Cyclists and Thomas Henry, of Ferndale, left, and Mike DeLorenzo, of Romeo, are gearing up for Pedal4ALS, a more than 500-mile ride to raise $20,000 to support ALS of Michigan, a Southfield-based nonprofit serving Michigan’s ALS community.

Photo provided by Rose Lull

Two men to cycle 500 miles to raise funds and ALS awareness

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published June 3, 2024

SHELBY TOWNSHIP — Two cyclists, Mike DeLorenzo, of Romeo, and Thomas Henry, of Ferndale, are getting ready for Pedal4ALS, a more than 500-mile ride to raise $20,000 to support ALS of Michigan, a Southfield-based nonprofit serving Michigan’s ALS community, in memory of DeLorenzo’s father-in-law, from Shelby Township, who passed away from the disease.

The Pedal4ALS ride is scheduled June 20-30 and will take DeLorenzo and Henry from Michigan to Washington, D.C. Their training and fundraising for the event began in May during ALS Awareness Month to bring greater attention to ALS and its effects on Michigan, which reportedly has one of the highest incident rates of the disease compared to other states.

“Prior to our journey, ALS Awareness Month provides us with an opportunity to come together as a community, advocate for change, and make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by this disease.,” DeLorenzo said.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, attacks the motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord that control the ability to move, speak, swallow and eventually breathe. It is fatal with no known cure and few treatments. According to ALS of Michigan, an estimated 1,200 Michigan residents are living with the condition.

DeLorenzo’s father-in-law, Thomas H. Schippert, was diagnosed with ALS in 2015 and died in 2019. 

“I was one of the caregivers for him and experienced firsthand how much assistance he required daily. This is why I am so passionate about ALS of Michigan. Without their support, grants and equipment, at all the different stages of his progression of the disease, we wouldn’t have been able to care for him and keep him comfortable throughout his battle,” DeLorenzo said.

He said ALS of Michigan gave their family peace of mind and emotional support.

“One of my passions in life, and also one of my father-in-law’s, is bike riding. This is my third year riding for ALS of Michigan in honor of my father-in-law. This year I am riding from Detroit to Washington, D.C., (and) hope to talk to lawmakers regarding more funding. The past two years I have raised over $11,000. This year, my hope is to raise $20,000 with the help of corporate sponsors,” he said.

DeLorenzo and Henry plan to meet with Michigan lawmakers to share DeLorenzo’s personal ALS story and advocate on behalf of others in Michigan.

Henry said his connection is from the heart.

“Always give back when you have the capability and opportunity to do so. Furthermore, I’m a firm believer in karma and that the more good we do, the greater the happiness to spread, it’s contagious to be kind, considerate of others and to lend support when and where needed. The world needs more feel-good stories as well,” he said.

ALS of Michigan Inc., is a non-profit organization serving the entire state of Michigan, which provides support and services at no cost to people living with ALS, their families and caregivers. The agency provides in-home care; medical equipment loans; communication devices, transportation assistance; emotional support and other services to help “pALS” live as fully and comfortably as possible.

Rose Lull, ALS of Michigan fundraising and marketing manager, said people can help support Michigan’s ALS community and DeLorenzo and Henry’s ride by following Pedal4ALS on Facebook, donating items needed for their trip and/or donating to the Pedals4ALS fundraising page at, where 100% of proceeds support ALS of Michigan.

For more information, contact Lull at or (248) 354-6100, ext. 225; or Kim Graziosi at or (248) 354-6100, ext. 222.