Greg Schornack found membership cards that are dated June 28, 1924. He displayed them at the party.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
EASTPOINTE — One hundred years ago, in 1924, a group of local men with a desire to help others got together to form Odd Fellows Eastwood Lodge No. 496.
As part of the national Independent Order of Odd Fellows, or IOOF, they met on a regular basis to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphaned.
Now in its 100th year, the Eastwood Lodge has continued its tradition of helping the less fortunate. Under a banner that read “cheers to 100 years,” members held a party June 28 to celebrate its centennial. The Eastwood Odd Fellows No. 496 works alongside the Eastwood Rebekah Lodge No. 499, which is their female counterpart.
The charitable organization is currently located at 23322 Gratiot Ave., but there have been other locations through the years, including a building that once stood where the Olive Garden is now. The lodge’s hall is available to rent for parties, weddings, baby showers, banquets and other events.
The door into the establishment reads, “FLT. Eastwood Lodge 100 years. EST. 1924. Through these doors our members practice Friendship, Love and Truth. Guests are always welcome and respected. Odd Fellows #496, Rebekahs #499.” Currently, there are 125 Odd Fellows members and 38 Rebekahs members.
“We have a really good group of people and help raise money all year long to help the less fortunate,” said Financial Secretary Greg Schornack, a Warren resident who has been a member since 2003. “The camaraderie is outstanding.”
The lodge sometimes has events just for club members and their families and friends, and new membership is always encouraged. In an effort to connect with the community, lodge members also hold various community events throughout the year that are open to the public. There is something every month, including a St. Patrick’s Day party, an Easter Bunny breakfast, a Halloween Trunk or Treat and a Veterans Day breakfast. The annual Christmas party for children always brings smiles.
“The kids have a great time. The parents are thankful,” Schornack, 64, said. “It’s a nice afternoon for everybody and just a cool day.”
Over the years, Odd Fellows Eastwood Lodge No. 496 has supported several charities, including local food pantries, Vets Returning Home in Roseville, the Arthritis Foundation Michigan, Care House in Mount Clemens, and the Visual Institute of Michigan.
Every year, lodge members present two $1,000 scholarships to Eastpointe High School graduates. The Odd Fellows and the Rebekhas also make it possible to send children to summer camp at Tall Oaks Odd Fellow & Rebekah Youth Camp and Campground in Baldwin, Michigan.
“You’d be totally amazed how happy the kids are and what it does for them,” lodge member Randy Kot, of Roseville, said. “It’s just a beautiful place.”
Kot, 67, was introduced to the lodge through his wife, Patty VanDoorne, of the Rebekahs. She is the CEO of the Tall Oaks Odd Fellow & Rebekah Youth Camp and Campground.
“I had been coming in here with her. After visiting, they asked me to be a member. I definitely like the camaraderie,” he said. “It’s fantastic. Everybody is good natured. It’s people who like to give and like to help. I think that’s why we get along.”
Schornack got goosebumps when he recently found several mementos documenting the club’s history, including the “degree cards” of the original members who joined in 1924 when the area was known as Halfway, Michigan. Schornack placed them in a book and put them on display during last month’s party. He also came across the original deed and title for the current building, and a ticket to attend the lodge’s 51st anniversary dinner June 21, 1975, for $6 per person.
Schornack’s wife, Laurie Schornack, is often at the club, not as a member, but is always helping out in some capacity.
“I’m excited for it,” she said of the 100-year party. “I think it’s great. We’re all like one big family here.”
One recent party Laurie Schornack enjoyed was the combined Cinco de Mayo and Kentucky Derby event in May. There were mint julips, margaritas and plenty of fashions to celebrate both events. In light of the 100-year anniversary, the lodge also plans to hold a party in September with a 1920s theme.
“It’s basically to have a party for our family and friends,” Schornack said. “It’s just to enjoy the day and congratulate ourselves for still being here 100 years. You only turn 100 once. We can’t pass this up.”
For more information on Eastwood Odd Fellows No. 496 visit its Facebook page.