Birmingham-Bloomfield Eagle | Published October 31, 2024
BIRMINGHAM/BLOOMFIELD HILLS/BLOOMFILED TOWNSHIP/FRANKLIN/BEVERLY HILLS/BINGHAM FARMS — In the Eagle’s coverage area, voters will decide various state, county and local races Nov. 5. Candidates were asked, in 75 words or fewer, to state their top goal(s) if elected. If a candidate went over the word limit, (…) replaces the rest of the answer. The answers are printed verbatim. Profiles were not sent to candidates running unopposed.
U.S. Senate
Six candidates are running for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Elissa Slotkin
Age: 47
Occupation: U.S. Representative (MI-07)
Municipality of residence: Holly
For how long: Grew up in Michigan; I now live on my family farm
Online campaign information:
Education: Cornell University - College of Agriculture and Life Science, Bachelor’s Degree and Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs, Master of International Affairs
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (Formerly MI-08, now MI-07 due to redistricting):
Top goals: My number one priority is to make it easier for Michiganders to get into the middle class. Michigan invented the middle class by maintaining a strong union presence and making investments in small businesses. We can keep people there by reducing healthcare costs, putting Americans on the path to homeownership and making more critical items in America. I am committed to restoring the national standard set by Roe, and ensuring voting rights for every American.
Mike Rogers
Age: 61
Occupation: Candidate for U.S. Senate, Army Veteran, Former Congressman, State Senator, and FBI Special Agent.
Municipality of residence: Brighton, MI
For how long: Nearly 50 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Adrian College and the University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (2001-2015), Michigan State Senator (1995-2000)
Top goals: Families are struggling under the current administration and are desperately in need of relief from the high costs of gas and groceries. As a Congressman, I earned a reputation as someone who got results for Michiganders by working across the aisle, and in the Senate, I’ll bring my experience to slash inflation, lower the cost of living for families, and secure our southern border to stop the flow of crime and deadly drugs.
Joseph Solis-Mullen
Age: 35
Occupation: Economist, Political Scientist, and Research Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, Author, and Professor of History at SAU
Municipality of residence: Marshall
For how long: Five Years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in English and Political Science, Spring Arbor University; MA in Political Science, University of Illinois; MA in Economics, University of Missouri; PhD in History, Liberty University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Eliminate the Federal Reserve, IRS, and Pentagon, all foreign aid, Social Security and Medicare, the Department of Education, DEA and ATF, institute federal elections by lottery and one-term limits on those who serve, eliminate omnibus bills and continuing resolutions: basically, everything about the way Washington D.C. does business as usual needs to be scrapped, and Democrats and Republicans love their own power and privilege too much to ever do anything but continue to sail (…)
U.S. Taxpayers
Dave Stein
Age: 54 yrs old
Occupation: Retired CDL A Operator, Investing
Municipality of residence: Residence in Essexville MI.
For how long: Lived here my whole life
Online campaign information:
Education: Some college, Trade school certificates: Heating and air conditioning, Building trades, Electronics, Heavy Equipment, CDL A, Metal fabrication,Tool making, Grinding, 3D Printing. Private studies: Common law 3 years and ongoing, cooking. IQ=156
Previously and currently held elected offices: Political experience: First time directly other that participation in local committee’s
Top goals: To stop abortion abuse. Abortion should not be used as birth control and only in extreme circumstances allowed. e.g. allow abortion for incest, rape, deformation, disease, threat to Mothers life. Children have a right to live. Alternative to being a parent is adoption. Ending the war machine and concentrating on American born business. Social Security monies go to heirs. Close Border. Require legal US Citizenship to vote.
Douglas P. Marsh
Age: 40
Occupation: Journalist
Municipality of residence: West Branch
For how long: No answer given.
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given
Top goals: I want to join a full-court press for Medicare-for-All (single-payer model), housing reforms and rent controls, public education funding, cleaning up PFAs and replacing Flint’s pipes, environmentally sustainable energy and transportation infrastructure investments, stopping money and weapons for war, and stopping the flow of oil through Michigan’s watersheds.
Natural Law Party
Doug Dern
Age: 62
Occupation: Lawyer
Municipality of residence: Highland MI
For how long: 22 years
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Oklahoma, Thomas Cooley Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: n/a
Top goals:
Lots of reform that does not get media attention. Bankruptcy reform needs to be looked at on a national level. Expansion of exemptions, and stricter rules on Chapter 13 Trustees. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act needs reformed because it has not been changed since the 1970’s.
National Changes for third party ballot access. Push for a flat tax across the board equal to all. Promotion for health consciousness and cleaning up the toxic food and (...)
U.S. House of Representatives District 11
Three candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Haley Stevens
Age: 41
Occupation: Congresswoman from Michigan’s 11th District
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: First Seaholm Grad to Congress!
Online campaign information:
Education: I received both a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy and a M.A. in Social Policy and Philosophy from American University.
Previously and currently held elected offices: I am serving my third term as the Congresswoman for Michigan’s 11th district.
Top goals: I am running for re-election to build on my legislative track record for Oakland County. Whether on trade, manufacturing, or education issues; I have passed laws to meet the needs of our district. As can be seen by the 200+ visits to manufacturers through my Manufacturing Monday program and the CHIPS act, our district’s families remain my top priority. We also must protect our LGBTQ+ community and install nationwide reproductive care. I remain committed to equality and justice for all.
Nick Somberg
Age: 35
Occupation: Attorney, Entrepreneur
Municipality of residence: Oakland County, Michigan
For how long: 2007
Online campaign information:
J.D., Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School
B.A., Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goals are to restore the Constitution, ensure government accountability, and reduce inflation by cutting wasteful spending. I will fight to secure our borders, defend free speech, and protect the Second Amendment. My focus is on improving economic freedom, securing energy independence, and protecting the rights of families and individuals from government overreach.
Green Party
Douglas Campbell
Age: 65 years
Occupation: Registered Professional Engineer, semi-retired
Municipality of residence: Ferndale
For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s degree
Previously and currently held elected offices: none
Top goals: Embargo weapons shipments to belligerent nations.
Re-introduce John Conyer’s H.R.676 - Medicare For All.
Overturn Citizens United and eliminate corrupt money from elections.
Amend the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act to include digital electronics & software.
Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and restore the protections of the Wagner Act.
Implement James Hansen’s Fee & Dividend program for fossil fuels.
Repeal the Trump tax cuts for billionaires & corporations.
Raise the federal minimum wage; index it to inflation.
U.S. House of Representative District 12
Four candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for the position is $174,000.
Rashida Tlaib
Age: 47
Occupation: U.S. Representative (MI-12)
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: Lifelong Detroiter
Online campaign information:
Education: JD - Cooley Law School, BA - Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current Congresswoman for Michigan’s 12th Congressional District, former Michigan State Representative
Top goals: Residents want to thrive and need access to resources. That’s why I created Neighborhood Service Centers that help our families, returning $5.8 million to residents. I am working on holding the auto insurance industry accountable with the Preventing Auto Insurance Discrimination Act, founded the Get the Lead Out Caucus for clean drinking water, and I’m fighting for resources in the federal budget. I’ve secured $850,000 for Beech Wood Park and Recreation and nearly $1 million for water infrastructure in Lathrup Village.
James D. Hooper
Age: 57
Occupation: Machine Operator
Municipality of residence: Livonia, MI
For how long: Since 2013
Online campaign information:
Education: High School +
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: What this country needs is a restoration of the American Dream. The Pursuit of Happiness has been a right we hold dear in this nation. As Americans we want to pursue our dreams and provide the best for our families, ensuring our children and grandchildren will have opportunities to prosper. In Congress I will work to Lower Inflation, Lower Energy Costs, and Prioritize Health Care instead of ‘Sick Care.’
Working Class Party
Gary Walkowicz
Age: 75
Occupation: Retired from Ford after 45 years as an auto worker and elected UAW representative.
Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information:
Education: High school graduate, some college
Previously and currently held elected office: None
Top goals: To be a voice for working people because the two main parties only work for the corporate elite and the wealthy one per cent. The working class is being pushed backward into poverty. The working class needs its own party so we can stand together – black, white, native-born, immigrant, women, men -- and use our power together as workers to fight for what we need and deserve.
Green Party
Brenda K. Sanders
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
State House of Representatives District 5
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Regina Weiss
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Will Sears
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
State House of Representatives District 19
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Samantha Steckloff
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Kevin J. Hammer
Age: 66
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 37 years
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Detroit, B.S., Accounting/University of Detroit School of Law, J.D.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top priority is improving our public schools. After that, 1. Budget discipline, reducing the size and scope of government and reducing our tax burden, 2. Implementing energy policy that provides plentiful and reliable energy to our homes and businesses at globally competitive prices, 3. Providing resources to our police and firefighters to keep our homes, businesses and neighborhoods secure, 4. Securing parental rights in our family life and schools, and 5. Election integrity.
State House of Representatives District 20
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Noah Arbit
Age: 29
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: My whole life
Online campaign information:
Education: B.A., Comparative Politics and Jewish Studies, Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Incumbent Representative, 20th District
Top goals: In my first term, I’ve championed expanding access to mental health care, protecting our lakes and water, combating hate crimes and gun violence, and defending reproductive rights. I’ve brought home a record $5 million in infrastructure funding for Greater West Bloomfield. I’m running for reelection to continue fighting to ensure that every Michigander - from Keego Harbor to Copper Harbor - has the rights, resources, and opportunities to fulfill their greatest potential.
Brendan Cowley
Age: 37
Occupation: Full Stack Developer
Municipality of residence: Commerce Township
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information:
Education: B.S. in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management from the Culinary Institute of America, Front End Development Certification from Grand Circus Detroit
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Personal autonomy: crafting/promoting legislation that cements the ability for constituents to make their own decisions.
Parental rights: Working to ensure that the right to know about the health and well-being of our children and make the best decisions for them is protected in our legislation.
Fiscal responsibility: implement a zero-based budgeting system
Energy production diversification: Vibrant economies require cheap, consistent, and reliable energy. Nuclear technology is the cleanest, safest energy. We need to harness it.
State House of Representatives District 53
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Brenda Carter
Age: 70
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Pontiac
For how long: 26 years
Online campaign information: Brenda J. Carter - Home (
Education: Bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in organizational design
Master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in local government
Previously and currently held elected offices: Pontiac School District Board of Education and State of Michigan House of Representatives
Top goals: I’ve chosen to run for a fourth term because there is unfinished work that needs my attention. With our majority, I can persist in advocating for working families. We must combat unfair wages, high insurance premiums, discrimination in housing, and inadequate healthcare.
Melissa Schultz
Age: 51
Occupation: Veterinarian
Municipality of residence: Waterford
For how long: 19 years
Online campaign information:
Education: B.S. Chemistry-magna cum laude St Mary’s College, Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine Michigan State College of Veterinary Medicine
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given.
Top goals: Top-down decisions that are supposed to work for everybody rarely do work for all. There are always exceptions. For those in a unique situation, blanket protocols fail. Whether its business, education, or government, it is imperative that the people working at the hospitals, teaching at the schools or living in the local community are the ones that make the decisions that are the most suited and beneficial for the people they care for.
State House of Representatives District 54
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Shadia Martini
Age: 58
Occupation: Real Estate Broker, Builder, Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 3 years in Bloomfield Township- 29 years in Franklin.
Online campaign information:
Education: MBA, University of Michigan- BS in Architectural Engineering, University of Aleppo
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals:
Energize Michigan’s economy.
Improve our public education.
Protect women’s reproductive rights.
Enact common-sense gun violence prevention measures.
Preserve our environment.
Donni Steele
Age: 59
Occupation: State of Michigan House of Representatives
Municipality of residence: Orion Township
For how long: Total 22 years, and surrounding Orion 59 years.
Online campaign information:
Education: Lake Orion High School, BBA Western Michigan University, Management
Previously and currently held elected offices: Orion Township Trustee 2012-2016, Orion Township Treasurer 2016-2022, Michigan House of Representative District #54 2022-present
Top goals: Help fulfill the necessary vision needed for Michigan. A vision to make Michigan a great place to live, work and play. We can accomplish this mission by making Michigan more affordable; create an educational system that educates; create a more accountable & transparent government; prioritize public safety; provide reliable and affordable energy; grow our economy and population; connect citizens to careers of the future; enhance places of all sizes and address aging infrastructure. Secure Michigans Future.
State House of Representatives District 56
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Dave Kniffen
Age: 45
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Troy
For how long: No answer given.
Online campaign information:
Education: 3x Associates degrees from OCC, & 1 bachelors form UM
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals:To hold the State of Michigan accountable to the citizens. This means defending liberty, and citizens rights, this means balancing budgets and curtailing wasteful government spending. Such reckless spending has played a role in our inflation problem which desperately needs to be brought under control.
Sharon MacDonell
Age: 62
Occupation: Elected Official/State Representative
Municipality of residence: Troy
For how long: 19 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative
Top goals: I began my journey as a community activist, working to save Troy’s Public Library. In my first State House term, I’ve championed initiatives to secure funding for education, support small businesses, advance commonsense gun reforms, enhance our infrastructure, safeguard our environment, protect reproductive rights, and ensure that our most vulnerable citizens receive the care they deserve. Next term, I will continue fighting to make District 56 and Michigan safer, stronger, and more prosperous for all.
Oakland County Executive
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $221,336.
David Coulter
Age: 64 years
Occupation: Oakland County Executive
Municipality of residence: Ferndale
For how long: 33 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s Degree Michigan State University, Executive Education Certificate John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Executive 2019-present, Mayor of Ferndale- 2010-2019, Oakland County Commissioner- 2002-2010.
Top goals: By working across party lines, I have made balancing the budget and preserving Oakland County’s AAA bond rating a top priority. I have also secured key investments in public safety, water quality and educational opportunities. We are working to lower costs by making housing more affordable, improving public transportation, expanding mental health services, and protecting women’s health care.
Nik Gjonaj
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Oakland County Prosecuting Attorney
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $191,281.
Karen McDonald
Age: 54
Occupation: Oakland County Prosecutor
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 16 years Birmingham; Oakland County 29 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Wayne State Law School (1998), Alma College (1992)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Circuit Court Judge
Top goals: Keeping Oakland County safe by working with law enforcement to keep dangerous criminals off the streets. Holding Criminals Accountable, including the Oxford High School shooter and his parents, while also fighting for justice for crime victims and their families. Focusing resources on our Gun Violence Task Force, Trafficking Unit, and Hate Crimes Unit - crimes that have a huge impact on our community. Preventing future crime through the Commission to Address Gun Violence.
Scott Farida
Age: 34
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: Approximately 30 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Juris Doctore from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Graduated Cum Laude; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Minor in History from Oakland University, Graduated Magna Cum Laude; Detroit Catholic Central High School; St. Hugo of the Hills School
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: We must depoliticize prosecution and re-focus on public safety and victim advocacy. Every single person in our community, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or any other identifier, has the right to live their life free from being victimized. Our community has seen huge spikes in crime and some of the worst offenders undercharged or pleaded down. My goal is to be fair and proportional, not to trade one political extreme for another.
Oakland County Sheriff
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,295.
Amrit Kohli
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Michael J. Bouchard
Age: 68
Occupation: Oakland County Sheriff
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield
For how long: 8 years
Online campaign information:
Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice and Police Administration, Michigan State University, Honor Student
Graduate of the United States Secret Service in Dignitary Protection Program
Graduate of the FBI National Executive Institute Program (NEI)
Mid-Michigan Law Enforcement Center, Valedictorian
Graduate of the National Sheriff’s Institute
Graduate of Darden’s Program for emerging Political Leaders, University of Virginia
Toll Fellow, Council of State Governments in conjunction with the University of Kentucky
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Sheriff, State Senator, State Representative, Beverly Hills Village Council
Top goal: As Sheriff, my top goal is to ensure the safety and security of everyone in Oakland County. I will continue to focus on keeping kids and our schools safe, reducing crime, improving emergency response times, enhancing mental health resources in law enforcement and boosting training. By building strong community partnerships and investing in cutting-edge training and technology, we’ll protect our neighborhoods while maintaining trust and transparency in the Sheriff’s Office. Public safety is not partisan.
Oakland County Treasurer
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,761.
Robert Wittenberg
Age: 43
Occupation: Oakland County Treasurer
Municipality of residence: Huntington Woods
For how long: 29 Years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Indiana University
Previously and currently held elected offices:
State Representative - 1/1/2015 – 12/31/2020
Oakland County Treasurer - 7/1/2021 - Current
Top goals: We accomplished a lot during my first term (lowest tax foreclosures, updated investment policy, increased efficiency/transparency, etc.), but the work is not done. My top priorities will continue to be protecting the financial security of every resident in Oakland County, maintaining our AAA Bond rating, and keeping Oakland County a wonderful place to live and work. I will do all I can to secure taxpayer dollars, preserve property values, and prevent foreclosure.
Donna Blake
Age: 65
Occupation: CFO & Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Oxford
For how long: 24 Years
Online campaign information: Donna Blake for Oakland County Treasurer on Facebook
Education: Bachelor of Accountancy Walsh College, CPA State of Michigan, Executive MBA Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oxford Republican Delegate 3 two-year terms
Top goals: As a former FBI Forensic Accountant, I’m passionate about rooting out wasteful spending and any misuse of funds. Let’s not be spending county taxpayer dollars for illegal immigration, DEI initiatives, or empty buses driving around Oakland County. I will accelerate the return of taxpayer money that was illegal taken through tax foreclosures. After cutting costs, I will support property tax cuts. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together without wasting a dime.
Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The annual salary for this position is $170,761.
Jim Nash
Age: 67
Occupation: Water Resources Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Florida State University, Bachelor’s in Political Science, minor in peace studies (1988)
Previously and currently held elected offices: I served as Oakland County Commissioner representing Farmington Hills from 2005 to 2013. I have been the elected Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner since 2013, now ending my third term.
Top goals: Continue my collaborative work with communities across Oakland County and the region to make our stormwater systems resilient to extreme weather brought by climate change and use our wastewater resources to replace fossil fuels with less expensive renewable energy. My mission is to protect our citizen’s health and safety, conserve our natural resources, continue our high-quality services, pursue sustainable/efficient infrastructure investments, protect economic prosperity for all our communities, promote public education and seek public input.
Steven Johnson
Age: 66
Occupation: Consultant
Municipality of residence: Highland
For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information:
• MBA, Masters of Business Administration, Plymouth State University - University System of NH
• Graduate Certificate, Strategic Marketing Management, Plymouth State University - University System of NH
• BS Business Management & Economics, SUNY- State University of New York
• Harvard University JFK School, Certificate US Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies
• AS, Associate Degree in Business Management - Oakland Community College + Certificate: Business Entrepreneurship
• AA, Associate Degree in Liberal Arts - Oakland Community College
• US Navy training: Advanced Electronics - Data Systems, electricity/electronics, computer systems
Previously and currently held elected offices: No other public office.
Top goals: If elected the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner, I am committed to protecting and being a good steward of our resources.
High-priority items:
• Nanoplastics and Microplastics
• Water Affordability
• Sustainable Water Management Practices
• Enhancing Water Efficiency
• Protecting and Restoring Wetlands
• Safety for non-municipal water residents – Well and Septic
• Reducing Operational Emissions
• Safe use of fertilizers, chemicals, salt
• Resilient Infrastructure Water, Sewer, Stormwater
• Supporting Renewable Energy Initiatives
• Public Engagement and Education
Oakland County Clerk and Register of Deeds
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The annual salary for this position is $170,761.
Lisa Brown
Age: 57
Occupation: Oakland County Clerk/ Register of Deeds
Municipality of Residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: over 30 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Earned Bachelor of Science degree at Michigan State University and Juris Doctor at the Detroit College of Law; also earned the national designation of Certified Elections/ Registration Administrator (CERA), the highest credential for those in the elections profession
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Clerk/ Register of Deeds (2013 to present); Michigan State Representative (2009-2012)
Top goals: To continue running a Clerk/ Register of Deeds office that serves as a model for the state, receiving local and nationwide acclaim for excellence and innovation
Coordinated with local clerks to increase transparency, save taxpayer dollars, and make elections more secure, efficient, and cost effective with the Oakland County Absentee Voter counting board and administering Early Voting for 45 communities
Increased protections for property owners against fraud by implementing the first-of-its-kind Property Records Notification service
Barb Pallotta
Age: An active, youthful & healthy 70 year old
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of Residence: Charter Township of Independence
For how long: ≈ 20 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Associates - Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: Charter Township of Independence: Appointed as Clerk February 201, Charter Township of Independence: Elected as Clerk November 2012, Charter Township of Independence: Re-elected as Clerk February 2016
Top goals: Advocate for election integrity and local control of elections. Enacted proposals (2018 Proposal 3 and 2022 Proposal 2) weakens election integrity and directly impacts the sovereignty of local control.
Initiate immediate alerts about potential fraud activity to secure all Register of Deed property records 24/7.
Reassess online services and the merit of associated fees to improve access to public records. Develop a “NO FEE” policy for all electronic public records NOT subject to statutory exemption.
Oakland County Commission District 1
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The annual salary for the position is $45,131.
Dave Woodward
Age: 48
Occupation: Chairman of the Oakland County Board of Commissioners, small business owner
Municipality of residence: Royal Oak, MI
For how long: 45+
Online campaign information: (no answer given)
Education: B.S. Mathematics, Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative (1999-2004), County Commissioner (2005-present)
Top goals: Build an economy that works for everyone by lowering costs and raising wages for working families:
• Achieve 80% of workforce having a post-secondary degree or skill certification.
• Eliminate burdening medical debt for families.
• Lower energy costs for seniors and working families with home energy efficiency improvements.
• Accelerate our county’s advanced manufacturing sector to make more things in America and create good-paying jobs.
• Reduce college debt for graduates.
• Improve and expand public transportation.
Regina Wilk
Age: No answer given
Occupation: Business Owner / Consultant
Municipality of residence: Royal Oak
For how long: 29 years
Online campaign information:
Education: B.S. Engineering, Michigan State University; MBA Finance, Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Revitalize Oakland County into the premier place to live, work, and grow your business.
• Prioritize Public Safety: Fully support a strong Sheriff’s Department to restore safety to our neighborhoods.
• Put More Money in Your Pocket: Reduce property taxes and trim the budget to ease financial burden.
• Foster Economic Growth and Job Creation: Build a business-friendly climate to encourage investment and job creation.
• Increase Affordable Housing: Create initiatives to expand housing options for middle-income households.
Oakland County Board of Commissioners District 9
Two candidates running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $45,131.
Angela Powell
Age: 42
Occupation: Elected Official-Oakland County Commissioner, Community Relations Specialist-City of Pontiac, Small Business Owner-Income Tax Preparation Company-Pontiac, MI
Municipality of residence: Pontiac, MI
For how long: 42 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s from oakland university
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate and Oakland County Commissioner
Top goals: My focus will be on Completion of Phoenix Center Project, Securing funding for more housing projects, Securing more funding to support Mental Health, connecting small businesses especially Minority Owned, Women, Veterans to more resources for their businesses, connecting more resources to my residents in my district who needs them to help improve their lives where necessary.
Eugene Davis Sr.
Age: 54
Occupation: Pastor of Tabernacle of David Christian Center, School Safety Coordinator of Mason Middle School/Waterford School District
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 3
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: Ministry Degree – ISOM/International School of Ministry, just short of Bachelor in Secondary Education/History, and Business Administration
Previously and currently held offices: I’ve never held elected office outside of the church
Top goals: My top goal is to help bring effective and efficient productivity back to urban areas like Pontiac. I believe current and long standing policies have stymied families, schools, and city government. Several demographics have been overlooked and left out. True partnerships with surrounding municipalities can be effective to bring in a new level of productivity within all of District 9. With the influx of funding, administrative support and guidance given to illegal immigrants the ability (...)
Oakland County Board of Commissioners District 11
Two candidates are running for a four-year term. The annual salary for the position is $45,131.
Marcia Gershenson
Age: No answer given.
Occupation: County Commissioner
Municipality of Residence: Bloomfield 20 year resident
Online campaign information: Marcia Gershenson for County Commissioner Facebook page
Education: Graduate University of Michigan BA education
Previously and currently held elected offices: County Commissioner since 2005
Top goals: My priorities for next term are to continue working with communities and landlords to secure more affordable housing. Also, I am committed to strengthen the mental health resources available for residents and working to expand our Health Department to address the needs of families through community Health Centers. In addition, I will continue my work promoting responsible gun ownership to keep our communities safe.
Johnnette Eggert
Age: 55 years old
Occupation: Business owner and nonprofit CEO
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield Township, Michigan
For how long: 4 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Politcal Science from the University of Detroit Mercy
Previously and currently held elected offices: No currently or previously held offices, but I’m looking forward to holding one.
Top goals: My top goal is to work with my fellow politicians and community members to build a brighter future through transparency and inclusivity. Political rhetoric has been too divisive, focusing on who’s “right” or “wrong,” rather than on collaboration. We need collaboration to improve education, so children are taught values that encourage them to be productive members of society. We also need to collaborate to lower taxes and protect the middle-class in a fiscally responsible way.
Oakland County Commission District 18
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for the position is $45,131.
Linnie Taylor
Age: 69
Occupation: Oakland County Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Southfield
For how long: 35 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Central Michigan University
MASTERS DEGREE – Human Resources Management
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current: Oakland County Commissioner – District 18 Past: Southfield City Council as Council President, Council President Protem, and Council Member
Top goals: Key issues facing Oakland County are: Road repair, Clean Water, Infrastructure Maintenance, Housing, Mental and Physical Health concerns. As a Commissioner I will help establish policies, create and pass ordinances and resolutions that fairly govern these areas of concern, review and approve the budget appropriately allocating funds for operations and services.
W. Jackson
Age: 52
Occupation: Podiatrist
Municipality of residence: Southfield
How long: 15 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Doctorate in Podiatric Medicine
B.S. Biology
Previously and currently held elected offices: No offices held.
Top goals: My top goals are to return Oakland County to a place that is safe with thriving businesses. I will also enact policies that will support the water quality and the health of the residents. I will keep a robust budget for the Sheriff’s department and grants for small business development. I will seek to reduce the amount of vaccines given to our babies at one time. I want Oakland County to be the place where you don’t come if you have I’ll intentions, irregardless of color or economic status.
Oakland County Commission District 19
Two candidates are running for one 4-year term. The annual salary for the position is $45,131 a year.
Charlie Cavell
Age: 33
Occupation: Social Worker/County Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Ferndale
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BSW, Wayne State University; MSW, University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: County Commissioner since 2020!
Top goals: 1) More funding/programming for vulnerable people in Oakland County for example…Mothers and babies, through a program called RX for Kids
2) Increasing accountability through policymaking…Surveillance Policy, Tax Increment Policy
3) Building trust in government by being available and communicative…call/text anytime 947.500.1144
Paul Taros
Age: 67
Occupation: Retired Certified Public Accountant
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 27
Online campaign information:
Education: MBA from Wayne State University, BBA from the University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Some people support crony capitalism. They want to give millions of taxpayer dollars to wealthy developers, so they can build low-income housing in neighborhoods over the objections of area residents. I will oppose all crony capitalism and fight to keep Oakland County’s AAA bond rating.
Some people foolishly want to end cash bail for nonviolent offenses, while I strongly support law enforcement and want to continue requiring bail for criminal offenses.
Bloomfield Township Supervisor
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. Supervisors receive compensation of $164,316.
Dani Walsh
Age: 52
Occupation: Bloomfield Township Supervisor
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 52 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Masters of Public Administration and Public Policy from The American University in 2023 and Bachelors from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor in 1995
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current Bloomfield Township Supervisor 2020- present, Bloomfield Township Trustee 2016-2020
Top goals:
Last term focused on recovery, updating business practices, investing in technology, and engaging the community on their desires for the future. In 4 years, we restored all services and staffing levels cut by previous administrations from 2009-2019, navigated a pandemic, had a budget surplus each year, and developed a 5-year strategic plan.
My next term focuses on implementing the plan, negotiating contracts to retain our exemplary workforce, and continuing first-class services by ensuring financial sustainability.
Michael D. McCready
Age: 64
Occupation: Former Economic Development Director City of Novi, Economic Development Director and Senior Business advisor Oakland County, and small business owner for 25 years.
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 31 years
Online campaign Information:
Education: Western Michigan University, Bachelor of Science, Seaholm High School, Covington Junior High School, Bloomfield Elementary School.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Bloomfield Hills City Commissioner, State Representative; formerly the 40th District. Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Township, Birmingham and a portion of West Bloomfield.
Top goals: Keep Bloomfield Safe: The township police force is currently understaffed. We must pay our police more than surrounding communities for risking their lives to protect us.
Fix local roads: The County is responsible for township roads, and we are not receiving the County dollars we deserve. My County experience will repair this broken relationship.
Control Costs: The fees for water and sewer projects are too high and must be reduced. This needs to change.
Bloomfield Township Clerk
One candidate is running for one four-year term. The position pays a salary of $143,290.
Martin C. Brook
Running unopposed
Bloomfield Township Treasurer
One candidate is running for one four-year term. The position pays a salary of $143,290.
Michael E. Schostak
Running unopposed
Bloomfield Township Trustee
Seven candidates are running for four, four-year terms. Trustees receive a compensation of $250 per meeting they attend, for a total of $6,000 per year if they attend all of them.
Oscar Garner Jr.
Age: 52
Occupation: Senior Quality Manager
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 18yrs
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor Science in Business with concentration in Finance
Previously and currently held elected offices: Bloomfield Township Precinct Delegate
Top goals: Community Advocacy: I’ll advocate for our community’s needs and concerns in local government decisions.
Fiscal Responsibility: I’ll prioritize responsible financial management for the benefit of the entire community.
Sustainable Development: I’ll promote practices that preserve our environment and support economic growth.
Accessibility and Transparency: I’ll ensure open communication and address resident concerns promptly.
Collaboration and Inclusivity: I’ll work with diverse backgrounds to find innovative solutions to our shared challenges.
Roman Grigoriev
Age: 49
Occupation: Software Engineer
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: None
Education: Bachelor of Applied Science from University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Investing in more resilient infrastructure to significantly reduce the impact of power outages. Enhancing police presence to effectively curb porch theft, shoplifting, and other minor crimes.
Valerie Sayles Murray
Age: 65
Occupation: Trustee at Bloomfield Township
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 38 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Michigan State University, 1981
Previously and currently held elected offices: I am currently an elected Trustee in Bloomfield Township (2020) serving a 4 year term.
Top goals: If the residents choose to reelect me as Trustee for another term, I would continue to be an advocate for the residents, keep us on the path of more transparency, fiscal responsibility, and complete a well thought out Strategic Plan to keep us on track for years to come. I am honored to serve in this position, to continue to help residents and businesses with issues, and vote for what is right, for everyone concerned.
Mark Antakli
Age: 55
Occupation: Consultant
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: November 2018
Online campaign information: M.J. Antakli on Facebook
Education: University of Michigan – Dearborn, Masters Business Administration with Finance Concentration (Beta Gama Sigma Business School National Honor Society); University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering; Completed Six Sigma Black Belt Training
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate 2020 to present.
Top goals: The water and sewer rates are too high. Water and Sewer Fund Reserves increased by $15 million over 3 years. Why are rates still increasing?
Property taxes should be capped at the increase to social security payments. It is unreasonable for local governments to expect property tax increases above social security increases.
Improve financial transparency. The $5 million annual pension bond payment expires in May2033. Therefore,where is the millage reduction?
Neal Barnett
Age: 70
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 50 years
Online campaign information: n/a
Education: Michigan State University, B.S.; Oakland University, MA Clinical Psychology; Wayne State University Law School, JD
Previously and currently held elected offices: Bloomfield Township Trustee since 2004
Top goals: Return the Township to the high level of attention to detail we previously had. Improve overall services provided to residents particularly snow removal and road salting. Improve timeliness of safety path/walls/fence repairs. Improve water and sewer infrastructure. Improve retention of staff and staff recruiting. Develop stronger collaborations with surrounding municipalities. Emphasize beautification of public and commercial space with increased landscaping and art work
Malissa Bossardet
Age: 57
Occupation: Customer Success Manager – Wedgewood Pharmacy/Blue Rabbit Inc.
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: Nine Years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: Indiana University (Bloomington) – B.A.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Republican Precinct Delegate – Bloomfield Township
Top goals: The delivery of basic township services tops my list. The ice storms earlier this year created rutted road conditions for days on major east-west roads such as Quarton. The township did nothing to resolve this, placing blame everywhere else. I support efforts to strengthen our police protection. High-tech gangs have targeted Bloomfield Township for frightening home invasions. I have been a Republican activist concerned about the disturbing lack of value for money township taxpayers receive.
Christopher M. Kolinski
Age: 38
Occupation: Firefighter/Builder
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 11 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BS in Finance, Minor in Applied Technology in Business from Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently serving as a Bloomfield Township Trustee
Top goals: My top priorities will be to ensure Bloomfield Township remains competitive in attracting top talent and investing in our infrastructure. Attracting the best staff is crucial for providing exceptional service to our residents. To achieve this, I will focus on maintaining a strong workforce and updating our infrastructure, including water/sewer systems, public safety, and Township Hall. By making these investments, we can deliver world-class services and maintain a high quality of life for all residents
Franklin Village Trustee
Six candidates are running for one of three four-year terms. Franklin Village trustees earn $25 per year.
Fred Gallasch
Age: 80
Occupation: retired automotive executive and college professor
Municipality of residence: Franklin. Michigan
For how long: 31 years
Online campaign information: none
Education: BS: chemistry & mathematics: Hampden-Sydney College
MS & PhD: statistics and economics: North Carolina State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Previously elected office: Franklin Village Trustee for 20 years, Previously elected office: Franklin Village President for 4 years
Top goals: I. Council meetings have at times been hostile. I will work with fellow trustees and villagers to assure that we return to respect while allowing differences of opinion to be heard.
II. I believe that the Council needs to focus on the budget and future obligations to assure that our police and fire departments are appropriately funded so the Village can provide excellent services to its residents.
Abigail Gates
Age: 41
Occupation: Founder and CEO, Sproutwise
Municipality of residence: Franklin
For how long: 6.5 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelors of Arts, Albion College
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Infrastructure and Accessibility
Franklin’s growing young professional community calls for a balance between honoring tradition and modernizing. I’ll focus on engaging residents and integrating amenities that reflect the Village’s evolving needs.
Transparency and Priorities
With my tech background, I’m committed to making village priorities and budgets easily accessible to all, fostering informed involvement.
Community Engagement
Let’s create more opportunities for our community to come together through thoughtful activities and events based on resident input.
Anthony Schonek
Age: 58
Occupation: Program Manager
Municipality of residence: Franklin Village
For how long: 27 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BS Engineering – University of Michigan; MS Engineering – Purdue University; MBA – New York Institute of Technology
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals:
Strategic placement of cell towers based on homeowner interests and polling data over interests of providers and non-residents. Don’t put them on streets where majority of homeowners don’t want them. Arrange for towers or other improvements to streets that want them.
Strategic beautification of village through landscaping, hardscaping; and, trees.
Expand “Natural Beauty” road classifications & lower speeds along 13 mile.
Beautify the Telegraph median by adding more trees and shrubs.
Michael Seltzer
Age: 69
Occupation: Retired marketing business owner
Municipality of residence: Franklin
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Oakland
Previously and currently held elected offices: 4 time re-elected Village of Franklin trustee, Franklin Village, Oakland County Michigan
Top goals: A four term re-elected councilman, my experience and leadership based upon years of commitment and service. We are responsible for all aspects of management, budgeting, overseeing of Village issues. Our police, fire and administration report to council. Top goals: fiscal responsibility, managing a complex budget providing services and high standards to our Villagers. Transparency, open communications, serving, listening and working to enhance our beautiful greenspaces, and vibrant downtown encouraging new business growth.
Angelina Marie Sulaka
Age: 37
Occupation: Risk & Compliance Attorney and Mom of 4 little ones!
Municipality of residence: Village of Franklin
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information:
Education: B.A., Political Science and Romance Languages, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; J.D., University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As Trustee, I will implement solutions to improve Village outreach and establish remote participation in meetings. User-friendly communications, via text and social media, reach residents quickly, especially during outages /emergencies. Better communication keeps residents safe, involved, and informed. Accessible walkways, abundant seating, functional greenspaces, and more businesses will enhance Franklin’s downtown, making it family-friendly and inviting. I will partner with residents and business-owners to create spaces where all ages can gather, eat, play, and relax.
Chris King
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Beverly Hills Village Council
Four candidates are running for three four-year terms. Councilmembers receive $10 for every council meeting attended, up to $300 a year.
Bill Eisenman
Age: 64
Occupation: Retired Engineer, Program Manager, General Manager; Active - Conservation Field Worker, Education Program Leader
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 22 Years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: BS - Mechanical Engineering
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: A healthy ecosystem is critical. Our Village has many natural habitats in preserved spaces and on our individual properties. Overpopulated and invasive species endanger our natural assets. The Village must conserve these resources through scientific practices.
Home values are critical to our residents. Changing demographics drive municipalities to adapt to new generations of homeowners. Configuring the Village to meet these buyers’ needs, with green spaces, walkable neighborhoods and an inviting business community is a priority.
Tracy Kecskemeti
Age: 46
Occupation: Environmental Administrator, State of Michigan
Municipality of residence: Village of Beverly Hills
For how long: 12 years
Online campaign information: TracyK4BeverlyHills on Facebook
Education: Master of Science in Environmental Science, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management and Environmental Policy, University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: Beverly Hills Village Council, 2020-2024
Top goals: My goal is simple - positively contribute to this wonderful community. If re-elected, I will continue to serve the Village with integrity. I approach the job with thoughtfulness and respect, regardless of the issue at hand. In the past few years, we’ve made great investments in infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, water & sewer), parks, and public services and I look forward to continuing that work on behalf of our residents.
Tim Mercer
Age: 57
Occupation: Information Technology Business Planner
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 22 years
Online campaign information: N/A
Education: Bachelors Degree in Communications from Indiana University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Beverly Hills Village Council 2010 – 2014, Council President 2013 – 2014
Top goals: Top 3 goals when elected are: Maintaining and improving village infrastructure including roads, bridges, sidewalks, water mains and sewer lines. Maintaining and improving village parks and green spaces. Being fiscally responsible – prioritize every spend item and competitively bid all contracts, looking for ways to reduce spending and only levying the mils needed for annual spend and a realistic emergency fund that is within the state’s guidelines for reserves.
Ryan O’Gorman
Age: 50
Occupation: Automotive Business Development
Municipality of residence: Village of Beverly Hills
For how long: 13 years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: BS Mechanical Engineering, Master Business & Administration
Previously and currently held elected offices: Beverly Hills Village Council and City of Berkley School Board
Top goals: My top priorities are improving our village’s infrastructure and parks, building on the momentum we’ve made with millions in grant funding. I believe our community deserves safe, reliable infrastructure and beautiful, accessible parks. One area for improvement is communication - I’ll work to share information more effectively and listen to your feedback. By focusing on these key areas, I believe we can keep our community thriving and our village a wonderful place to call home.
Birmingham Public School Board of Education
Four candidates are running for three, six-year terms. This is an unpaid position.
Jennifer Rass
Age: 53
Occupation: Communications Director
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 16 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelors of Science - Journalism Degree from Eastern Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current Board President, Birmingham School Board of Education, also served as Vice President for 1.5 years and Secretary of the Board for 3 years
Top goals: It’s an exciting time for BPS, as we are half-way through our strategic plan. Additionally, I would like to continue to impact:
Resource allocation - As stewards of taxpayers’ money, we must be efficient and effective in allocating resources that are most impactful for academic achievement for all students.
Advocacy – Enhancing academic careers and improving all learners; all students deserve a world-class education
Strong community partnerships – Continue to establish and enhance partnerships in the community
Jason Tejani
Age: 41
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 6
Online campaign information:
Education: B.S. - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Michigan State University), B.S. - Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (Michigan State University), M.S. - Chemistry (Oakland University), J.D. - Law (Wayne State University), Ph.D (candidate) - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (George Mason University)
Previously and currently held elected offices: none
Top goals: I will work with district stakeholders to eliminate the district’s structural deficit without making cuts that will compromise our students’ academic and social outcomes.
I will fight for facility enhancements and cultural programming that provide our students with physical and mental safety and well-being.
We need to continue to promote a curriculum that appeal to a wide variety of students and speak to different interests, and use data to identify students who need additional support.
Amy Hochkammer
Age: 55
Occupation: Retired from Financial Services
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 27 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA in English from Lawrence University, Appleton WI
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently: Trustee: Birmingham Board of Education
Top goals: I have served on the Birmingham Board of Education for 6 years and during that time the board has effectuated positive changes within our district through adherence to our 5-year Strategic Plan. I would like to continue to work with our Superintendent to improve academic outcomes for all students, maintain a balanced budget without compromising student outcomes, and advocate at the state and national level for full funding of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).
Nancy Pomish
Age: 67
Occupation: Human Resource Manager
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 3 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Oak Park High School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Bloomfield Township Precinct Delegate 2022-2024
Top goals: Focus on academics over social issues. Academic skills are vital not only for those who are college bound but for those that are pursuing the trades.
School Safety by ensuring a safe environment will not only protect our students but will also foster a more productive learning environment.
Support for Special Needs Students by investing in a state-of-the art facility ensuring these students have the same quality education and resources as their peers.
Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education
Six candidates are running for one of three four-year terms. This is an unpaid position.
Jason Abel
Age: 48
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: 25 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Andover High School (1994); Williams College (BA, 1998); Columbia University School of Law (2021)
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given.
Top goals: We need to focus on true strategic planning and effective communication, so that our schools have a clear, articulated vision for the future. By prioritizing transparent dialogue between all stakeholders in our community of learners and establishing policies that ensure that the impact of decisions impacting that community are understood and addressed, we can create a collaborative environment that supports our diverse and talented student body and maximizes their academic potential.
Lindsay G. Baker
Age: 45
Occupation: Senior Economist
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 19 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Princeton University; Master’s and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My main priorities are putting education first, assuring safety, and managing resources responsibly and efficiently. Board discussions and decisions should always be centered around improving educational outcomes. We should learn from safety incidents across the country and regularly review safety plans to ensure readiness and protection for everyone. I will evaluate financial decisions through the lens of fiscal responsibility and impact on education.
Evon Rienecke
Age: No answer given.
Occupation: Taught Secondary Education for 44 years -English and Spanish; Taught ESL to adults and children; Served as Coordinator for Bloomfield Hills Ethnic Festival for two years; Retired
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Hills
For how long: 40 years; our children went K-12 in the Bloomfield Hills school district
Online campaign information:
Education: B.A.-English and Spanish; M.A. – ESL and Linguistics
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current: Precinct Delegate; Previous: School Board in another state
Top goals: There are many concerns across the country today, in education. For me, the following are at the top of the list of things that should be addressed: 1. Safety 2. Voice for teachers. 3. Parental rights 4. Curriculum content 5. Decline in rankings for U.S. schools 6. Accountability in all areas of the educational system
Michelle Southward
Age: 48
Occupation: Director in Higher Education
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 12 years
Online campaign information: NA
Education: Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership
Previously and currently held elected offices: Bloomfield Hills School Board
Top goals: As a school board member, my priorities are academic achievement, student well-being, and safety. I aim to close achievement gaps and support every student’s academic, social, and emotional success. I back policies and programs for better academic outcomes and emphasize student safety. Collaborating with law enforcement and the community, I strive for transparency, trust, and fiscal responsibility.
Brynn Stevenson
Age: 42
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: Since 2016
Online campaign information:
Education: I have a degree in legal administration from University of Detroit and an executive MBA from Michigan State University Eli Broad School of Business.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Not Applicable
Top goals: We need culture change, improved communication & transparency, more pay for frontline workers who feel respected / valued, and actions showing our commitment to DE&I. We must improve test scores through more rigorous academics, decreasing classroom sizes, increasing special education services, and offering free tutoring for all. Target spending efficiency by resizing the Central Office, reallocating fluff spend, and partnering with the Township so they can offer Parks & Rec Services instead of the School District.
Jonathan VanGemert
Age: 47
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Township
For how long: 8 years
Online campaign information: N/A
Education: JD, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education (2021 - present)
Top goals: I am looking to offer consistency to our district which has undergone a lot of change over the last several years. My main goal is to support the district in drafting a new strategic plan, and oversee the completion of the 2020 Bond Project.
Franklin Village President
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The village president earns $25 a year.
Bachir Chamma
Age: 37
Occupation: Business Management in the Automotive industry
Municipality of residence: Village of Franklin
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information: and Bachir for Franklin on Facebook.
Education: MBA, Project management and engineering.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None, first time running for office
Top goals: My top priorities as Village Council President will be improving cellphone service without intrusive towers, upgrading our infrastructure to minimize power outages, and negotiating better service contracts to ensure residents get the most value for their tax dollars. I’m committed to transparency and proactive leadership, focusing on real solutions to the issues that have gone unaddressed for too long. Franklin deserves fresh energy and leadership that will deliver meaningful progress for the community.
David Goldberg
Age: 58
Occupation: Attorney and Real Estate Broker
Municipality of residence: Village of Franklin
For how long: 24 years
Education: Bachelor’s Degree from University of Michigan and Juris Doctorate from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: I was elected as a Trustee of the Franklin Village Council in November of 2022. Prior to that I was appointed the Franklin Village Council in February of 2022.
Top goals: 1) Franklin’s ditch and culvert system is significantly impacted. We need to reestablish proper stormwater practices to protect properties. 2) Council needs to find additional ways of communicating with residents and getting residents’ input on Village issues. 3) I support seeking funding for sidewalks along 13 Mile, Franklin south of 13, and Inkster to allow all Villager’s access Downtown, while also seeking alternate paths thru private easements in lieu of sidewalks some places.
Southfield Township Trustee
Six candidates are running for one of four four-year terms. Trustees receive a $125 stipend for meetings.
Vincent Borowski
Age: No answer given.
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: since 1982
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: Graduate of Wayne State
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Southfield Township has 3 critical functions which are required to be delivered with respect to all residents of the the Township as efficiently, effectively fairly, professionally, openly and publicly, in accordance with the laws.
1, The Township is responsible for operation and maintenance of accurate registered voter files and the operation of elections;
2, The assessment of property values in the Township and its 3 Villages, Franklin, Bingham Farms and Beverly Hills and the collection of property taxes (...)
John B. Ross
Age: 61
Occupation: National Account Manager
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 31 Years
Online campaign information: N/A
Education: Some College
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given.
Top goals: Continue the work of the current board by maintaining clear and open dialog within the communities that fall under Southfield Township. To serve Southfield Township ethically and with integrity. Ensure fair and honest elections.
Paul A Newitt
Age: 56
Occupation: American Government, Economics and Law Teacher at Franklin High School in Livonia, MI. Varsity Softball Coach for Franklin High School and Frost and Emerson Middle Schools Coach for Boys & Girls Basketball & Volleyball.
Municipality of residence: Southfield Township (Village of Beverly Hills)
For how long: 26 years
Online campaign information:
Education: I received a Bachelor of Science degree from Taylor University in Upland, IN in Social Studies, a Master of Science degree from Central Michigan in Athletic Administration and a Certificate of Administration from Michigan State University.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Southfield Township Trustee from 2020 - 2024
Top goals: I will ensure that every tax dollar goes further by searching for and addressing potential inefficiencies to safeguard township resources and maintain the services we rely on.
I will bring down costs and streamline the relocation process in the animal control department by obtaining competitive bids for a new service provider.
At a time of heightened emotions surrounding elections, I will build trust in the integrity of local elections through training, security and proper funding.
No Party Affiliation
Amber R. Taylor
Age: 53
Occupation: Financial Analyst/Entrepreneur
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 20+
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: B.S. in Accounting; Minor in Finance
Previously and currently held elected offices: No previous municipal office/position experience.
Top goals: If elected as Township Trustee, my goals would be to ensure accessible and inclusive elections, foster collaboration for maintaining the integrity of elections, engage with the community, prioritize fiscal responsibility, develop infrastructure, prioritize public safety, promote environmental stewardship, and seek collaboration and partnerships. These goals aim to improve the quality of life for residents and ensure the long-term sustainability and prosperity of the community.
Michael C. Fayz
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
John Clark
Age: 56
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills/Southfield Township
For how long: 54 years
Online campaign information: N/A
Education: Bachelor’s Degree; Juris Doctorate
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I want to do everything I can to make life better and more affordable in Southfield Township.
Franklin Village Library Board
Two candidates are running for two six-year terms. This is an unpaid position.
Katherine Hagaman
Running unopposed.
Robin Rosen
Running unopposed.
Bingham Farms Village Trustee
Three candidates are running for three four-year terms. This is an unpaid position.
Mike DeRonne
Running unopposed.
Eric McAlexander
Running unopposed.
James N. Miller
Running unopposed.
Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Two candidates are running for one eight-year term. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Andrew Fink
Age: 39
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Adams Township
For how long: 3 years (Hillsdale County for almost 6 years)
Online campaign information:
Education: Graduate of Hillsdale College and the University of Michigan Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative
Top goals: As a candidate for the Michigan Supreme Court, Andrew Fink is running to restore our judiciary’s commitment to protecting the will of the people, interpreting the law as it is written, and ensuring everyone receives due process, not just insiders. As a former Marine Corps officer and the son of a police officer, he knows the value of public service and the rule of law and wants to empower those that keep our communities safe.
Kimberly Ann Thomas
Age: 52
Occupation: University of Michigan Law School professor
Municipality of residence: Ann Arbor
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, 1999; University of Maryland at College Park, magna cum laude, 1994.
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I care deeply about equal justice for all Michiganders. I am an experienced trial and appellate lawyer and a law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, where I teach students the ethical practice of law and direct the Juvenile Justice Clinic. My background as a law professor and as a lawyer of 25 years gives me the expertise, experience and problem-solving ability that we need on the Michigan Supreme Court.
Michigan Supreme Court Justice — Incumbent Position
Two candidates are running for a partial term ending Jan. 1, 2029. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Kyra Harris Bolden
Age: 36
Occupation: Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: Two years, though I have lived my entire life in Michigan.
Online campaign information:
B.A. Grand Valley State University
J.D. University of Detroit Mercy
Previously and currently held elected offices:
Michigan State Representative, 35th District, 2019-2023
Michigan Supreme Court Justice, 2023-Present
Top goals: The Michigan Supreme Court has offered a unique opportunity to leverage my experience as a legislature, a litigator, and as a public servant in a single position. Throughout my tenure on the court, I’m proud to have made critical decisions that will help shape what justice looks like for generations to come. My work is not done, which is why I am running for retention.
Patrick William O’Grady
Age: 54
Occupation: 15th Circuit Court Judge (Branch County Coldwater, MI)
Municipality of residence: Coldwater
For how long: 25 years (Born and raised in Michigan)
Online campaign information:
Education: Thomas M. Cooley Law School Juris Doctor, Western Michigan University Bachelors Business Administration, Michigan State Police Training Academy – Trooper, United States Army Signal Officer Basic Course, Algonac High School, Algonac MI
Previously and currently held elective offices: State of Michigan 15th Circuit Court Judge elected 2008/2014/2020
Top goals: To maintain and restore the public trust of the Supreme Court to one that all citizens look to as a guard of the Constitution and the rights of individuals. Maintaining a high level of impartiality while increasing access to justice in an ever increasing technological world. Further to make sure that the Judiciary remains as the “citadel of the public justice and the public security”. Federalist Paper 78, Alexander Hamilton
Judge of Court of Appeals - 2nd District, non-incumbent terms
Two candidates are running for the non-incumbent position. According to the House Fiscal Agency, the salary is $195,624.97.
Matthew Ackerman
Age: 33
Occupation: Attorney at Ackerman & Ackerman PC
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Hills
For how long: Over 20 years in Michigan
Online campaign information:
Education: A.B., Harvard (cum laude, high honors in Economics); M.Sc. in Economics, London School of Economics; J.D., Columbia Law School (Law Review, highest honors all three years)
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: One of my goals is to reduce the time it takes for the Court of Appeals to issue decisions. The average time is currently 13.8 months—far too long for critical matters like child custody and criminal appeals. As a Harvard graduate, Columbia Law Review editor, and attorney with extensive appellate experience, including over 100 civil and criminal appeals, I am fully equipped to deliver high-quality, well-reasoned decisions efficiently, ensuring timely justice for all.
Latoya Marie Willis
Age: 49
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 14 years
Online campaign information:
Education: Latoya is a proud graduate of Renaissance High School. After graduating high school, she attended Western Michigan University where she majored in Criminal Justice and Sociology. Latoya earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy Law School and was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 2002.
Previously and currently held elected offices: NONE
Top goals: To restore the general public’s confidence in the integrity of our judicial system. For 21 years I have fought to protect the rights of citizens and as a judge I will fight to protect the Court by ensuring it is fair, impartial, and completely non-partisan. Politics have no place inside our courtrooms. Every individual should be able to trust that their case will be resolved based strictly on the merits, the evidence, and the law.
6th Circuit Court Judge
Two candidates are running for a non-incumbent position. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Tricia Dare
Age: 53
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Oakland County
Municipality of residence: Oxford
For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law from 1994 to 1997: Juris Doctor. Western Michigan University from 1989 to 1993: Bachelor of Science in Political Science (Public Law) and Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As Chief Assistant Prosecutor of the Special Victims Unit, the Juvenile Justice Division, the Hate Crimes Unit and the Victim Services Division, my work has involved crimes committed against the most vulnerable individuals in our community. My goal is to bring the same dedication, compassion and fairness that I have displayed as a public servant for the past 27 years to the bench each and every day, as the next Oakland County Circuit Judge.
Nicole Sophia-Calhoun Huddleston
Age: 42
Occupation: Managing Director/Attorney
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield Township
For how long: I’ve lived in West Bloomfield for the past 4 years. I previously lived in Southfield for approximately 14 years.
Online campaign information:
Education: - BA in Communications from Oakland University (1999-2004) - JD from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (2010-2014)
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My priorities for this family court seat are: 1.Implementing specialized dockets and support systems to address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues. 2. Reducing delays and backlogs by streamlining court procedures and leveraging technology to expedite case management 3. Ensuring fair and equal access to justice for all, regardless of background or socioeconomic status. 4. Upholding the law without bias and making decisions based on facts and legal principles
Judge of 46th District Court
The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Robin Dillard-Russaw
Age: 44
Occupation: Attorney Director of Wayne County Indigent Defense Services Department — previously appointed as Magistrate Judge at the 46th District Court
Municipality of residence: Beverly Hills
For how long: 3 years
Online campaign information:
Education: BA - Political Science - Xavier University of Louisiana
MA - Dispute Resolution – Wayne State University
JD – University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I’m seeking this judgeship to restore public trust in this seat at the 46th District Court by upholding fairness, transparency, and integrity. I will improve court efficiency, reduce delays, and ensure that everyone who comes before the court is treated with dignity and respect.I’m committed to expanding access to justice and supporting specialty courts, such as drug and mental health courts, to address the underlying issues in our community with compassion and accountability.
Debra Nance
Age: n/a
Occupation: District Judge, 46th District Court
Municipality of residence: Southfield
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information: Not for campaign purposes, but for public information my detailed biography currently appears on the 46th District Court website.
Education: Wayne State University Law School, JD
University of Detroit/Mercy, BA
Previously and currently held elected offices: Elected judge in 2012. Reelected in 2018. I serving Southfield, Lathrup Village, Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms and Franklin Village.
Top goals: I am the only candidate with “actual experience as a judge” adjudicating, approximately, 200,000 cases while counseling and serving. I plan to continue: redirecting the behavior of young people in criminal cases by encouraging them to ‘see their future’ and never appear before another judge; assisting senior citizens in court for the ‘first time” in their lives, find causes and solutions, and enabling all litigants to leave the court wiser, mentally/emotionally healthier and better equipped.
Oakland County Probate Court Judge
Two candidates are running for one non-incumbent position. The salary is $180.741.35.
Daniel A. O’Brien
Age: 68 years
Occupation: Oakland County Probate Judge
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: 31 years
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Detroit Law School, Juris Doctor - 1988
Michigan Technological University, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering – 1981
University of Detroit High School - 1974
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Probate Judge – January 2009 to the present
Top goals: My goal is to continue providing the best service that any Judge can provide to the people of Oakland County. I have provided that same service to Oakland County my entire legal career, first as an Oakland Assistant Prosecutor, then an attorney providing free legal services to needy people, then an Oakland District Court Magistrate, and now an Oakland Probate Judge for 16 years. No candidate is more qualified.
Traci Richards
Age: 54
Occupation: Lawyer and Associate Real Estate Broker
Municipality of residence: Village of Franklin
For how long: Since 2012
Online campaign information:
Education: J.D. University of Michigan, B.S. Florida A & M University, Summa Cum Laude
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: My top goal is to provide more transparency. Transparency should be the norm and not the exception. Probate judges should provide a reason when they select professionals over previously designated individuals or family members. People should know what to expect when they go to court in terms of procedures to follow. Instructions should be provided on how to locate free resources about navigating probate cases.
Oakland County Parks and Recreation Millage
The Oakland County Parks System includes 17 park locations with nearly 7,200 acres of public park and recreational lands, 80 miles of trails, campgrounds, dog parks, golf courses, aquatic recreation facilities, and nature education centers. To continue to provide revenue to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, shall the current millage, which has been reduced by required rollback, be replaced, and increased to .65 mills for 20 years from 2024 to 2043, The .65 mills is equal to 65 cents per $1,000.00 of taxable value. The millage, if approved and levied, shall generate approximately $52,191,139 in 2024. The purpose of the millage is to expand, improve, operate, maintain, and acquire parks, recreational facilities, open spaces, lakes, rivers,water areas, and trailways; to support nature education, recreational, and outdoor educational and health programming; to support partnerships for access to and awareness of recreational lands and facilities; to promote the conservation and restoration of high-quality natural and wildlife habitats; and to allow free general park admission to all county parks for residents. Revenue from this millage shall be disbursed only to the County of Oakland to be used solely for the purpose of funding the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and shall be subject to oversight by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and to an independent audit.
Should the proposal be adopted?
Franklin Library Millage Proposal
Shall the tax limitation on all taxable property within the Village of Franklin, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased and the Village be authorized to levy annually a new additional millage in an amount not to exceed .2018 mill ($0.2018 on each $1,000 of taxable value) in perpetuity beginning with the 2025 levy, for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and equipping the Franklin Public Library and for all other library purposes authorized by law? This millage would restore a portion of amount of the originally voted millage rate lost because of the Headlee Amendment millage reduction. The estimate of the revenue the Village will collect in the first year of levy (2025) if the millage is approved is approximately $90,000. By law, revenue from this millage will be disbursed to the Franklin
Public Library.
Franklin Grey Dog Café Liquor License
Franklin Village Charter Chapter XVI, Section 13, as amended, requires voter approval to authorize the sale of alcoholic liquor, beer or wine for the consumption on the premises in the Village. Shall the Village of Franklin approve the application made by Gray Dog Café, LLC for a Class C on-premises liquor license at 32644 Franklin Road?