Syed. “It was a really big hit last year. A ton of people showed up, far more than we anticipated, so we wanted to keep this tradition going. Some people are still on the fence about COVID, so we like giving people this option to celebrate Halloween.”
“We started during COVID, and we kind of wanted to continue the tradition because we got such a great response,” added Kristin Getzin, the youth services librarian. “It’s a great opportunity for people in Fraser to have an event like this right at their local library.”
The event will be free to both receive and distribute candy. All ages are welcome.
“It will be on Oct. 29. That is a Saturday, and it starts at 7 p.m. and will go toward 9 p.m.,” said Syed. “We have registration ahead of time if people want to hand out candy. That is so we can make sure we don’t have too many people trying to get inside the parking lot. There is no need to register if you just want to attend. It will be in the parking lot of the library and our staff will be on hand to direct traffic and organize. Additional parking will be at the church across the street, and we will be helping people cross 14 Mile Road, as well.”
The Fraser Public Library is located at 16330 14 Mile. The organizers said there is still room to take part if anyone in the community is interested in distributing candy. They have to provide their own candy and costumes are encouraged.
“If people are interested in handing out candy, we are still accepting registration,” said Getzin. “Those who just want to attend can show up on the day of the event.”
Those interested can register at fraserpubliclibrary.org/event-calendar#/events.
Getzin hopes this year will be as popular as the previous two and is enthusiastic about seeing so many local kids come by.
“It’s a very fun event. We have a lot of residents handing out candy, and it’s a great way to share this holiday with others. Everyone who has ever attended and handed out candy has been wonderful,” she said. “We’re really excited to see everyone in Fraser this year and we can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes again.”