This Sheetz in Romulus was the first such store to open in Michigan last August. A proposed Sheetz will have a public hearing at the Royal Oak Planning Commission's Feb. 11 meeting at City Hall.

File photo provided by Sheetz

Sheetz public hearing on Feb. 11 Royal Oak Planning Commission agenda

By: Taylor Christensen | Royal Oak Review | Published February 6, 2025

ROYAL OAK — The Royal Oak Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing at 7 p.m. Feb. 11 at City Hall to discuss the potential construction of a Sheetz convenience store on the north side of West 14 Mile Road at the intersection of Coolidge Highway.

Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting Feb. 11 to voice their opinions regarding the project, according to Gary Quesada, chairperson of the Planning Commission.

“Public input that is focused on the relevant issues and respectful to all involved is extremely valuable to the commission and is always encouraged,” Quesada said via email.

Petitioner and owner Broder Sachse Real Estate is asking to divide the site at 3200 W. 14 Mile Road into three parcels, rezoning two of those parcels from general industrial to general business and leaving the third parcel as general industrial. 

The Sheetz site plan includes a drive-thru restaurant; automobile filling stations; a convenience store with sales of packaged alcohol; outdoor sales and displays; and an outdoor cafe. The site plan also includes an automatic car wash on the second rezoned parcel, and an addition to the existing maintenance building with outdoor storage on the third parcel that would remain zoned general industrial. Clover Hill Park Cemetery, immediately west of the site, would use the maintenance building.

The current site was most recently occupied by a metal fabrication facility. The proposed site plan would require the rezoning to general business in order to allow all the uses proposed by the petitioner, according to the proposal.

Included in the proposal is a traffic study prepared by Fleis & Vandenbrink dated Dec. 31, 2024, which concluded that the traffic at the intersection of Coolidge Highway and West 14 Mile Road would operate at an acceptable level. The city staff report to the Planning Commission states that the city’s engineering division is “concerned” about the intersection’s crash history and how traffic signal timings might cause issues along the 14 Mile corridor.

Quesada said that while he always does his own research and preparation before Planning Commission meetings, he is unable to make a prediction on reactions or the outcome of the meeting. 

“I never make a final decision on my vote until I hear from the petitioners, the public, planning department staff, and my colleagues on the commission,” he said via email. 

For more information on the Feb. 11 meeting, visit