DIY Street Fair back for 16th year in Ferndale

By: Mike Koury | Woodward Talk | Published September 11, 2024

 Jodi Lynn Burton will be back at the DIY Street Fair this year, which takes place Sept. 20-22, with her business Jodi Lynn’s Emporium of Doodles.

Jodi Lynn Burton will be back at the DIY Street Fair this year, which takes place Sept. 20-22, with her business Jodi Lynn’s Emporium of Doodles.

Photo provided by Jodi Lynn Burton


FERNDALE — The DIY Street Fair is back for another year in downtown Ferndale.

The street fair will make its return to Ferndale for its 16th year Sept. 20-22 on East Nine Mile Road. More than 150 artists will be on location showcasing their art that ranges from paintings and sculptures to jewelry and fashion.

According to DIY Street Fair co-founder Krista Johnston, approximately 40% of the artists this year are new.

“It really keeps the event fresh and exciting every year,” she said. “We had a record number of applications. So the competition is fierce. We get to pick from the best of the best.”

In addition to musical offerings and food from Detroit-based restaurants, new to the event this year is a youth art fair in the Ferndale Area District Library courtyard.

“It’s our way to give back to the community, kids from sixth to 12th grade, to give them a taste of entrepreneurship and showing their artistic voice in a public setting,” Johnston said. “We’re working with Ferndale art teachers and Hazel Park art teachers, and we are really excited to do this new enrichment program.”


Jodi Lynn Burton, of Oak Park, will be bringing her business, Jodi Lynn’s Emporium of Doodles, back to the DIY Street Fair, which she’s attended for more than 10 years now.

“It’s like a great opportunity to see so many friends and see what my other maker friends are making,” she said.

Burton, an illustrator for close to 15 years, likes to create portraits of local Michigan cities and animals, all drawn by hand in pen and ink. Burton said getting to be in front of people and showcasing her art is her favorite thing about attending fairs like DIY.

“It’s great to actually be able to be in front of people and talk to people and talk about the artwork and just get more eyeballs on what I make,” she said. “Art is for everyone, and just being able to be in front of people and being seen, like, that’s the whole purpose of making, is to just have people see it. I don’t care if somebody comes in and spends 20 minutes looking at my stuff. If I see them smile because they saw something that they like, that made my day. Like, you don’t have to buy anything. That’s why us artists make art, because we love to show people what we make. I mean, it’s nice when people buy stuff, but also we just want to be in front of people.”

The hours for the DIY Street Fair will be 6 p.m. to midnight Friday, Sept. 20; 11 a.m. to midnight Saturday, Sept. 21; and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22. For more  information on the event, visit