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2023 crime stats in City on par with numbers in recent years

By: K. Michelle Moran | Grosse Pointe Times | Published May 7, 2024

GROSSE POINTE CITY — The crime rate in Grosse Pointe City largely mirrors trends over the last decade.

Grosse Pointe City Public Safety Director John Alcorn shared results from the 2023 annual public safety report with the Grosse Pointe City Council at a meeting April 15.

Part I index crimes — which are considered the more serious offenses — were up from 2022’s total of 75, with 84 Part I crimes in the city in 2023. However, that’s in line with pre-pandemic levels — there were also 84 Part I crimes in 2019 — and Alcorn said they “stayed kind of constant” in that area over the last decade.

The most common Part I crime is larceny.

“Almost every one of those is from (unlocked) cars,” said Alcorn, attributing about 50 of the 62 larcenies in 2023 to crooks targeting unlocked vehicles.

Of the 10 motor vehicle thefts in 2023 — down slightly from 11 in 2022 — Alcorn said about two or three of those involved unlocked vehicles.

“Secure your car and don’t leave anything valuable in view,” Alcorn advised residents.

Of other Part I crimes, there were four burglaries/home invasions, five forcible sexual offenses and three aggravated assaults in the City in 2023, according to the report. Alcorn said the City saw small reductions in burglary and auto theft last year, trends they hope to see continue.

The City also hadn’t had an armed or unarmed robbery in four years, another trend Alcorn wanted to see continue. However, that streak won’t go to five years — a landscaping worker confronted a suspect stealing equipment May 1 from a vehicle parked in the area of Charlevoix and St. Clair avenues, and one of the suspects is said to have pulled a gun on him. Both suspects in this incident were reportedly arrested and charged during an investigation conducted jointly with Grosse Pointe Park Public Safety.

Part II index crimes — considered less serious offenses — were up from 2022, when there were 95 Part II crimes compared to 109 in 2023, but well below pre-pandemic and 10-year averages.

Alcorn said calls for service were up but the department is trying to spend more time in The Village, and every Village visit counts as a call for service.

The SALE program — Seniors and Law Enforcement — remains popular. Seniors who live in the City who want to participate are paired with an officer, who stays in touch with the senior and keeps that person updated on local events, crime trends and more. Last year, 32 seniors were helped by SALE. Officer Jarod Jones heads SALE.

“That’s something we’re really proud of in the City,” Alcorn said.

He said the Fire Prevention Team — which is made up of officers from Grosse Pointe City, Grosse Pointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Park and Grosse Pointe Shores — is another point of pride. Among their duties, officers on the team visit local schools and do presentations. In 2023, Alcorn said, the team gave presentations in nine schools.

Training in fire and police work remains a priority for the department.

“We exceed the expectations in both police and fire training,” Alcorn said.

After the meeting, Mayor Sheila Tomkowiak commented on the results of the report, which demonstrate the department’s work to keep residents and visitors safe.

“We are so proud of that department,” Tomkowiak said. “They do an excellent job day in and day out. They exemplify the best in community policing.”

Alcorn had a special opportunity last year when he was invited to attend the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, something he said less than about 1% of police officers get to do. The City’s annual report states that this program is known internationally for “academic excellence” and allows attendees to take “rigorous courses in advanced communication, leadership and fitness training.” Only those with “stellar records” in their law enforcement agencies are allowed to attend.

“It is truly a unique experience,” Alcorn said of the program, from which he graduated in June 2023.

City Councilwoman Maureen Juip praised the Public Safety Department and said Alcorn “continues raising the bar.”

This year, Grosse Pointe Park Public Safety Director James Bostock has been selected for the FBI National Academy.