Eastpointe Economic Development Manager Ian McCain poses for a photo outside a building being redeveloped Nov. 15 in Eastpointe. McCain was hired by the city earlier this month.

Eastpointe Economic Development Manager Ian McCain poses for a photo outside a building being redeveloped Nov. 15 in Eastpointe. McCain was hired by the city earlier this month.

Photo by Brian Wells

Eastpointe hires new economic development manager

By: Brian Wells | Roseville-Eastpointe Eastsider | Published November 21, 2022

EASTPOINTE — Several people gathered outside an Eastpointe building on Kelly Road that was currently under development on a brisk November morning. The building had recently been sold to the owner of Big Daddy Games and was in the process of being redeveloped for several mixed-use spaces.

The redevelopment is an example of one of the many projects that will be overseen by Ian McCain, Eastpointe’s new economic development manager.

McCain, a former resident of St. Clair Shores and Detroit who now resides in Eastpointe, graduated from Central Michigan University with a degree in human resource management. From there, he moved on to get his master’s degree from the University of Detroit Mercy with a focus on economic development.

“My grandparents lived here for as long as I can remember … so the opportunity came for me to move into my grandparents’ house when my grandma was getting sick, so I jumped on that and I learned to love living in Eastpointe,” he said.

McCain’s background involves working with nonprofits and economic development and housing. When the opportunity came to apply for a job with the city, he decided to take it. He began working with the city of Eastpointe Nov. 7.

“I live right across from City Hall. I’ve really enjoyed a week or so walking to work,” he said.

One of McCain’s focuses, he said, will involve supporting Black-owned and women-owned businesses in the area.

“We know both historically and currently, those demographic groups start businesses at a higher rate than other demographics,” he said. “And they also have historically had less access to resources.”

Additionally, McCain wants to focus on making parts of the city more walkable — such as Nine Mile and Kelly roads — while continuing to focus on the city’s green spaces.

City Manager Mariah Walton said McCain has had the opportunity to fit in with her office and the community.

“We always say we go home after work and then we live, breathe Eastpointe, so we think of ideas and different things and come back in the morning like, ‘Ideas!’” Walton said. “He has fit right into the exact same thing.”

Contact Staff Writer Brian Wells at (248) 291-7637 or bwells@candgnews.com.