Eagle Scout Sami Beauchamp, right, presents Westwood Elementary School Principal Melissa Johnson, left, with the artwork he made of the school’s Wildcats mascot.

Eagle Scout Sami Beauchamp, right, presents Westwood Elementary School Principal Melissa Johnson, left, with the artwork he made of the school’s Wildcats mascot.

Photo provided by May Mulla

Eagle Scout rank produces brotherly bond

By: Maria Allard | Warren Weekly | Published September 6, 2023

 For his Eagle Scout project, Adam Beauchamp painted a mural to hang at Warren Woods Tower High School, his alma mater.

For his Eagle Scout project, Adam Beauchamp painted a mural to hang at Warren Woods Tower High School, his alma mater.

Photo provided by May Mulla

WARREN — When students at two Warren Woods Public Schools buildings return to school this month, they’ll be sure to notice the new murals displayed inside.

A new “Go Wildcats” painting, made by Warren resident Sami Beauchamp, now decorates a hallway at Westwood Elementary School in honor of its mascot. Over at Warren Woods Tower High School, the artistic talents of Adam Beauchamp stand out in a mural he painted that represents the school’s band and choir students.

Brothers Adam and Sami Beauchamp, members of the Boy Scouts of America Troop 1477, created the artwork to earn their Eagle Scout rank. The Beauchamps each had to organize, plan and execute an Eagle Scout project, which is the final requirement to obtain the highest rank within the Boy Scouts of America organization.

The project is designed to give the Scouts lessons in community service, leadership, teamwork and project management. There are many steps to earning the rank of Eagle Scout, including presenting before the Eagle Board of Review.

On the evening of Aug. 8, the Beauchamp brothers were recognized among family and friends during an Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony at the Village-Stinson Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Their parents, May Mulla and Matthew Beauchamp, himself a scoutmaster, pinned their Eagle Scout medals on them. Troop 1477, which meets regularly at Warren Woods Middle School, is part of the Sunrise District out of Detroit.

“An Eagle Scout is a Scout always and they’re always trustworthy. They’re always loyal and helpful,” Troop 1477 Scoutmaster Travis Miller said. “Most people don’t know that 72% of males in the United States were at one point a Boy Scout. Now, we have opened our program up to young ladies, which is awesome.”

Adam Beauchamp, who was a senior patrol leader, admitted that when he first joined scouting, “It was a little bit rough.”

“I wasn’t used to camping or being away from home. Scouting has helped me learn to push myself through difficult times and also it helped me build more self-confidence. Once you build more self-confidence, you’ll feel more comfortable doing what was not comfortable at first,” Adam Beauchamp said.

His favorite merit badges were Public Speaking, Hiking and Sculpture. One treasured memory was his first camping trip, visiting Pictured Rocks and the Mackinac Bridge in the Upper Peninsula. Adam Beauchamp believes the program will help him with his future.

“Once you’re an Eagle that means you fully learned throughout your years of Scouting and now, you’re on the path of living and learning,” he said. “It helps prepare you for moving out and getting a job and always being prepared. Once you’re an Eagle, you will always live by the Scout oath, the (Scout) Law and the motto.”

Sami Beauchamp’s favorite merit badges were Wilderness Survival, Rifle Shooting and Metalwork. Serving as senior patrol leader at Gerber Scout Reservation last summer was a favorite memory, as was the overnight wilderness survival trip. He appreciated all who came out to the honor ceremony.

“When I first started Scouting, I was in first grade, and I brought a flier home to join Cub Scouts. I roped my entire family into Cub Scouts and then later Boy Scouts,” Sami Beauchamp said. “It’s been quite the journey. I’ve really pushed myself and challenged myself to do things that I actually thought I would never do. It’s been so much fun. I’m super glad to finally have my Eagle.”

Sunrise District Commissioner Mark Hodges provided the closing remarks at the end of the ceremony.

“This will be something that will continue for the rest of their lives,” he said. “To deal with these young men and young women now, it’s just such a pleasure and you get such energy from them. It’s just so wonderful to work with them and see them grow from Cub Scouts up to young men and young women, and to think you had a little part helping them along to do that. That’s the thing in Scouting I think all Scout leaders hope to have.”

The ceremony included a taco bar dinner for guests, and Adam Beauchamp displaying his vocal skills by singing the song “Growing Wings,” by David Shipp. Adam Beauchamp is a Warren Woods Tower graduate. Sami Beauchamp graduated from Bloomfield Hills High School.

Troop 1477 meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. during the school year in the media room at Warren Woods Middle School, 13400 12 Mile Road. For more information, contact the troop at scout1477@gmail.com and use the subject line Join Scouts.