SWAT team responds to armed man barricaded inside Farmington Hills residence

By: Mark Vest | Farmington Press | Published August 16, 2024

With the assistance of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team, the Farmington Hills Police Department helped safely resolve a potentially dangerous situation.

According to Farmington Hills Police Chief Jeff King, at approximately 7 a.m. Aug. 15, the Police Department received a call about a felonious assault involving an edged weapon.

Although at press time King was not in position to release all the details, he was able to share that an individual barricaded himself inside of a residence on Nine Mile Road.

“When we got out to the scene and were able to stabilize the scene, we found that it was an incident that occurred or started in response to a traffic complaint,” King said. “The individual identified as the suspect then became a barricaded person inside of a residential area, a residential structure. We quickly formed a perimeter containing the suspect inside the residence alone, with no other individuals inside. We were able to secure and verify the safety of all the people in the immediate vicinity.”

According to King, the residence is a multi-house structure, and the suspect lived there.

“During the course of the investigation we identified where the suspect was (and) where he lived,” King said. “He did exit the home at one point, confronting our officers. When our officers confronted him, he retreated back in the home and that’s when he became a barricaded person.”

The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team arrived at the scene to assist the Farmington Hills police.

According to King, the situation lasted for approximately 4.5 hours before being safely resolved.

“I’m glad to say, with the assistance of the Oakland County Sheriff’s SWAT team, our officers were able to bring this situation to a peaceful and safe resolution and take the suspect into custody without further harm or incident,” he said. “There were no injuries reported by anybody involved.”

The investigation will continue, with a possible need for additional search warrants, according to King.

“We will be working as rapidly as possible to present this to the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office for charges,” King said. “There’s a lot of investigation that still needs to take place. Our people are going be working, probably, 24/7 on it.”

Call Staff Writer Mark Vest at (586) 498-1052.