Athens senior wins 2024 Miss Michigan Teen USA title

By: Sarah Wright | Troy Times | Published May 16, 2024

TROY — Troy resident Maddison Kott recently won the title of Miss Michigan Teen USA and will be competing in the Miss Teen USA pageant in August.

The 2024 Miss Michigan Teen USA and Miss Michigan USA pageants took place April 20-21 at the McMorran Entertainment Center in Port Huron. The pageant is a part of Miss USA’s teen division of competitions that encourages young women to build confidence and public speaking skills, as well as to promote themselves as community leaders, according to the organization. Miss USA provides opportunities for teens and adults to compete on the state, national and international levels.

Kott is an 18-year-old senior from Troy Athens High School who has been participating in pageants since she was 5.

“My mom’s friend had kids involved in pageants, and when I started competing, I kept moving up,” Kott said. “I love competing, and it took me five tries to win Miss Michigan Teen USA.”

For the Miss USA system, teens from ages 13 to 19 can compete in three different categories to earn their titles.

“Each one of the girls compete in three categories, which include an interview portion, which is judged by a panel of very distinguished judges from across the country, active wear for teens, which focuses on health and fitness, and swimsuit for the Miss age,” Kott’s mom, Tiffany Kott, said in an email. “The final competition is evening wear, and they are able to show the poise and grace in front of a panel of judges. They have a preliminary competition that is held during the weekend, and that is where both Miss and Teen are narrowed down to the top 15 to compete in the final show.”

The top 15 move on and compete in the main events and are narrowed down that evening to the top five, who are each asked a question that they are given randomly, she said.

As a part of Kott’s reign, she will be making appearances at different schools and events while she prepares for the Miss Teen USA pageant in California, which will be held at the end of July and early August.

“She has gained so much confidence, poise and speaking abilities during her time competing,” Tiffany Kott said in an email. “The show ‘Toddlers & Tiaras’ that has been aired on television has really put a black eye on what exactly pageantry is all about. These girls are all very accomplished young women that have so many talents. Maddy has gained so many friends, and we have become close with so many families all over the country because of pageants.”

Kott is on the varsity lacrosse team, a member of the National Honor Society, and a varsity cheerleader. She also has served the community through different events from a wide variety of local organizations and foundations, like the annual Jennathon 5K run and 1 mile walk, among many others. When she graduates, she plans to attend Michigan State University in the fall and study marketing.

In terms of future pageant competitions, Kott is interested in potentially competing in the adult Miss USA program.

“It took me five tries before I got the title, so anyone interested in competing needs to keep trying for the things you want, because it really pays off,” Kott said.

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