George Joudas is the Shelby Township Senior Center’s featured artist for the months of May and June.

Photo provided by Fu-Yuan Ciricola

Shelby Township Senior Center’s artist for May and June works in acrylics, watercolors

By: Kara Szymanski | Shelby-Utica News | Published May 21, 2024

SHELBY TOWNSHIP — George Joudas’ drawing classes began while he was in high school. Cass Technical High School offered a class in automotive design.

“Although most people began drawing at a very early age, I didn’t. As a result, my abilities were not very good. I was interested in learning that skill, so I joined a Saturday morning class at Center for Creative Studies teaching auto design for high schoolers,” he said. Center for Creative Studies is now known as College for Creative Studies.

The person teaching the class inspired him so much that upon finishing high school, he applied for and was accepted into a four-year degree program at CCS in 1971.

“While I was there, I earned half-scholarships for my third and fourth year. Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Arts degree in industrial design in hand, finding work in that field was difficult. The American economy during 1973–1974 was very bad and … few auto (positions) were available,” he said.

He decided to attend Macomb Community College to study an engineering program for auto body design.

“I did well at Macomb and was selected by Chevrolet Engineering into a school co-op position. My career at General Motors did not involve drawing, but from time to time I would sketch work-related things. The years passed and I retired from GM. So, with lots of time on my hands, I joined a senior center (OPC Social & Activity Center) and began taking acrylic painting classes as one of my hobbies. I have been painting in acrylics and watercolor for 14 years. I still think there is a lot more to learn,” he said.

Joudas’ abilities have made him the artist of the months of May and June at the Shelby Township Senior Center, part of the Shelby Township Activities Center, 14975 21 Mile Road, where some of his work is on display.

Joudas has been a student of Tony Warren, of, for the last two years.

“He is one of the most diligent and best students I have ever had. I have been teaching for almost 50 years. Now George is not only a prolific painter, but his technique is exciting and full of life. I am looking forward to seeing his maturity in watermedia as the years pass. This is a great step, and I am certain to see many more in the future,” he said.

Peter Snodgrass has been in George Joudas’ class for eight years.

“Excellent, creative combination of watercolor and acrylic. Very good with reflection of light and shadows,” he said.